
This module contains the Slideflow Studio visualization tool. See Slideflow Studio: Live Visualization for more information.

class Sidebar(viz: Studio)[source]

Sidebar for Studio, rendering a navigation bar and widgets.

__init__(viz: Studio)[source]

Add widget extension(s).

Add widgets to the navigation sidebar. The .tag property is used as a unique identifier for the widget. The .icon property should be a path to an image file used for rendering the sidebar navigation icon. .icon_highlighted property should be a path to an image file used for rendering a hovered navigation icon.

The widget should implement __call__() and .close() methods for rendering the imgui GUI and cleanup, respectively.


widgets (list( – List of widgets to add as extensions. These should be classes, not instantiated objects.

property content_width

Widget width.


Draw the sidebar and render all widgets.

full_button(text, width=None, **kwargs)[source]

Render a button that spans the full width of the sidebar.

The color of the button is determined through the loaded theme, bright_button properties.

  • text (str) – Text of the button.

  • width (int, optional) – Width of the button. If not specified, uses a width that spans the width of the sidebar.

Keyword Arguments:

enabled (bool) – Whether the button is enabled.


Whether the button was clicked.

Return type:


property full_width

Width of the expanded sidebar, including navigation and widgets.

large_image_button(image_name, size=None)[source]

Render a small button for the sidebar.

  • image_name (str) – Name of the image to render on the button. Valid names include ‘gear’, ‘circle_lightning’, ‘circle_plus’, ‘pencil’, ‘folder’, ‘floppy’, ‘model_loaded’, ‘extensions’, ‘project’, ‘slide’, ‘model’, and ‘heatmap’.

  • size (int) – Simage button. Defaults to 64.


If the button was clicked.

Return type:



Remove a widget from Studio.


widget ( – Widget to remove. This should be a class, not an instantiated object.


Render a small button for the sidebar.


image_name (str) – Name of the image to render on the button. Valid names include ‘vips’, ‘cucim’, ‘lowmem’, ‘ellipsis’, ‘gear’, and ‘refresh’.


If the button was clicked.

Return type:


property theme

Active Studio theme.

class Studio(low_memory: bool = False, widgets: List[Any] | None = None, skip_tk_init: bool = False, theme: StudioTheme | None = None)[source]

Create the main Studio window.

Slideflow Studio is started by running the studio module.

python -m
  • low_memory (bool) – Enable low memory mode, which uses thread pools instead of multiprocessing pools when applicable to reduce memory footprint, at the cost of decreased performance.

  • widgets (list(Any), optional) – Additional widgets to render.

property P

Slideflow project currently in use.

__init__(low_memory: bool = False, widgets: List[Any] | None = None, skip_tk_init: bool = False, theme: StudioTheme | None = None) None[source]

Create the main Studio window.

Slideflow Studio is started by running the studio module.

python -m
  • low_memory (bool) – Enable low memory mode, which uses thread pools instead of multiprocessing pools when applicable to reduce memory footprint, at the cost of decreased performance.

  • widgets (list(Any), optional) – Additional widgets to render.

add_to_render_pipeline(renderer: Any, name: str | None = None) None[source]

Add a renderer to the rendering pipeline.

add_widgets(widgets: Widget) None[source]

Add widget extension(s).

Add widgets to Studio and the sidebar. The .tag property is used as a unique identifier for the widget. The .icon property should be a path to an image file used for rendering the sidebar navigation icon. .icon_highlighted property should be a path to an image file used for rendering a hovered navigation icon.

The widget should implement __call__() and .close() methods for rendering the imgui GUI and cleanup, respectively.


widgets (list( – List of widgets to add as extensions. These should be classes, not instantiated objects.


Prompt user for location of exported heatmap (*.npz) and load.


Prompt user for location of a model and load.


Prompt user for location of a project and load.


Prompt user for location of a slide and load.

ask_zoom_to_mpp() None[source]

Prompt the user to zoom to a specific microns-per-pixel (MPP).

autoload(path, ignore_errors=False)[source]

Automatically load a path, detecting the type of object to load.

Supports slides, models, projects, and other items supported by widgets if the widget has implemented a .drag_and_drop_hook function.

  • path (str) – Path to file to load.

  • ignore_errors (bool) – Gracefully handle errors.

center_next_window(width, height)[source]

Center the next imgui window.

  • width (int) – Width of the next window.

  • height (int) – Height of the next window.

clear_message(msg: str | None = None) bool[source]

Clear a specific message from display, if the message is being shown.


msg (str) – Message to clear.


Whether message was cleared from display.

Return type:


clear_model_results() None[source]

Clear all model results and associated images.

clear_overlay() None[source]

Remove the current overlay image, include heatmaps and masks.

clear_result() None[source]

Clear all shown results and images.

close() None[source]

Close the application and renderer.

close_model(now: bool = False) None[source]

Close the currently loaded model.


now (bool) – Close the model now, instead of at the end of the frame. Defaults to False (closes model at frame end).

close_slide(now: bool = False) None[source]

Close the currently loaded slide.


now (bool) – Close the slide now, instead of at the end of the frame. Defaults to False (closes slide at frame end).

collapsing_header(text, **kwargs)[source]

Render a collapsing header using the active theme.


Render a collapsing header that is open by default.

if viz.collapsing_header("Header", default=True):
    imgui.text("Text underneath")

text (str) – Header text.

collapsing_header2(text, **kwargs)[source]

Render a second-level collapsing header using the active theme.


Render a collapsing header that is open by default.

if viz.collapsing_header("Header", default=True):
    imgui.text("Text underneath")

text (str) – Header text.

decrease_tile_zoom() None[source]

Decrease zoom of tile view by half.

defer_rendering(num_frames: int = 1) None[source]

Defer rendering for a number of frames.


Render dim text.


Render dim text.

with studio.dim_text():
    imgui.text('This is dim')
draw_frame() None[source]

Main draw loop.

static get_default_widgets() List[Any][source]

Returns a list of the default non-mandatory widgets.

get_renderer(name: str | None = None) Renderer | None[source]

Check for the given additional renderer in the rendering pipeline.


name (str) – Name of the renderer to check for. If None, returns the main renderer.


Renderer if name is a recognized renderer, otherwise None

get_widget(name: str) Widget[source]

Returns a given widget by class name.


name (str) – Name of the widget to search for.



ValueError – If the widget could not be found.

has_live_viewer() bool[source]

Check if the current viewer is a live viewer (e.g. camera feed).

has_uq() bool[source]

Check if the current model supports uncertainty quantification.


Render a header using the active theme.


text (str) – Text for the header. Text will be rendered in uppercase.


Render a widget header with ability to add buttons.


Render a header with a gear icon.

with studio.header_with_buttons('Button'):
    # Right align the button
    x_width = imgui.get_content_region_max()[0]
    imgui.same_line(x_width - 30)
    cx, cy = imgui.get_cursor_pos()
    imgui.set_cursor_position((cx, cy-5))

    # Render the button
    if sidebar.small_button('gear'):

text (str) – Text for the header. Text will be rendered in uppercase.

highlighted(enable: bool = True)[source]

Render highlighted text.


enable (bool) – Whether to enable highlighting.


Render highlighted text.

with studio.highlighted(True):
    imgui.text('This is highlighted')
increase_tile_zoom() None[source]

Increase zoom of tile view two-fold.

load_heatmap(path: str | Heatmap) None[source]

Load a saved heatmap (*.npz).


path (str) – Path to exported heatmap in *.npz format, as generated by or Heatmap.save_npz().

load_model(model: str, ignore_errors: bool = False) None[source]

Load the given model.

  • model (str) – Path to Slideflow model (in either backend).

  • ignore_errors (bool) – Do not fail if an error is encountered. Defaults to False.

load_project(project: str, ignore_errors: bool = False) None[source]

Load the given project.

  • project (str) – Path to Slideflow project.

  • ignore_errors (bool) – Do not fail if an error is encountered. Defaults to False.

load_slide(slide: str, **kwargs) None[source]

Load the given slide.

  • slide (str) – Path to whole-slide image.

  • stride (int, optional) – Stride for tiles. 1 is non-overlapping tiles, 2 is tiles with 50% overlap, etc. Defaults to 1.

  • ignore_errors (bool) – Do not fail if an error is encountered. Defaults to False.

property model

Tensorflow/PyTorch model currently in use.

property offset_x

Main window offset (x), in points.

property offset_x_pixels

Main window offset (x), in pixels.

property offset_y

Main window offset (y), in points.

property offset_y_pixels

Main window offset (y), in pixels.

print_error(error: str) None[source]

Print the given error message.

reload_model() None[source]

Reload the current model.

reload_viewer() None[source]

Reload the current main viewer.

remove_from_render_pipeline(name: str)[source]

Remove a renderer from the render pipeline.

Remove a renderer added with .add_to_render_pipeline().


name (str) – Name of the renderer to remove.

remove_widget(widget: Widget) None[source]

Remove a widget from Studio.


widget ( – Widget to remove. This should be a class, not an instantiated object.


Reset the Studio background to the default theme color.

reset_tile_zoom() None[source]

Reset tile zoom level.

set_grid_overlay(grid: ndarray, *, tile_um: int | None = None, stride_div: int | None = None, mpp: float | None = None, original: ndarray | None = None) None[source]

Set the grid overlay to the given grid.


grid (np.ndarray) – Grid to render as an overlay.

Keyword Arguments:
  • tile_um (int, optional) – Tile size, in microns. If None, uses the tile size of the currently loaded slide.

  • stride_div (int, optional) – Stride divisor. If None, uses the stride divisor of the currently loaded slide.

  • mpp (float, optional) – Microns per pixel. If None, uses the MPP of the currently loaded slide.

  • original (np.ndarray, optional) – Original grid values before any colorization or other modifications. Used for displaying the tooltip when alt-hovering. Defaults to None.

set_message(msg: str) None[source]

Set a message for display.

set_overlay(overlay: ndarray, method: int, *, original: ndarray | None = None) None[source]

Configure the overlay to be applied to the current view screen.

Overlay is a numpy array, and method is a flag indicating the method to use when showing the overlay.

If method is, the array will be mapped to the entire whole-slide image, without offsets.

If method is, the array is interpreted as having been generated from the slide’s grid, meaning that an offset will be applied to ensure that the overlay is aligned properly.

If method is, the array is interpreted as an overlay that is applied only to the area of the slide currently in view.

  • overlay (np.ndarray) – Overlay to render.

  • method (int) – Mapping method for linking the overlay to the whole-slide image.

Keyword Arguments:

original (np.ndarray, optional) – Original grid values before any colorization or other modifications. Used for displaying the tooltip when alt-hovering. Defaults to None.

set_prediction_message(msg: str) None[source]

Set the prediction message to display under the tile outline.

set_viewer(viewer: Any) None[source]

Set the main viewer.


viewer ( – Viewer to use.

property show_overlay

An overlay (e.g. tile filter or heatmap) is currently being shown over the main view.