
Source code for

"""Iterable-style TFRecord interleavers for PyTorch.

Includes support for streaming data from whole-slide images, as well as StyleGAN2


import multiprocessing as mp
import random
import threading
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torchvision
import torch
from queue import Queue
from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List,
                    Optional, Tuple, Union)

import slideflow as sf
from slideflow import errors
from import detect_tfrecord_format
from slideflow.tfrecord.torch.dataset import MultiTFRecordDataset
from slideflow.tfrecord.iterator_utils import RandomSampler
from slideflow.util import Labels, log

from .img_utils import whc_to_cwh
from .img_utils import decode_image
from .data_utils import process_labels, load_index, get_tfrecord_parser

from .augment import compose_augmentations

    from slideflow.norm import StainNormalizer

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class InterleaveIterator( """Pytorch Iterable Dataset that interleaves tfrecords with the interleave() function below. Serves as a bridge between the python generator returned by interleave() and the pytorch DataLoader class. """ def __init__( self, tfrecords: List[str], *, img_size: Optional[int] = None, labels: Optional[Labels] = None, incl_slidenames: bool = False, incl_loc: bool = False, rank: int = 0, num_replicas: int = 1, augment: Union[str, bool] = False, standardize: bool = True, num_tiles: Optional[int] = None, infinite: bool = True, prob_weights: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, normalizer: Optional["StainNormalizer"] = None, clip: Optional[List[int]] = None, chunk_size: int = 1, use_labels: bool = True, model_type: str = 'classification', onehot: bool = False, indices: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, from_wsi: bool = False, tile_um: Optional[int] = None, rois: Optional[List[str]] = None, roi_method: str = 'auto', pool: Optional[Any] = None, transform: Optional[Any] = None, **interleave_kwargs ) -> None: """Pytorch IterableDataset that interleaves tfrecords with :func:``. Args: tfrecords (list(str)): Path to tfrecord files to interleave. Keyword Args: img_size (int): Image width in pixels. labels (dict, optional): Dict mapping slide names to labels. Defaults to None. incl_slidenames (bool, optional): Include slide names when iterated (returns image, label, slide). Defaults to False. incl_loc (bool, optional): Include location info (tile center coordinates). Returns samples in the form ``(returns ..., loc_x, loc_y)``. Defaults to False. rank (int, optional): Which GPU replica this dataset is used for. Assists with synchronization across GPUs. Defaults to 0. num_replicas (int, optional): Total number of GPU replicas. Defaults to 1. augment (str or bool): Image augmentations to perform. Augmentations include: * ``'x'``: Random horizontal flip * ``'y'``: Random vertical flip * ``'r'``: Random 90-degree rotation * ``'j'``: Random JPEG compression (50% chance to compress with quality between 50-100) * ``'b'``: Random Gaussian blur (10% chance to blur with sigma between 0.5-2.0) * ``'n'``: Random :ref:`stain_augmentation` (requires stain normalizer) Combine letters to define augmentations, such as ``'xyrjn'``. A value of True will use ``'xyrjb'``. standardize (bool, optional): Standardize images to mean 0 and variance of 1. Defaults to True. num_tiles (int, optional): Dict mapping tfrecord names to number of total tiles. Defaults to None. infinite (bool, optional): Inifitely loop through dataset. Defaults to True. prob_weights (list(float), optional): Probability weights for interleaving tfrecords. Defaults to None. normalizer (:class:`slideflow.norm.StainNormalizer`, optional): Normalizer. Defaults to None. clip (list(int), optional): Array of maximum tiles to take for each tfrecord. Defaults to None. chunk_size (int, optional): Chunk size for image decoding. Defaults to 1. use_labels (bool, optional): Enable use of labels (disabled for non-conditional GANs). Defaults to True. model_type (str, optional): Used to generate random labels (for StyleGAN2). Not required. Defaults to 'classification'. onehot (bool, optional): Onehot encode outcomes. Defaults to False. indices (numpy.ndarray, optional): Indices in form of array, with np.loadtxt(index_path, dtype=np.int64) for each tfrecord. Defaults to None. max_size (bool, optional): Unused argument present for legacy compatibility; will be removed. from_wsi (bool): Generate predictions from tiles dynamically extracted from whole-slide images, rather than TFRecords. Defaults to False (use TFRecords). tile_um (int, optional): Size of tiles to extract from WSI, in microns. Only used if from_wsi=True. Defaults to None. rois (list(str), optional): List of ROI paths. Only used if from_wsi=True. Defaults to None. roi_method (str, optional): Method for extracting ROIs. Only used if from_wsi=True. Defaults to 'auto'. pool (multiprocessing.Pool): Shared multiprocessing pool. Useful if ``from_wsi=True``, for sharing a unified processing pool between dataloaders. Defaults to None. transform (Callable, optional): Arbitrary torchvision transform function. Performs transformation after augmentations but before standardization. Defaults to None. tfrecord_parser (Callable, optional): Custom parser for TFRecords. Defaults to None. """ if normalizer is not None and not isinstance(normalizer, sf.norm.StainNormalizer): raise ValueError( f"Expected normalizer to be type StainNormalizer, got: {type(normalizer)}" ) self.tfrecords = np.array(tfrecords).astype(np.string_) self.prob_weights = None if prob_weights is None else np.array(prob_weights) self.clip = clip self.indices = indices self.img_size = img_size self.rank = rank self.num_replicas = num_replicas self.augment = augment self.standardize = standardize self.infinite = infinite self.use_labels = use_labels self.chunk_size = chunk_size self.normalizer = normalizer self.onehot = onehot self.incl_slidenames = incl_slidenames self.incl_loc = incl_loc self.num_tiles = num_tiles self.model_type = model_type self.from_wsi = from_wsi self.tile_um = tile_um self.rois = rois self.roi_method = roi_method self.pool = pool self.transform = transform self.interleave_kwargs = interleave_kwargs self._label_shape = None (self.labels, self.unique_labels, self.label_prob, self.num_outcomes) = process_labels(labels, onehot=onehot) if isinstance(self.labels, pd.DataFrame): self._prepare_tfrecord_subsample() @property def name(self) -> str: return 'slideflow-interleave-iterator' def __len__(self) -> Optional[int]: return self.num_tiles def _parser( self, image: torch.Tensor, slide: str, loc_x: Optional[int] = None, loc_y: Optional[int] = None ) -> List[torch.Tensor]: """Parse a standardize PyTorch image (WHC) and slide/location information, to a CWH image formatted for model input.""" if self.labels is not None and not isinstance(self.labels, pd.DataFrame): label = self.labels[slide] elif self.labels is not None: label = self.labels.loc[f'{slide}-{loc_x}-{loc_y}'].label else: label = 0 image = whc_to_cwh(image) to_return = [image] # type: List[Any] # Support for multiple outcome labels if self.num_outcomes > 1: to_return += [{ f'out-{i}': torch.tensor(l) for i, l in enumerate(label) # type: ignore }] else: to_return += [torch.tensor(label)] if self.incl_slidenames: to_return += [slide] if self.incl_loc: to_return += [loc_x, loc_y] return to_return def __repr__(self) -> str: n_records = self.tfrecords.shape[0] msg = f"<InterleaveIterator object (num_records={n_records}, num_tiles" msg += f"={self.num_tiles}, infinite={self.infinite}, rank=(" msg += f"{self.rank} of {self.num_replicas}), augment={self.augment}, " msg += f"standardize={self.standardize})>" return msg def __del__(self): self.close() def __iter__(self): worker_info = worker_id = 0 if not worker_info else num_workers = 1 if not worker_info else worker_info.num_workers queue_retriever = interleave( self.tfrecords, incl_loc=True, # Read from TFRecord. Handle with ._parser() standardize=self.standardize, augment=self.augment, prob_weights=self.prob_weights, clip=self.clip, infinite=self.infinite, normalizer=self.normalizer, num_replicas=self.num_replicas * num_workers, rank=self.rank + worker_id, chunk_size=self.chunk_size, indices=self.indices, tile_px=self.img_size, from_wsi=self.from_wsi, tile_um=self.tile_um, rois=self.rois, roi_method=self.roi_method, pool=self.pool, transform=self.transform, **self.interleave_kwargs ) self.close = queue_retriever.close try: for record in queue_retriever: yield self._parser(*record) # Closes open files if iterator terminated early except GeneratorExit as e: log.debug("Generator exit triggered") queue_retriever.close() del(queue_retriever) raise e def _prepare_tfrecord_subsample(self): """Prepare custom TFRecord indices to only read tiles in the labels dataframe.""" # Prepare TFRecord subsample if there are fewer tiles in the # tiles dataframe than there are in the TFRecords if (self.num_tiles != len(self.labels)): self.indices = [] if self.rank == 0: log.debug("Subsampling TFRecords using tile-level labels...") n_tiles = 0 with mp.dummy.Pool(16) as pool: # Load the original (full) indices for index, tfr in zip(pool.imap(load_index, self.tfrecords), self.tfrecords): tfr = tfr.decode('utf-8') slide = sf.util.path_to_name(tfr) loc = # Check which TFRecord indices are in the labels dataframe in_df = np.array([f'{slide}-{x}-{y}' in self.labels.index for (x,y) in loc]) # Subsample indices based on what is in the labels dataframe ss_index = index[in_df] n_tiles += len(ss_index) self.indices += [ss_index] if not n_tiles: raise ValueError("No tiles found in TFRecords matching the " "labels dataframe.") if self.rank == 0: diff = self.num_tiles - n_tiles log.debug( "TFRecord subsampling complete (kept: {}, removed: {}).".format( n_tiles, diff )) if len(self.labels) - n_tiles: log.debug( "{} labels in the dataframe have no corresponding tile.".format( len(self.labels) - n_tiles ) ) if diff: log.warning(f"Labels not found for {diff} tiles. These " "tiles will be skipped.") self.num_tiles = n_tiles def close(self) -> None: pass
class StyleGAN2Interleaver(InterleaveIterator): """Iterator to enable compatibility with StyleGAN2.""" def __init__( self, resolution=None, # Ignored argument, for StyleGAN2/3 compatibility. xflip=None, # Ignored argument, for StyleGAN2/3 compatibility. normalizer=None, normalizer_source=None, crop=None, resize=None, max_size=None, #ignore argument, for StyleGAN2/3 compatibility. **kwargs ): super().__init__(**kwargs) # Assemble crop/resize transformations. transforms = [] if crop is not None: transforms.append(torchvision.transforms.RandomCrop(crop)) if resize is not None: transforms.append(torchvision.transforms.Resize(resize)) if len(transforms): self.transform = torchvision.transforms.Compose(transforms) # Update the final image size. if resize is not None: self.img_size = resize elif crop is not None: self.img_size = crop if self.img_size is None: raise ValueError("Must specify either crop, resize, or img_size.") if normalizer: self.normalizer = sf.norm.autoselect( normalizer, source=normalizer_source, device='cpu', backend='torch' ) @property def resolution(self) -> int: """For use with StyleGAN2""" return self.img_size @property def image_shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: """For use with StyleGAN2""" return (3, self.resolution, self.resolution) @property def num_channels(self) -> int: """For use with StyleGAN2""" assert len(self.image_shape) == 3 # CHW return self.image_shape[0] @property def label_shape(self) -> Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]: """For use with StyleGAN2""" if self.use_labels and self.unique_labels is not None: return self.unique_labels[0].shape elif self._label_shape is not None: return self._label_shape else: return 0 @property def label_dim(self) -> int: """For use with StyleGAN2""" if self.use_labels: assert len(self.label_shape) == 1 # type: ignore return self.label_shape[0] # type: ignore else: return 0 @property def has_labels(self) -> bool: """For use with StyleGAN2""" return (self.use_labels and any(x != 0 for x in self.label_shape)) # type: ignore def get_label(self, idx: Any) -> Any: """Returns a random label. Used for compatibility with StyleGAN2.""" if self.use_labels and self.model_type == 'classification': return random.choices( self.unique_labels, weights=self.label_prob, # type: ignore k=1 )[0] elif self.use_labels: return [np.random.rand()] else: return np.zeros((1,)) class TileLabelInterleaver(StyleGAN2Interleaver): """Pytorch Iterable Dataset that interleaves tfrecords with the as the `InterleaveIterator`, but applies tile-specific labels. Labels should be onehot encoded. """ def __init__( self, tile_labels: str, resolution: Any = None, # Ignored, for StyleGAN2/3 compatibility. xflip: Any = None, # Ignored, for StyleGAN2/3 compatibility. labels: Any = None, # Ignored, for StyleGAN2/3 compatibility. **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Initializes an InterleaveIterator modified to use tile-level labels. Args: tile_labels (str): Location of parquet-format pandas DataFrame containing tile-level labels. Labels are indexed by the slide name and X/Y location, with the format {slide}-{loc_x}-{loc_y}. Labels are determined by the `label` columns. Labels should be onehot encoded. """ super().__init__(labels=tile_labels, **kwargs) self._process_labels_df() if not isinstance(self.labels, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("Labels must be a pandas DataFrame.") def _process_labels_df(self) -> None: assert isinstance(self.labels, pd.DataFrame) first_row = next(self.labels.itertuples()) self._label_shape = first_row.label.shape if self.rank == 0 and (self.num_tiles != len(self.labels)): log.warning(f"Number of tiles ({self.num_tiles}) does not equal the " f"number of labels ({len(self.labels)}). ") def get_label(self, idx: Any) -> Any: """Returns a random label. Used for compatibility with StyleGAN2.""" idx = np.random.randint(len(self.labels)) return self.labels.iloc[idx].label # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _apply_otsu(wsi): wsi.qc('otsu') return wsi def multi_slide_loader( slides: List["sf.WSI"], weights: Optional[Union[List[float], np.ndarray]] = None, shard: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, infinite: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> Iterable[Union[Dict[str, np.ndarray], Tuple[Dict[str, np.ndarray], Dict[str, List[np.ndarray]]]]]: """Create an iterator by reading and merging multiple slide dataloaders. Args: slides (list of str): List of slide paths. weights (list of float): Weights for sampling from each slide. If not provided, will perform uniform sampling. shard (tuple(int, int), optional): If provided, will only extract tiles from the shard with index `shard[0]` out of `shard[1]` shards. Defaults to None. infinite (bool, optional): Whether the returned iterator should be infinite or not. Defaults to True. Returns: it (iterator): A repeating iterator that generates batches of data, interleaving from the provided slides. """ if weights is not None: weights_list = weights else: weights_list = np.array( # type: ignore [0.5 for _ in range(len(slides))] ) loaders = [slide.torch(lazy_iter=True, shard=shard, infinite=infinite, **kwargs) for slide in slides] return RandomSampler(loaders, weights_list, shard=None) def interleave( paths: List[str], prob_weights: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, incl_loc: bool = False, clip: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None, infinite: bool = True, augment: Union[bool, str] = False, standardize: bool = True, normalizer: Optional["StainNormalizer"] = None, num_threads: int = 4, chunk_size: int = 1, num_replicas: int = 1, rank: int = 0, indices: Optional[List[str]] = None, from_wsi: bool = False, tile_px: Optional[int] = None, tile_um: Optional[int] = None, rois: Optional[List[str]] = None, roi_method: str = 'auto', pool: Optional[Any] = None, transform: Optional[Any] = None, tfrecord_parser: Optional[Callable] = None, ): """Returns a generator that interleaves records from a collection of tfrecord files, sampling from tfrecord files randomly according to balancing if provided (requires manifest). Assumes TFRecord files are named by slide. Different than tensorflow backend implementation ( Supports Pytorch. Use interleave_dataloader for the torch DataLoader class; use this function directly to get images from a generator with no PyTorch data processing. Args: paths (list(str)): List of paths to TFRecord files or slides. prob_weights (dict, optional): Dict mapping tfrecords to probability of including in batch. Defaults to None. incl_loc (bool, optional): Include location info (tile center coordinates). Returns samples in the form ``(returns ..., loc_x, loc_y)``. Defaults to False. clip (dict, optional): Dict mapping tfrecords to number of tiles to take per tfrecord. Defaults to None. infinite (bool, optional): Create an finite dataset. WARNING: If infinite is False && balancing is used, some tiles will be skipped. Defaults to True. augment (str or bool): Image augmentations to perform. Augmentations include: * ``'x'``: Random horizontal flip * ``'y'``: Random vertical flip * ``'r'``: Random 90-degree rotation * ``'j'``: Random JPEG compression (50% chance to compress with quality between 50-100) * ``'b'``: Random Gaussian blur (10% chance to blur with sigma between 0.5-2.0) * ``'n'``: Random :ref:`stain_augmentation` (requires stain normalizer) Combine letters to define augmentations, such as ``'xyrjn'``. A value of True will use ``'xyrjb'``. standardize (bool, optional): Standardize images to (0,1). Defaults to True. normalizer (:class:`slideflow.norm.StainNormalizer`, optional): Normalizer to use on images. Defaults to None. num_threads (int, optional): Number of threads to use decoding images. Defaults to 4. chunk_size (int, optional): Chunk size for image decoding. Defaults to 8. num_replicas (int, optional): Number of total workers reading the dataset with this interleave function, defined as number of gpus * number of torch DataLoader workers. Used to interleave results among workers without duplications. Defaults to 1. rank (int, optional): Worker ID to identify which worker this represents. Used to interleave results among workers without duplications. Defaults to 0 (first worker). indices (list(str)): Paths to TFRecord index files. If not provided, will generate. Defaults to None. from_wsi (bool): Generate predictions from tiles dynamically extracted from whole-slide images, rather than TFRecords. Defaults to False (use TFRecords). tile_px (int, optional): Size of tiles to extract from WSI, in pixels. Only used if from_wsi=True. Defaults to None. tile_um (int, optional): Size of tiles to extract from WSI, in microns. Only used if from_wsi=True. Defaults to None. rois (list(str), optional): List of ROI paths. Only used if from_wsi=True. Defaults to None. roi_method (str, optional): Method for extracting ROIs. Only used if from_wsi=True. Defaults to 'auto'. pool (multiprocessing.Pool): Shared multiprocessing pool. Useful if ``from_wsi=True``, for sharing a unified processing pool between dataloaders. Defaults to None. transform (Callable, optional): Arbitrary torchvision transform function. Performs transformation after augmentations but before standardization. Defaults to None. tfrecord_parser (Callable, optional): Custom parser for TFRecords. Defaults to None. """ if not len(paths): raise errors.TFRecordsNotFoundError if rank == 0: _path_type = "slides" if from_wsi else "tfrecords" log.debug( f'Interleaving {len(paths)} {_path_type}: ' f'infinite={infinite}, num_replicas={num_replicas}' ) if from_wsi and (not tile_um or not tile_px): raise ValueError("`tile_um` and `tile_px` required for interleave() " "if `from_wsi=True`") if prob_weights is not None: assert len(prob_weights) == len(paths) else: prob_weights = None should_close = False if pool is not None else True if incl_loc: features_to_return = ['image_raw', 'slide', 'loc_x', 'loc_y'] else: features_to_return = ['image_raw', 'slide'] if from_wsi: assert tile_um is not None and tile_px is not None if rank == 0:"Reading {len(paths)} slides and thresholding...") # ---- Load slides and apply Otsu thresholding ------------------------ if pool is None and sf.slide_backend() == 'cucim': pool = mp.Pool( sf.util.num_cpu(default=8), initializer=sf.util.set_ignore_sigint ) elif pool is None: pool = mp.dummy.Pool(sf.util.num_cpu(default=16)) wsi_list = [] to_remove = [] otsu_list = [] for path in paths: if isinstance(path, bytes): path= path.decode('utf-8') try: wsi = sf.WSI( path, tile_px, tile_um, rois=rois, roi_method=roi_method, verbose=False ) wsi_list += [wsi] except errors.SlideLoadError as e: log.error(f"Error reading slide {path}: {e}") to_remove += [path] for path in to_remove: paths.remove(path) for wsi in pool.imap(_apply_otsu, wsi_list): otsu_list += [wsi] # ---- Prepare parsing ----------------------------------------------- img_type = 'numpy' def base_parser(record): if type(features_to_return) == dict: return { label: record[f] for label, f in features_to_return.items() } else: return [record[f] for f in features_to_return] # ---- Interleave from slides ----------------------------------------- random_sampler = multi_slide_loader( otsu_list, pool=pool, weights=prob_weights, shard=(rank, num_replicas), incl_slidenames=True, incl_loc=incl_loc, grayspace_fraction=1, infinite=infinite ) sampler_iter = iter(random_sampler) else: # ---- Get the base TFRecord parser, based on the first tfrecord ------ _, img_type = detect_tfrecord_format(paths[0]) if tfrecord_parser is not None: base_parser = tfrecord_parser else: base_parser = get_tfrecord_parser( paths[0], features_to_return, decode_images=False ) # ---- Set up TFRecord indexes for sharding --------------------------- # Index files not created in this interleave function, as there may be # multiple instances of this function running across processes, # & having each create indices would result in conflicts / corruption. if indices is None: indices = [] if pool is None: pool = mp.dummy.Pool(16) log.debug("Loading indices...") for index in pool.imap(load_index, paths): indices += [index] pool.close() else: log.debug("Using provided indices.") # ---- Interleave and batch datasets ---------------------------------- random_sampler = MultiTFRecordDataset( paths, indices, prob_weights, shard=(rank, num_replicas), clip=[clip[(t if isinstance(t, str) else t.decode('utf-8'))] for t in paths] if clip else None, infinite=infinite ) sampler_iter = iter(random_sampler) # Compose augmentation transformations transform_fn = compose_augmentations( augment=augment, standardize=standardize, normalizer=normalizer, transform=transform, whc=True ) # Worker to decode images and process records def threading_worker(record): record = base_parser(record) record[0] = decode_image( record[0], # Image is the first returned variable img_type=img_type, transform=transform_fn, ) return record # Randomly interleaves datasets according to weights, reading parsed # records to a buffer and sending parsed results to a queue after # reaching a set buffer size class QueueRetriever: def __init__(self, sampler, num_threads): self.sampler = sampler self.closed = False self.raw_q = Queue(num_threads) self.proc_q = Queue(num_threads) self.n_threads = num_threads self.n_closed = 0 self.il_closed = False self._close_complete = False def interleaver(): msg = [] while not self.closed: try: record = next(sampler_iter) msg += [record] if len(msg) < chunk_size: continue else: self.raw_q.put(msg) msg = [] except (StopIteration): break except (ValueError, OSError): # Occurs when files closed break self.raw_q.put(msg) for _ in range(self.n_threads): self.raw_q.put(None) self.il_closed = True # Reads a buffer batch of images/labels and processes images def decoder(): while True: records = self.raw_q.get() if records is None: break decoded = [threading_worker(record) for record in records] self.proc_q.put(decoded) self.proc_q.put(None) # Parallelize the tfrecord reading interleaver # and the image processing decoder self.il_thread = threading.Thread(target=interleaver) self.il_thread.start() self.proc_threads = [ threading.Thread(target=decoder) for _ in range(self.n_threads) ] for proc in self.proc_threads: proc.start() def __iter__(self): while True: record = self.proc_q.get() if record is None: self.n_closed += 1 if self.n_closed == self.n_threads: break else: for item in record: yield item def __del__(self): self.close() def close(self): if self._close_complete: return log.debug("Closing QueueRetriever") self.closed = True # Clear out the queue while self.n_closed < self.n_threads: record = self.proc_q.get() if record is None: self.n_closed += 1 if from_wsi and should_close: pool.close() else: self.sampler.close() self._close_complete = True return QueueRetriever(random_sampler, num_threads)