
Source code for slideflow.gan.utils

import numpy as np
from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING

    import torch

[docs]def crop( img: "torch.Tensor", gan_um: int, gan_px: int, target_um: int ) -> Any: """Process a batch of raw GAN output, converting to a Tensorflow tensor. Args: img (torch.Tensor): Raw batch of GAN images. gan_um (int, optional): Size of gan output images, in microns. gan_px (int, optional): Size of gan output images, in pixels. target_um (int, optional): Size of target images, in microns. Will crop image to meet this target. Returns: Cropped image. """ from torchvision import transforms # Calculate parameters for resize/crop. crop_factor = target_um / gan_um crop_width = int(crop_factor * gan_px) left = int(gan_px/2 - crop_width/2) upper = int(gan_px/2 - crop_width/2) # Perform crop/resize and convert to tensor return transforms.functional.crop(img, upper, left, crop_width, crop_width)
[docs]def noise_tensor(seed: int, z_dim: int) -> "torch.Tensor": """Creates a noise tensor based on a given seed and dimension size. Args: seed (int): Seed. z_dim (int): Dimension of noise vector to create. Returns: torch.Tensor: Noise vector of shape (1, z_dim) """ import torch return torch.from_numpy(np.random.RandomState(seed).randn(1, z_dim))