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  • Tutorial 7: Training with custom augmentations

Tutorial 7: Training with custom augmentations

In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at how you can use custom image augmentations when training a model with Slideflow. This tutorial builds off of Tutorial 2: Model training (advanced), so if you haven’t already, you should read that tutorial first.

Our goal will be to train a model on a sparse outcome, such as ER status (roughly 4:1 positive:negative), with a custom augmentation that will oversample the minority class. This tutorial will use PyTorch, but the same principles apply when using Tensorflow.

>>> import os
>>> os.environ['SF_BACKEND'] = 'torch'

First, we’ll start by loading a project and preparing our datasets, just like in Tutorial 2: Model training (advanced):

>>> import slideflow as sf
>>> P = sf.load_project('/home/er_project')
>>> full_dataset = P.dataset(
...   tile_px=256,
...   tile_um=128,
...   filters={
...     'er_status_by_ihc': ['Positive', 'Negative']
... })
>>> labels, _ = full_dataset.labels('er_status_by_ihc')
>>> train, val = full_dataset.split(
...   labels='er_status_by_ihc',
...   val_strategy='k-fold',
...   val_k_fold=3,
...   k_fold_iter=1
... )

If tiles have not yet been extracted from slides, do that now.

>>> dataset.extract_tiles(qc='otsu')

By default, Slideflow will equally sample from all slides / TFRecords during training, resulting in oversampling of slides with fewer tiles. In this case, we want to oversample the minority class (ER negative), so we’ll use category-level balancing. Sampling strategies are discussed in detail in the Developer Notes.

>>> train = train.balance('er_status_by_ihc', strategy='category')

Next, we’ll set up our model hyperparameters, using the same parameters as in Tutorial 2: Model training (advanced). We still want to use Slideflow’s default augmentation (random flip/rotation and JPEG compression), so we’ll use the hyperparameter augment=True. Our custom augmentation will be applied after the default augmentation.

>>> hp = sf.ModelParams(
...   tile_px=256,
...   tile_um=128,
...   model='xception',
...   batch_size=32,
...   epochs=[3],
...   augment=True
... )

Now, we’ll define our custom augmentation. Augmentations are functions that take a single Tensor (tf.Tensor or torch.Tensor) as input and return a single Tensor as output. Our training augmentation will include a random color jitter, random gaussian blur, and random auto-contrast.

>>> import torch
>>> from torchvision import transforms
>>> augment = transforms.Compose([
...     transforms.ColorJitter(brightness=0.5, contrast=0.5, saturation=0.5, hue=0.5),
...     transforms.RandomAutocontrast(),
...     transforms.GaussianBlur(3)
... ])

Transformations can be applied to training or validation data by passing a dictionary - with the keys ‘train’ and/or ‘val’ - to the transform argument of slideflow.Trainer. If a transformation should be applied to both training and validation, it can be passed directly to the transform argument. In this case, we’ll apply our custom augmentation to the training dataset only.

>>> trainer = sf.model.build_trainer(
...   hp=hp,
...   outdir='/some/directory',
...   labels=labels,
...   transform={'train': augment},
... )

Now we can start training. Pass the training and validation datasets to the slideflow.model.Trainer.train() method of our trainer, assigning the output to a new variable results.

>>> results = trainer.train(train, val)

And that’s it! You’ve trained a model with a custom augmentation. You can now use the model to make predictions on new data, or use the model to make predictions on the validation dataset.