

Submodule used to interface with the PyTorch implementation of StyleGAN2 (maintained separately at

See Generative Networks (GANs) for more information on working with GANs.

StyleGAN2 Interpolator

class StyleGAN2Interpolator(gan_pkl: str, start: int, end: int, *, device: device | None = None, target_um: int | None = None, target_px: int | None = None, gan_um: int | None = None, gan_px: int | None = None, noise_mode: str = 'const', truncation_psi: int = 1, **gan_kwargs)[source]

Coordinates class and embedding interpolation for a trained class-conditional StyleGAN2.

  • gan_pkl (str) – Path to saved network pkl.

  • start (int) – Starting class index.

  • end (int) – Ending class index.

Keyword Arguments:
  • device (torch.device, optional) – Torch device. If None, will automatically select a GPU if available. Defaults to None.

  • target_um (int, optional) – Target size in microns for the interpolated images. GAN output will be cropped/resized to match this target. If None, will match GAN output. Defaults to None.

  • target_px (int, optional) – Target size in pixels for the interpolated images. GAN output will be cropped/resized to match this target. If None, will match GAN output. Defaults to None.

  • gan_um (int, optional) – Size in microns of the GAN output. If None, will attempt to auto-detect from training_options.json. Defaults to None.

  • gan_px (int, optional) – Size in pixels of the GAN output. If None, will attempt to auto-detect from training_options.json. Defaults to None.

  • noise_mode (str, optional) – Noise mode for GAN. Defaults to ‘const’.

  • truncation_psi (int, optional) – Truncation psi for GAN. Defaults to 1.

  • **gan_kwargs – Additional keyword arguments for GAN inference.

__init__(gan_pkl: str, start: int, end: int, *, device: device | None = None, target_um: int | None = None, target_px: int | None = None, gan_um: int | None = None, gan_px: int | None = None, noise_mode: str = 'const', truncation_psi: int = 1, **gan_kwargs) None[source]

Coordinates class and embedding interpolation for a trained class-conditional StyleGAN2.

  • gan_pkl (str) – Path to saved network pkl.

  • start (int) – Starting class index.

  • end (int) – Ending class index.

Keyword Arguments:
  • device (torch.device, optional) – Torch device. If None, will automatically select a GPU if available. Defaults to None.

  • target_um (int, optional) – Target size in microns for the interpolated images. GAN output will be cropped/resized to match this target. If None, will match GAN output. Defaults to None.

  • target_px (int, optional) – Target size in pixels for the interpolated images. GAN output will be cropped/resized to match this target. If None, will match GAN output. Defaults to None.

  • gan_um (int, optional) – Size in microns of the GAN output. If None, will attempt to auto-detect from training_options.json. Defaults to None.

  • gan_px (int, optional) – Size in pixels of the GAN output. If None, will attempt to auto-detect from training_options.json. Defaults to None.

  • noise_mode (str, optional) – Noise mode for GAN. Defaults to ‘const’.

  • truncation_psi (int, optional) – Truncation psi for GAN. Defaults to 1.

  • **gan_kwargs – Additional keyword arguments for GAN inference.

class_interpolate(seed: int, steps: int = 100) Generator[source]

Sets up a generator that returns images during class embedding interpolation.

  • seed (int) – Seed for random noise vector.

  • steps (int, optional) – Number of steps for interpolation. Defaults to 100.


Generator which yields images (torch.tensor, uint8) during interpolation.

Return type:



Generator – images (torch.tensor, dtype=uint8)

generate(seed: int | List[int], embedding: Tensor) Tensor[source]

Generate an image from a given embedding.

  • seed (int) – Seed for noise vector.

  • embedding (torch.Tensor) – Class embedding.


Image (float32, shape=(1, 3, height, width))

Return type:


generate_end(seed: int) Tensor[source]

Generate an image from the ending class.


seed (int) – Seed for noise vector.


Image (float32, shape=(1, 3, height, width))

Return type:


generate_np_end(seed: int) ndarray[source]

Generate a numpy image from the ending class.


seed (int) – Seed for noise vector.


Image (uint8, shape=(height, width, 3))

Return type:


generate_np_from_embedding(seed: int, embedding: Tensor) ndarray[source]

Generate a numpy image from a given embedding.

  • seed (int) – Seed for noise vector.

  • embedding (torch.Tensor) – Class embedding.


Image (uint8, shape=(height, width, 3))

Return type:


generate_np_start(seed: int) ndarray[source]

Generate a numpy image from the starting class.


seed (int) – Seed for noise vector.


Image (uint8, shape=(height, width, 3))

Return type:


generate_start(seed: int) Tensor[source]

Generate an image from the starting class.


seed (int) – Seed for noise vector.


Image (float32, shape=(1, 3, height, width))

Return type:


generate_tf_end(seed: int) Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor][source]

Create a processed Tensorflow image from the GAN output of a given seed and the ending class embedding.


seed (int) – Seed for noise vector.


A tuple containing

tf.Tensor: Unprocessed resized image, uint8.

tf.Tensor: Processed resized image, standardized and normalized.

generate_tf_from_embedding(seed: int | List[int], embedding: Tensor) Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor][source]

Create a processed Tensorflow image from the GAN output from a given seed and embedding.

  • seed (int) – Seed for noise vector.

  • embedding (torch.tensor) – Class embedding.


A tuple containing

tf.Tensor: Unprocessed resized image, uint8.

tf.Tensor: Processed resized image, standardized and normalized.

generate_tf_start(seed: int) Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor][source]

Create a processed Tensorflow image from the GAN output of a given seed and the starting class embedding.


seed (int) – Seed for noise vector.


A tuple containing

tf.Tensor: Unprocessed image (tf.Tensor), uint8.

tf.Tensor: Processed image (tf.Tensor), standardized and normalized.

interpolate_and_predict(seed: int, steps: int = 100, outcome_idx: int = 0) Tuple[List, ...][source]

Interpolates between starting and ending classes for a seed, recording raw images, processed images, and predictions.

  • seed (int) – Seed for random noise vector.

  • steps (int, optional) – Number of steps during interpolation. Defaults to 100.


Raw images, processed images, and predictions.

Return type:

Tuple[List, …]

linear_interpolate(seed: int, steps: int = 100) Generator[source]

Sets up a generator that returns images during linear label interpolation.

  • seed (int) – Seed for random noise vector.

  • steps (int, optional) – Number of steps for interpolation. Defaults to 100.


Generator which yields images (torch.tensor, uint8) during interpolation.

Return type:



Generator – images (torch.tensor, dtype=uint8)

plot_comparison(seeds: int | List[int], titles: List[str] | None = None) None[source]

Plots side-by-side comparison of images from the starting and ending interpolation classes.


seeds (int or list(int)) – Seeds to display.

Generates images for starting and ending classes for many seeds, calculating layer activations from a set classifier.

  • seeds (List[int]) – Seeds.

  • batch_size (int, optional) – Batch size for GAN during generation. Defaults to 32.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – Verbose output. Defaults to False.


Exception – If classifier model has not been been set with .set_classifier()


Dataframe of results.

Return type:


set_classifier(path: str, layers: str | List[str] | None = None, **kwargs) None[source]

Configures a classifier model to be used for generating features and predictions during interpolation.

  • path (str) – Path to trained model.

  • layers (Union[str, List[str]], optional) – Layers from which to calculate activations for interpolated images. Defaults to None.

z(seed: int | List[int]) Tensor[source]

Returns a noise tensor for a given seed.


seed (int) – Seed.


Noise tensor for the corresponding seed.

Return type:


Utility functions

crop(img: Tensor, gan_um: int, gan_px: int, target_um: int) Any[source]

Process a batch of raw GAN output, converting to a Tensorflow tensor.

  • img (torch.Tensor) – Raw batch of GAN images.

  • gan_um (int, optional) – Size of gan output images, in microns.

  • gan_px (int, optional) – Size of gan output images, in pixels.

  • target_um (int, optional) – Size of target images, in microns. Will crop image to meet this target.


Cropped image.