
Source code for

import os
import shutil
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing as mp
import tensorflow as tf
from functools import partial
from glob import glob
from os import listdir
from os.path import exists, isfile, join
from random import randint, shuffle
from rich.progress import track, Progress
from rich import print as richprint
from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List,
                    Optional, Tuple, Union)

import slideflow as sf
from slideflow import errors
from import gaussian
from import detect_tfrecord_format
from slideflow.util import Labels
from slideflow.util import log

    from slideflow.norm import StainNormalizer
    from tensorflow.core.example.feature_pb2 import Example, Feature

    'slide':[], tf.string),
    'image_raw':[], tf.string),
    'loc_x':[], tf.int64),
    'loc_y':[], tf.int64)

def _bytes_feature(value: bytes) -> "Feature":
    """Returns a bytes_list from a string / byte."""
    return tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=[value]))

def _int64_feature(value: int) -> "Feature":
    """Returns an int64_list from a bool / enum / int / uint."""
    return tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=[value]))

def _apply_otsu(wsi):
    return wsi

[docs]def read_and_return_record( record: bytes, parser: Callable, assign_slide: Optional[bytes] = None ) -> "Example": """Process raw TFRecord bytes into a format that can be written with ````. Args: record (bytes): Raw TFRecord bytes (unparsed) parser (Callable): TFRecord parser, as returned by :func:`` assign_slide (str, optional): Slide name to override the record with. Defaults to None. Returns: Dictionary mapping record key to a tuple containing (bytes, dtype). """ features = parser(record) if assign_slide: features['slide'] = assign_slide tf_example = tfrecord_example(**features) return tf_example.SerializeToString()
def _print_record(filename: str) -> None: dataset = parser = get_tfrecord_parser( filename, ('slide', 'loc_x', 'loc_y'), to_numpy=True, error_if_invalid=False ) if parser is None: raise errors.TFRecordsError(f"Unable to read TFRecord {filename}") for i, record in enumerate(dataset): slide, loc_x, loc_y = parser(record) line = f"[magenta]{filename}[/]: Record {i}: Slide: " line += f"[green]{str(slide)}[/] Loc: {(loc_x, loc_y)}" richprint(line)
[docs]@tf.function def preprocess_uint8( img: tf.Tensor, normalizer: Optional["StainNormalizer"] = None, standardize: bool = True, resize_px: Optional[int] = None, resize_method: str = 'lanczos3', resize_aa: bool = True, as_dict: bool = True ) -> Dict[str, tf.Tensor]: """Process batch of tensorflow images, resizing, normalizing, and standardizing. Args: img (tf.Tensor): Batch of tensorflow images (uint8). normalizer (sf.norm.StainNormalizer, optional): Normalizer. Defaults to None. standardize (bool, optional): Standardize images. Defaults to True. resize_px (Optional[int], optional): Resize images. Defaults to None. resize_method (str, optional): Resize method. Defaults to 'lanczos3'. resize_aa (bool, optional): Apply antialiasing during resizing. Defaults to True. Returns: Dict[str, tf.Tensor]: Processed image. """ if resize_px is not None: img = tf.image.resize( img, (resize_px, resize_px), method=resize_method, antialias=resize_aa ) img = tf.cast(img, tf.uint8) if normalizer is not None: img = normalizer.tf_to_tf(img) # type: ignore if standardize: img = tf.image.per_image_standardization(img) if as_dict: return {'tile_image': img} else: return img
[docs]@tf.function def process_image( record: Union[tf.Tensor, Dict[str, tf.Tensor]], *args: Any, standardize: bool = False, augment: Union[bool, str] = False, transform: Optional[Callable] = None, size: Optional[int] = None ) -> Tuple[Union[Dict, tf.Tensor], ...]: """Applies augmentations and/or standardization to an image Tensor. Args: record (Union[tf.Tensor, Dict[str, tf.Tensor]]): Image Tensor. Keyword Args: standardize (bool, optional): Standardize images. Defaults to False. augment (str or bool): Image augmentations to perform. Augmentations include: * ``'x'``: Random horizontal flip * ``'y'``: Random vertical flip * ``'r'``: Random 90-degree rotation * ``'j'``: Random JPEG compression (50% chance to compress with quality between 50-100) * ``'b'``: Random Gaussian blur (10% chance to blur with sigma between 0.5-2.0) Combine letters to define augmentations, such as ``'xyrj'``. A value of True will use ``'xyrjb'``. Note: this function does not support stain augmentation. transform (Callable, optional): Arbitrary transform function. Performs transformation after augmentations but before standardization. Defaults to None. size (int, optional): Set the image shape. Defaults to None. """ if isinstance(record, dict): image = record['tile_image'] else: image = record if size is not None: image.set_shape([size, size, 3]) if augment is True or (isinstance(augment, str) and 'j' in augment): # Augment with random compession image = tf.cond(tf.random.uniform( shape=[], # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg minval=0, maxval=1, dtype=tf.float32 ) < 0.5, true_fn=lambda: tf.image.adjust_jpeg_quality( image, tf.random.uniform( shape=[], # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg minval=50, maxval=100, dtype=tf.int32 ) ), false_fn=lambda: image) if augment is True or (isinstance(augment, str) and 'r' in augment): # Rotate randomly 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees image = tf.image.rot90( image, tf.random.uniform(shape=[], minval=0, maxval=4, dtype=tf.int32) ) # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg # Random flip and rotation if augment is True or (isinstance(augment, str) and 'x' in augment): image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image) if augment is True or (isinstance(augment, str) and 'y' in augment): image = tf.image.random_flip_up_down(image) if augment is True or (isinstance(augment, str) and 'b' in augment): # Augment with random gaussian blur (p=0.1) uniform_kwargs = { 'shape': [], 'minval': 0, 'maxval': 1, 'dtype': tf.float32 } image = tf.cond( tf.random.uniform(**uniform_kwargs) < 0.1, true_fn=lambda: tf.cond( tf.random.uniform(**uniform_kwargs) < 0.5, true_fn=lambda: tf.cond( tf.random.uniform(**uniform_kwargs) < 0.5, true_fn=lambda: tf.cond( tf.random.uniform(**uniform_kwargs) < 0.5, true_fn=lambda: gaussian.auto_gaussian(image, sigma=2.0), false_fn=lambda: gaussian.auto_gaussian(image, sigma=1.5), ), false_fn=lambda: gaussian.auto_gaussian(image, sigma=1.0), ), false_fn=lambda: gaussian.auto_gaussian(image, sigma=0.5), ), false_fn=lambda: image ) if isinstance(augment, str) and 'i' in augment: raise NotImplementedError("Random pixel interpolation not implemented.") if transform is not None: image = transform(image) if standardize: image = tf.image.per_image_standardization(image) if isinstance(record, dict): to_return = {k: v for k, v in record.items() if k != 'tile_image'} to_return['tile_image'] = image return tuple([to_return] + list(args)) else: return tuple([image] + list(args))
[docs]@tf.function def decode_image( img_string: bytes, img_type: str, crop_left: Optional[int] = None, crop_width: Optional[int] = None, resize_target: Optional[int] = None, resize_method: str = 'lanczos3', resize_aa: bool = True, size: Optional[int] = None ) -> tf.Tensor: """Decodes an image. Args: img_string (bytes): Image bytes (JPG/PNG). img_type (str): Type of image data; 'jpg', 'jpeg', or 'png'. crop_left (int, optional): Crop image starting at this top-left coordinate. Defaults to None. crop_width (int, optional): Crop image to this width. Defaults to None. resize_target (int, optional): Resize image, post-crop, to this target size in pixels. Defaults to None. resize_method (str, optional): Resizing method, if applicable. Defaults to 'lanczos3'. resize_aa (bool, optional): If resizing, use antialiasing. Defaults to True. size (int, optional): Set the image size/width (pixels). Defaults to None. Returns: tf.Tensor: Processed image (uint8). """ tf_decoders = { 'png': tf.image.decode_png, 'jpeg': tf.image.decode_jpeg, 'jpg': tf.image.decode_jpeg } decoder = tf_decoders[img_type.lower()] image = decoder(img_string, channels=3) if crop_left is not None: image = tf.image.crop_to_bounding_box( image, crop_left, crop_left, crop_width, crop_width ) if resize_target is not None: image = tf.image.resize(image, (resize_target, resize_target), method=resize_method, antialias=resize_aa) image.set_shape([resize_target, resize_target, 3]) elif size: image.set_shape([size, size, 3]) return image
def auto_decode_image(img_string: bytes, *, img_type: Optional[str] = None): if img_type is None: import imghdr img_type = imghdr.what('', img_string) return decode_image(img_string, img_type)
[docs]def get_tfrecord_parser( tfrecord_path: str, features_to_return: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, to_numpy: bool = False, decode_images: bool = True, img_size: Optional[int] = None, error_if_invalid: bool = True, **decode_kwargs: Any ) -> Optional[Callable]: """Returns a tfrecord parsing function based on the specified parameters. Args: tfrecord_path (str): Path to tfrecord to parse. features_to_return (list or dict, optional): Designates format for how features should be returned from parser. If a list of feature names is provided, the parsing function will return tfrecord features as a list in the order provided. If a dictionary of labels (keys) mapping to feature names (values) is provided, features will be returned from the parser as a dictionary matching the same format. If None, will return all features as a list. to_numpy (bool, optional): Convert records from tensors->numpy arrays. Defaults to False. decode_images (bool, optional): Decode image strings into arrays. Defaults to True. standardize (bool, optional): Standardize images into the range (0,1). Defaults to False. img_size (int): Width of images in pixels. Will call tf.set_shape(...) if provided. Defaults to False. normalizer (:class:`slideflow.norm.StainNormalizer`): Stain normalizer to use on images. Defaults to None. augment (str or bool): Image augmentations to perform. Augmentations include: * ``'x'``: Random horizontal flip * ``'y'``: Random vertical flip * ``'r'``: Random 90-degree rotation * ``'j'``: Random JPEG compression (50% chance to compress with quality between 50-100) * ``'b'``: Random Gaussian blur (10% chance to blur with sigma between 0.5-2.0) * ``'n'``: Random :ref:`stain_augmentation` (requires stain normalizer) Combine letters to define augmentations, such as ``'xyrjn'``. A value of True will use ``'xyrjb'``. error_if_invalid (bool, optional): Raise an error if a tfrecord cannot be read. Defaults to True. """ features, img_type = detect_tfrecord_format(tfrecord_path) if features is None: log.debug(f"Unable to read tfrecord at {tfrecord_path} - is it empty?") return None if features_to_return is None: features_to_return = {k: k for k in features} feature_description = { k: v for k, v in FEATURE_DESCRIPTION.items() if k in features } def parser(record): features =, feature_description) def process_feature(f): if f not in features and f in ('loc_x', 'loc_y'): return None elif f not in features and error_if_invalid: raise errors.TFRecordsError(f"Unknown TFRecord feature {f}") elif f not in features: return None elif f == 'image_raw' and decode_images: return decode_image( features['image_raw'], img_type, size=img_size, **decode_kwargs ) elif to_numpy: return features[f].numpy() else: return features[f] if type(features_to_return) == dict: return { label: process_feature(f) for label, f in features_to_return.items() } else: return [process_feature(f) for f in features_to_return] return parser
[docs]def parser_from_labels(labels: Labels) -> Callable: """Create a label parsing function used for parsing slides into single or multi-outcome labels. Args: labels (dict): Dictionary mapping slide names to outcome labels. Returns: Callable: Label parsing function. """ outcome_labels = np.array(list(labels.values())) slides = list(labels.keys()) if len(outcome_labels.shape) == 1: outcome_labels = np.expand_dims(outcome_labels, axis=1) with tf.device('/cpu'): annotations_tables = [] for oi in range(outcome_labels.shape[1]): annotations_tables += [tf.lookup.StaticHashTable( tf.lookup.KeyValueTensorInitializer( slides, outcome_labels[:, oi] ), -1 )] def label_parser(image, slide): if outcome_labels.shape[1] > 1: label = [ annotations_tables[oi].lookup(slide) for oi in range(outcome_labels.shape[1]) ] else: label = annotations_tables[0].lookup(slide) return image, label return label_parser
[docs]def interleave( paths: List[str], *, augment: bool = False, batch_size: Optional[int], clip: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None, deterministic: bool = False, drop_last: bool = False, from_wsi: bool = False, incl_loc: Optional[str] = None, incl_slidenames: bool = False, infinite: bool = True, img_size: int, labels: Optional[Labels] = None, normalizer: Optional["StainNormalizer"] = None, num_parallel_reads: int = 4, num_shards: Optional[int] = None, pool: Optional["mp.pool.Pool"] = None, prob_weights: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, rois: Optional[List[str]] = None, roi_method: str = 'auto', shard_idx: Optional[int] = None, standardize: bool = True, tile_um: Optional[int] = None, tfrecord_parser: Optional[Callable] = None, transform: Optional[Callable] = None, **decode_kwargs: Any ) -> Iterable: """Generate an interleaved dataset from a collection of tfrecord files. The interleaved dataset samples from tfrecord files randomly according to balancing, if provided. Requires manifest for balancing. Assumes TFRecord files are named by slide. Args: paths (list(str)): List of paths to TFRecord files or whole-slide images. Keyword Args: augment (str or bool): Image augmentations to perform. Augmentations include: * ``'x'``: Random horizontal flip * ``'y'``: Random vertical flip * ``'r'``: Random 90-degree rotation * ``'j'``: Random JPEG compression (50% chance to compress with quality between 50-100) * ``'b'``: Random Gaussian blur (10% chance to blur with sigma between 0.5-2.0) * ``'n'``: Random :ref:`stain_augmentation` (requires stain normalizer) Combine letters to define augmentations, such as ``'xyrjn'``. A value of True will use ``'xyrjb'``. batch_size (int): Batch size. clip (dict, optional): Dict mapping tfrecords to number of tiles to take per tfrecord. Defaults to None. deterministic (bool, optional): When num_parallel_calls is specified, if this boolean is specified, it controls the order in which the transformation produces elements. If set to False, the transformation is allowed to yield elements out of order to trade determinism for performance. Defaults to False. drop_last (bool, optional): Drop the last non-full batch. Defaults to False. from_wsi (bool): Generate predictions from tiles dynamically extracted from whole-slide images, rather than TFRecords. Defaults to False (use TFRecords). incl_loc (str, optional): 'coord', 'grid', or None. Return (x,y) coordinates ('coord') for each tile center along with tile images, or the (x,y) grid coordinates for each tile. Defaults to 'coord'. incl_slidenames (bool, optional): Include slidenames as third returned variable. Defaults to False. infinite (bool, optional): Create an finite dataset. WARNING: If infinite is False && balancing is used, some tiles will be skipped. Defaults to True. img_size (int): Image width in pixels. labels (dict or str, optional): Dict or function. If dict, must map slide names to outcome labels. If function, function must accept an image (tensor) and slide name (str), and return a dict {'image_raw': image (tensor)} and label (int or float). If not provided, all labels will be None. normalizer (:class:`slideflow.norm.StainNormalizer`, optional): Normalizer to use on images. Defaults to None. num_parallel_reads (int, optional): Number of parallel reads for each TFRecordDataset. Defaults to 4. num_shards (int, optional): Shard the tfrecord datasets, used for multiprocessing datasets. Defaults to None. pool (multiprocessing.Pool): Shared multiprocessing pool. Useful if ``from_wsi=True``, for sharing a unified processing pool between dataloaders. Defaults to None. prob_weights (dict, optional): Dict mapping tfrecords to probability of including in batch. Defaults to None. rois (list(str), optional): List of ROI paths. Only used if from_wsi=True. Defaults to None. roi_method (str, optional): Method for extracting ROIs. Only used if from_wsi=True. Defaults to 'auto'. shard_idx (int, optional): Index of the tfrecord shard to use. Defaults to None. standardize (bool, optional): Standardize images to (0,1). Defaults to True. tile_um (int, optional): Size of tiles to extract from WSI, in microns. Only used if from_wsi=True. Defaults to None. tfrecord_parser (Callable, optional): Custom parser for TFRecords. Defaults to None. transform (Callable, optional): Arbitrary transform function. Performs transformation after augmentations but before standardization. Defaults to None. **decode_kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments to pass to :func:``. """ if not len(paths): raise errors.TFRecordsNotFoundError _path_type = "slides" if from_wsi else "tfrecords" log.debug( f'Interleaving {len(paths)} {_path_type}: infinite={infinite}, ' f'num_parallel_reads={num_parallel_reads}') if from_wsi and not tile_um: raise ValueError("`tile_um` required for interleave() " "if `from_wsi=True`") if num_shards: log.debug(f'num_shards={num_shards}, shard_idx={shard_idx}') if isinstance(labels, dict): label_parser = parser_from_labels(labels) elif callable(labels) or labels is None: label_parser = labels # type: ignore else: raise ValueError( f"Unrecognized type for labels: {type(labels)} (must be dict" " or function)") datasets = [] weights = [] if prob_weights else None # type: Optional[List] if from_wsi: pb = Progress(transient=True) read_task = pb.add_task('Reading slides...', total=len(paths), visible=False) otsu_task = pb.add_task("Otsu thresholding...", total=len(paths), visible=False) interleave_task = pb.add_task('Interleaving...', total=len(paths)) pb.start() else: pb = None with tf.device('cpu'), sf.util.cleanup_progress(pb): features_to_return = ['image_raw', 'slide'] if incl_loc: features_to_return += ['loc_x', 'loc_y'] if from_wsi: assert tile_um is not None pb.update(read_task, visible=True) pb.update(otsu_task, visible=True) def base_parser(record): return tuple([record[f] for f in features_to_return]) # Load slides and apply Otsu's thresholding if pool is None and sf.slide_backend() == 'cucim': pool = mp.Pool( sf.util.num_cpu(default=8), initializer=sf.util.set_ignore_sigint ) elif pool is None: pool = mp.dummy.Pool(sf.util.num_cpu(default=16)) wsi_list = [] to_remove = [] otsu_list = [] for path in paths: try: wsi = sf.WSI( path, img_size, tile_um, rois=rois, roi_method=roi_method, verbose=False ) wsi_list += [wsi] pb.advance(read_task) except errors.SlideLoadError as e: log.error(f"Error reading slide {path}: {e}") to_remove += [path] for path in to_remove: paths.remove(path) for task in (read_task, otsu_task, interleave_task): pb.update(task, total=len(paths)) for wsi in pool.imap(_apply_otsu, wsi_list): otsu_list += [wsi] pb.advance(otsu_task) est_num_tiles = sum([wsi.estimated_num_tiles for wsi in otsu_list]) elif tfrecord_parser is None: base_parser = None # type: ignore for i in range(len(paths)): if base_parser is not None: continue if i > 0: log.debug(f"Failed to get parser, trying again (n={i})...") base_parser = get_tfrecord_parser( paths[i], features_to_return, img_size=img_size, **decode_kwargs) else: base_parser = tfrecord_parser for t, tfr in enumerate(paths): if from_wsi: tf_dts = otsu_list[t].tensorflow( pool=pool, lazy_iter=True, incl_slidenames=True, grayspace_fraction=1, incl_loc=incl_loc, ) tfr = sf.util.path_to_name(tfr) else: tf_dts = tfr, num_parallel_reads=num_parallel_reads ) if num_shards: tf_dts = tf_dts.shard(num_shards, index=shard_idx) if clip: tf_dts = tf_dts.take( clip[tfr] // (num_shards if num_shards else 1) ) if infinite: tf_dts = tf_dts.repeat() datasets += [tf_dts] if prob_weights: weights += [prob_weights[tfr]] # type: ignore if from_wsi: pb.advance(interleave_task) # ------- Interleave and parse datasets ------------------------------- sampled_dataset = datasets, weights=weights ) dataset = _get_parsed_datasets( sampled_dataset, base_parser=base_parser, # type: ignore label_parser=label_parser, include_slidenames=incl_slidenames, include_loc=incl_loc, deterministic=deterministic ) # ------- Apply normalization ----------------------------------------- if normalizer: if not isinstance(normalizer, sf.norm.StainNormalizer): raise ValueError( f"Expected normalizer to be type StainNormalizer, got: {type(normalizer)}" ) if normalizer.vectorized: log.debug("Using vectorized normalization") norm_batch_size = 32 if not batch_size else batch_size dataset = dataset.batch(norm_batch_size, drop_remainder=drop_last) else: log.debug("Using per-image normalization") dataset = partial(normalizer.tf_to_tf, augment=(isinstance(augment, str) and 'n' in augment)),, deterministic=deterministic, ) if normalizer.vectorized: dataset = dataset.unbatch() elif isinstance(augment, str) and 'n' in augment: raise ValueError( "Stain augmentation (n) requires a stain normalizer, which was not " "provided. Augmentation string: {}".format(augment) ) # ------- Standardize and augment images ------------------------------ dataset = partial( process_image, standardize=standardize, augment=augment, transform=transform, size=img_size ),, deterministic=deterministic ) # ------- Batch and prefetch ------------------------------------------ if batch_size: dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size, drop_remainder=drop_last) dataset = dataset.prefetch( if from_wsi: dataset.est_num_tiles = est_num_tiles return dataset
def _get_parsed_datasets( tfrecord_dataset:, base_parser: Callable, label_parser: Optional[Callable] = None, include_slidenames: bool = False, include_loc: Optional[str] = None, deterministic: bool = False ) -> """Return a parsed dataset. Args: tfrecord_dataset ( Dataset to be parsed; should be a raw TFRecord reading dataset, yielding bytes. base_parser (Callable): Base TFRecord parser which parses bytes into features. label_parser (Optional[Callable], optional): Function to parse input (image, slide) into (image, label). Defaults to None. include_slidenames (bool, optional): Yield slide names as a third returned value. Defaults to False. include_loc (Optional[str], optional): Yield location X and Y coords as two additional values. If include_slidenames is true, these will follow slide names. Defaults to None. deterministic (bool, optional): Read from TFRecords in order, at the expense of performance. Defaults to False. Returns: Parsed dataset. """ def final_parser(record): if include_loc: image, slide, loc_x, loc_y = base_parser(record) else: image, slide = base_parser(record) image, label = label_parser(image, slide) if label_parser else (image, None) to_return = [image, label] if include_slidenames: to_return += [slide] if include_loc: to_return += [loc_x, loc_y] return tuple(to_return) return final_parser,, deterministic=deterministic )
[docs]def tfrecord_example( slide: bytes, image_raw: bytes, loc_x: Optional[int] = 0, loc_y: Optional[int] = 0 ) -> "Example": """Return a Tensorflow Data example for TFRecord storage. Args: slide (bytes): Slide name. image_raw (bytes): Image bytes. loc_x (Optional[int], optional): X coordinate of image. Defaults to 0. loc_y (Optional[int], optional): Y coordinate of image. Defaults to 0. Returns: Example: Tensorflow Data example. """ feature = { 'slide': _bytes_feature(slide), 'image_raw': _bytes_feature(image_raw), } if loc_x is not None: feature.update({'loc_x': _int64_feature(loc_x)}) if loc_y is not None: feature.update({'loc_y': _int64_feature(loc_y)}) return tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature=feature))
[docs]def serialized_record( slide: bytes, image_raw: bytes, loc_x: int = 0, loc_y: int = 0 ) -> bytes: """Serialize a record for TFRecord storage. The serialized record will be in a data format ready to be written by a TFRecordWriter. Args: slide (bytes): Slide name. image_raw (bytes): Image bytes. loc_x (int, optional): X coordinate of image. Defaults to 0. loc_y (int, optional): Y coordinate of image. Defaults to 0. Returns: bytes: Serialized record. """ return tfrecord_example(slide, image_raw, loc_x, loc_y).SerializeToString()
[docs]def multi_image_example(slide: bytes, image_dict: Dict) -> "Example": """Returns a Tensorflow Data example for storage with multiple images. Args: slide (bytes): Slide name. image_dict (Dict): Dictionary of image names and image bytes. Returns: Example: Tensorflow Data example. """ feature = { 'slide': _bytes_feature(slide) } for image_label in image_dict: feature.update({ image_label: _bytes_feature(image_dict[image_label]) }) return tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature=feature))
[docs]def join_tfrecord( input_folder: str, output_file: str, assign_slide: str = None ) -> None: """Randomly sample from tfrecords in the input folder with shuffling, and combine into a single tfrecord file. Args: input_folder (str): Folder containing tfrecord files. output_file (str): Output tfrecord file. assign_slide (str, optional): Assign a slide name to all images. Defaults to None. """ writer = tfrecord_files = glob(join(input_folder, "*.tfrecords")) datasets = [] if assign_slide: slide = assign_slide.encode('utf-8') features, img_type = detect_tfrecord_format(tfrecord_files[0]) parser = get_tfrecord_parser( tfrecord_files[0], decode_images=False, to_numpy=True ) for tfrecord in tfrecord_files: n_feat, n_img_type = detect_tfrecord_format(tfrecord) if n_feat != features or n_img_type != img_type: raise errors.TFRecordsError( "Mismatching tfrecord format found, unable to merge" ) dataset = dataset = dataset.shuffle(1000) dataset_iter = iter(dataset) datasets += [dataset_iter] while len(datasets): index = randint(0, len(datasets)-1) try: record = next(datasets[index]) except StopIteration: del(datasets[index]) continue writer.write( read_and_return_record(record, parser, slide) # type: ignore )
[docs]def split_tfrecord(tfrecord_file: str, output_folder: str) -> None: """Split records from a single tfrecord into individual tfrecord files, stratified by slide. Args: tfrecord_file (str): Path to tfrecord file. output_folder (str): Path to output folder. """ dataset = parser = get_tfrecord_parser(tfrecord_file, ['slide'], to_numpy=True) full_parser = get_tfrecord_parser( tfrecord_file, decode_images=False, to_numpy=True ) writers = {} # type: ignore for record in dataset: slide = parser(record) # type: ignore shortname = sf.util._shortname(slide.decode('utf-8')) if shortname not in writers.keys(): tfrecord_path = join(output_folder, f"{shortname}.tfrecords") writer = writers.update({shortname: writer}) else: writer = writers[shortname] writer.write( read_and_return_record(record, full_parser) # type: ignore ) for slide in writers.keys(): writers[slide].close()
[docs]def checkpoint_to_tf_model(models_dir: str, model_name: str) -> None: """Convert a checkpoint file into a saved model. Args: models_dir: Directory containing the model. model_name: Name of the model to convert. """ checkpoint = join(models_dir, model_name, "cp.ckpt") tf_model = join(models_dir, model_name, "untrained_model") updated_tf_model = join(models_dir, model_name, "checkpoint_model") model = tf.keras.models.load_model(tf_model) model.load_weights(checkpoint) try: except KeyError: # Not sure why this happens, something to do with the optimizer? log.debug("KeyError encountered in checkpoint_to_tf_model") pass
[docs]def transform_tfrecord( origin: str, target: str, assign_slide: Optional[str] = None, hue_shift: Optional[float] = None, resize: Optional[float] = None, ) -> None: """Transform images in a single tfrecord. Can perform hue shifting, resizing, or re-assigning slide label. Args: origin: Path to the original tfrecord file. target: Path to the new tfrecord file. assign_slide: If provided, will assign this slide name to all records in the new tfrecord. hue_shift: If provided, will shift the hue of all images by this amount. resize: If provided, will resize all images to this size. """"Transforming tiles in tfrecord [green]{origin}")"Saving to new tfrecord at [green]{target}") if assign_slide:"Assigning slide name [bold]{assign_slide}") if hue_shift:"Shifting hue by [bold]{hue_shift}") if resize:"Resizing records to ({resize}, {resize})") dataset = writer = parser = get_tfrecord_parser( origin, ('slide', 'image_raw', 'loc_x', 'loc_y'), decode_images=(hue_shift is not None or resize is not None), error_if_invalid=False, to_numpy=True ) def process_image(image_string): if hue_shift: decoded_image = tf.image.decode_png(image_string, channels=3) adjusted_image = tf.image.adjust_hue(decoded_image, hue_shift) encoded_image =, quality=80) return encoded_image.numpy() elif resize: decoded_image = tf.image.decode_png(image_string, channels=3) resized_image = tf.image.resize( decoded_image, (resize, resize), method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR ) encoded_image =, quality=80) return encoded_image.numpy() else: return image_string for record in dataset: slide, image_raw, loc_x, loc_y = parser(record) # type: ignore if assign_slide and isinstance(assign_slide, str): slidename = bytes(assign_slide, 'utf-8') elif assign_slide: slidename = bytes(assign_slide(slide), 'utf-8') else: slidename = slide image_processed_data = process_image(image_raw) tf_example = tfrecord_example( slidename, image_processed_data, loc_x, loc_y ) writer.write(tf_example.SerializeToString()) writer.close()
[docs]def shuffle_tfrecord(target: str) -> None: """Shuffle records in a TFRecord, saving the original to a .old file. Args: target: Path to the tfrecord file. """ old_tfrecord = target+".old" shutil.move(target, old_tfrecord) dataset = writer = extracted_tfrecord = [] for record in dataset: extracted_tfrecord += [record.numpy()] shuffle(extracted_tfrecord) for record in extracted_tfrecord: writer.write(record) writer.close()
[docs]def shuffle_tfrecords_by_dir(directory: str) -> None: """For each TFRecord in a directory, shuffle records in the TFRecord, saving the original to a .old file. Args: directory: Path to the directory containing tfrecord files. """ records = [tfr for tfr in listdir(directory) if tfr[-10:] == ".tfrecords"] for record in records:'Working on {record}') shuffle_tfrecord(join(directory, record))