
Source code for

"""Indexable, map-style multi-TFRecord dataset & weighted sampler."""

import slideflow as sf
import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union, TYPE_CHECKING
from import detect_tfrecord_format
from slideflow.tfrecord.torch.dataset import IndexedMultiTFRecordDataset
from slideflow.util import Labels, detuple, log

from .img_utils import decode_image, whc_to_cwh
from .data_utils import process_labels, get_tfrecord_parser, load_index
from .augment import compose_augmentations

    from slideflow.norm import StainNormalizer

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class WeightedInfiniteSampler(
    """Sample from a dataset with weighted TFRecord probabilities.

        dataset ( Dataset to sample from.
        weights (list(float)): TFRecord weights for each sample in the dataset.
            If None, will sample from all TFRecords with equal probability.
            Defaults to None.

    def __init__(self, dataset, weights=None):
        self.dataset = dataset
        if weights is None:
            weights = [0.5 for _ in range(len(dataset.tfrecords))]
        self.weights = weights / np.sum(weights)
        self.num_tfrecords = len(weights)

    def __iter__(self):
        while True:
            # Choose a random TFRecord.
            tfr_idx = np.random.choice(self.num_tfrecords, p=self.weights)
            # Find matching tiles in the sampled tfrecord
            all_tile_idx = (self.dataset.interleave_index[:, 0] == tfr_idx)
            if not len(all_tile_idx):
                # TFRecord is empty.
            # Return a random tile from the tfrecord
            yield np.random.choice(np.where(all_tile_idx)[0])

    def __len__(self):
        return self.num_samples

[docs]class IndexedInterleaver(IndexedMultiTFRecordDataset): def __init__( self, tfrecords: List[str], *, labels: Optional[Labels] = None, incl_slidenames: bool = False, incl_loc: bool = False, rank: int = 0, num_replicas: int = 1, augment: Union[bool, str] = False, standardize: bool = True, normalizer: Optional["StainNormalizer"] = None, clip: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None, use_labels: bool = True, onehot: bool = False, indices: Optional[List[np.ndarray]] = None, transform: Optional[Any] = None, tfrecord_parser: Optional[Callable] = None, **kwargs ): """Interleave TFRecords with an indexable ````. Provides an alternative TFRecord IO pipeline to ``InterleaveIterator``, which only supports Iterable-style datasets. This class supports both Iterable and Indexable datasets. Differences from ``InterleaveIterator``: - Supports direct indexing. - No "infinite" argument. Looping is handled by the dataloader. - No "prob_weights" argument. Sampling is handled by the dataloader. - Does not support dynamic reading from WSI ("from_wsi", "tile_um", "rois", "roi_method", and "pool" arguments). Args: tfrecords (list(str)): Path to tfrecord files to interleave. Keyword Args: labels (dict, optional): Dict mapping slide names to labels. Defaults to None. incl_slidenames (bool, optional): Include slide names when iterated (returns image, label, slide). Defaults to False. incl_loc (bool, optional): Include location info (tile center coordinates). Returns samples in the form ``(returns ..., loc_x, loc_y)``. Defaults to False. rank (int, optional): Which GPU replica this dataset is used for. Assists with synchronization across GPUs. Defaults to 0. num_replicas (int, optional): Total number of GPU replicas. Defaults to 1. augment (str or bool): Image augmentations to perform. Augmentations include: * ``'x'``: Random horizontal flip * ``'y'``: Random vertical flip * ``'r'``: Random 90-degree rotation * ``'j'``: Random JPEG compression (50% chance to compress with quality between 50-100) * ``'b'``: Random Gaussian blur (10% chance to blur with sigma between 0.5-2.0) * ``'n'``: Random :ref:`stain_augmentation` (requires stain normalizer) Combine letters to define augmentations, such as ``'xyrjn'``. A value of True will use ``'xyrjb'``. standardize (bool, optional): Standardize images to mean 0 and variance of 1. Defaults to True. normalizer (:class:`slideflow.norm.StainNormalizer`, optional): Normalizer. Defaults to None. clip (list(int), optional): Array of maximum tiles to take for each tfrecord. Defaults to None. use_labels (bool, optional): Enable use of labels (disabled for non-conditional GANs). Defaults to True. onehot (bool, optional): Onehot encode outcomes. Defaults to False. indices (numpy.ndarray, optional): Indices in form of array, with np.loadtxt(index_path, dtype=np.int64) for each tfrecord. Defaults to None. transform (Callable, optional): Arbitrary torchvision transform function. Performs transformation after augmentations but before standardization. Defaults to None. tfrecord_parser (Callable, optional): Custom parser for TFRecords. Defaults to None. compression_type (str, optional): Compression type for TFRecords. Either 'gzip' or None. Defaults to None. shuffle (bool): Shuffle records within TFRecord files during reading. Defaults to False. seed (int, optional): Seed for random TFRecord interleaving and intra-tfrecord shuffling. Defaults to None. """ self.readers = [] self.tfrecords = np.array(tfrecords).astype(np.string_) if not len(self.tfrecords): raise ValueError("No tfrecords provided.") self.indices = self._load_indices(indices) self.incl_slidenames = incl_slidenames self.incl_loc = incl_loc self.use_labels = use_labels self.onehot = onehot self.rank = rank self.num_replicas = num_replicas self.parser = self.build_parser(tfrecord_parser) self.img_format = detect_tfrecord_format(self.tfrecords[0])[1] (self.labels, self.unique_labels, self.label_prob, self.num_outcomes) = process_labels(labels, onehot=onehot) if isinstance(self.labels, pd.DataFrame): self._prepare_tfrecord_subsample() # Automatically set shard to rank/num_replicas if self.rank == 0: f'Interleaving {len(self.tfrecords)} tfrecords: ' f'num_replicas={self.num_replicas}' ) # Clip tfrecords. if clip: _clip = [clip[(t if isinstance(t, str) else t.decode('utf-8'))] for t in self.tfrecords] else: _clip = None # Set up image transformations. self._image_transform = compose_augmentations( augment=augment, standardize=standardize, normalizer=normalizer, transform=transform ) # Prepare TFRecord interleaver. super().__init__( tfrecords, indices=self.indices, shard=(self.rank, self.num_replicas), clip=_clip, transform=self.parser, **kwargs ) def __repr__(self) -> str: n_records = self.tfrecords.shape[0] msg = f"<IndexedInterleaver object (num_records={n_records}, num_tiles" msg += f"={self.num_tiles}, rank=({self.rank} of {self.num_replicas}))" return msg def _load_indices(self, indices: Optional[List[np.ndarray]] = None) -> List[np.ndarray]: """Load TFRecord index files.""" if indices is None: indices = [] with mp.dummy.Pool(16) as pool: log.debug("Loading indices...") for index in pool.imap(load_index, self.tfrecords): indices += [index] return indices else: log.debug("Using provided indices.") return indices def _label_parser( self, slide: str, loc_x: Optional[int] = None, loc_y: Optional[int] = None ): """Parse labels and location information from a record.""" # Label. if self.labels is not None and self.num_outcomes > 1: label = self.labels[slide] label = { f'out-{i}': torch.tensor(l) for i, l in enumerate(label) # type: ignore } elif isinstance(self.labels, pd.DataFrame): label = self.labels.loc[f'{slide}-{loc_x}-{loc_y}'].label label = torch.tensor(label) elif self.labels is not None: label = self.labels[slide] label = torch.tensor(label) else: label = torch.tensor(0) # Slide/location information. if self.incl_slidenames and self.incl_loc: return label, slide, loc_x, loc_y elif self.incl_slidenames: return label, slide elif self.incl_loc: return label, loc_x, loc_y else: return label, def _prepare_tfrecord_subsample(self): """Prepare custom TFRecord indices to only read tiles in the labels dataframe.""" # Prepare TFRecord subsample if there are fewer tiles in the # tiles dataframe than there are in the TFRecords self.indices = [] if self.rank == 0: log.debug("Subsampling TFRecords using tile-level labels...") n_tiles = 0 orig_n_tiles = 0 with mp.dummy.Pool(16) as pool: # Load the original (full) indices for index, tfr in zip(pool.imap(load_index, self.tfrecords), self.tfrecords): orig_n_tiles += len(index) tfr = tfr.decode('utf-8') slide = sf.util.path_to_name(tfr) loc = # Check which TFRecord indices are in the labels dataframe in_df = np.array([f'{slide}-{x}-{y}' in self.labels.index for (x,y) in loc]) # Subsample indices based on what is in the labels dataframe ss_index = index[in_df] n_tiles += len(ss_index) self.indices += [ss_index] if not n_tiles: raise ValueError("No tiles found in TFRecords matching the " "labels dataframe.") if self.rank == 0: diff = orig_n_tiles - n_tiles log.debug( "TFRecord subsampling complete (kept: {}, removed: {}).".format( n_tiles, diff )) if len(self.labels) - n_tiles: log.debug( "{} labels in the dataframe have no corresponding tile.".format( len(self.labels) - n_tiles ) ) if diff: log.warning(f"Labels not found for {diff} tiles. These " "tiles will be skipped.") def build_parser( self, tfrecord_parser: Optional[Callable] = None ) -> Callable: """Build a parser function for TFRecords. The parser will be responsible for processing images and labels. """ ftrs = ['image_raw', 'slide', 'loc_x', 'loc_y'] base_parser = tfrecord_parser or get_tfrecord_parser(self.tfrecords[0], ftrs, decode_images=False) def parser(*args): """Parse an image and slide/location information.""" img, *out = base_parser(*args) img = decode_image(img, img_type=self.img_format) img = whc_to_cwh(img) img = self._image_transform(img) out = self._label_parser(*out) return detuple(img, out) return parser