
Source code for

"""Tools for evaluation MIL models."""

import os
import inspect
import pandas as pd
import slideflow as sf
import numpy as np

from rich.progress import Progress, track
from os.path import join, exists, dirname
from typing import Union, List, Optional, Callable, Tuple, Any, TYPE_CHECKING
from slideflow import Dataset, log, errors
from slideflow.util import path_to_name
from slideflow.model.extractors import rebuild_extractor
from slideflow.stats.metrics import ClassifierMetrics
from ._params import TrainerConfig
from . import utils

    import torch
    from .features import MILFeatures
    from slideflow.norm import StainNormalizer
    from slideflow.model.base import BaseFeatureExtractor

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# User-facing API for evaluation and prediction.

[docs]def eval_mil( weights: str, dataset: Dataset, outcomes: Union[str, List[str]], bags: Union[str, List[str]], config: Optional[TrainerConfig] = None, *, outdir: str = 'mil', attention_heatmaps: bool = False, uq: bool = False, aggregation_level: Optional[str] = None, **heatmap_kwargs ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Evaluate a multiple-instance learning model. Saves results for the evaluation in the target folder, including predictions (parquet format), attention (Numpy format for each slide), and attention heatmaps (if ``attention_heatmaps=True``). Logs classifier metrics (AUROC and AP) to the console. Args: weights (str): Path to model weights to load. dataset (sf.Dataset): Dataset to evaluation. outcomes (str, list(str)): Outcomes. bags (str, list(str)): Path to bags, or list of bag file paths. Each bag should contain PyTorch array of features from all tiles in a slide, with the shape ``(n_tiles, n_features)``. config (:class:``): Configuration for building model. If ``weights`` is a path to a model directory, will attempt to read ``mil_params.json`` from this location and load saved configuration. Defaults to None. Keyword arguments: outdir (str): Path at which to save results. attention_heatmaps (bool): Generate attention heatmaps for slides. Not available for multi-modal MIL models. Defaults to False. interpolation (str, optional): Interpolation strategy for smoothing attention heatmaps. Defaults to 'bicubic'. aggregation_level (str, optional): Aggregation level for predictions. Either 'slide' or 'patient'. Defaults to None (uses the model configuration). cmap (str, optional): Matplotlib colormap for heatmap. Can be any valid matplotlib colormap. Defaults to 'inferno'. norm (str, optional): Normalization strategy for assigning heatmap values to colors. Either 'two_slope', or any other valid value for the ``norm`` argument of ``matplotlib.pyplot.imshow``. If 'two_slope', normalizes values less than 0 and greater than 0 separately. Defaults to None. """ if isinstance(bags, str): utils._verify_compatible_tile_size(weights, bags) model, config = utils.load_model_weights(weights, config) model.eval() params = { 'model_path': weights, 'eval_bags': bags, 'eval_filters': dataset._filters, 'mil_params': sf.util.load_json(join(weights, 'mil_params.json')) } return config.eval( model, dataset, outcomes, bags, outdir=outdir, attention_heatmaps=attention_heatmaps, uq=uq, params=params, aggregation_level=aggregation_level, **heatmap_kwargs )
[docs]def predict_mil( model: Union[str, Callable], dataset: "sf.Dataset", outcomes: Union[str, List[str]], bags: Union[str, np.ndarray, List[str]], *, config: Optional[TrainerConfig] = None, attention: bool = False, aggregation_level: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, Tuple[pd.DataFrame, List[np.ndarray]]]: """Generate predictions for a dataset from a saved MIL model. Args: model (torch.nn.Module): Model from which to generate predictions. dataset (sf.Dataset): Dataset from which to generation predictions. outcomes (str, list(str)): Outcomes. bags (str, list(str)): Path to bags, or list of bag file paths. Each bag should contain PyTorch array of features from all tiles in a slide, with the shape ``(n_tiles, n_features)``. Keyword args: config (:class:``): Configuration for the MIL model. Required if model is a loaded ``torch.nn.Module``. Defaults to None. attention (bool): Whether to calculate attention scores. Defaults to False. uq (bool): Whether to generate uncertainty estimates. Experimental. Defaults to False. aggregation_level (str): Aggregation level for predictions. Either 'slide' or 'patient'. Defaults to None. attention_pooling (str): Attention pooling strategy. Either 'avg' or 'max'. Defaults to None. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Dataframe of predictions. list(np.ndarray): Attention scores (if ``attention=True``) """ # Load the model if isinstance(model, str): model_path = model model, config = utils.load_model_weights(model_path, config) model.eval() if isinstance(bags, str): utils._verify_compatible_tile_size(model_path, bags) elif config is None: raise ValueError("If model is not a path, a TrainerConfig object must be provided via the 'config' argument.") # Validate aggregation level. if aggregation_level is None: aggregation_level = config.aggregation_level if aggregation_level not in ('slide', 'patient'): raise ValueError( f"Unrecognized aggregation level: '{aggregation_level}'. " "Must be either 'patient' or 'slide'." ) # Prepare labels. labels, _ = utils.get_labels(dataset, outcomes, config.is_classification(), format='id') # Prepare bags and targets. slides = list(labels.keys()) if isinstance(bags, str): bags = dataset.get_bags(bags) else: bags = np.array([b for b in bags if path_to_name(b) in slides]) # Aggregate bags by slide or patient. if aggregation_level == 'patient': # Get nested list of bags, aggregated by slide. slide_to_patient = dataset.patients() n_slide_bags = len(bags) bags, y_true = utils.aggregate_bags_by_patient(bags, labels, slide_to_patient)"Aggregated {n_slide_bags} slide bags to {len(bags)} patient bags.") # Create prediction dataframe. patients = [slide_to_patient[path_to_name(b[0])] for b in bags] df_dict = dict(patient=patients, y_true=y_true) else: # Ensure slide names are sorted according to the bags. slides = [path_to_name(b) for b in bags] y_true = np.array([labels[s] for s in slides]) # Create prediction dataframe. df_dict = dict(slide=slides) # Handle continous outcomes. if len(y_true.shape) > 1: for i in range(y_true.shape[-1]): df_dict[f'y_true{i}'] = y_true[:, i] else: df_dict['y_true'] = y_true # Inference. model.eval() pred_out = config.predict(model, bags, attention=attention, **kwargs) if kwargs.get('uq'): y_pred, y_att, y_uq = pred_out else: y_pred, y_att = pred_out # Update dataframe with predictions. for i in range(y_pred.shape[-1]): df_dict[f'y_pred{i}'] = y_pred[:, i] if kwargs.get('uq'): for i in range(y_uq.shape[-1]): df_dict[f'uncertainty{i}'] = y_uq[:, i] df = pd.DataFrame(df_dict) if attention: return df, y_att else: return df
[docs]def predict_multimodal_mil( model: Union[str, Callable], dataset: "sf.Dataset", outcomes: Union[str, List[str]], bags: Union[np.ndarray, List[List[str]]], *, config: Optional[TrainerConfig] = None, attention: bool = False, aggregation_level: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, Tuple[pd.DataFrame, List[np.ndarray]]]: """Generate predictions for a dataset from a saved multimodal MIL model. Args: model (torch.nn.Module): Model from which to generate predictions. dataset (sf.Dataset): Dataset from which to generation predictions. outcomes (str, list(str)): Outcomes. bags (str, list(str)): Path to bags, or list of bag file paths. Each bag should contain PyTorch array of features from all tiles in a slide, with the shape ``(n_tiles, n_features)``. Keyword args: config (:class:``): Configuration for the MIL model. Required if model is a loaded ``torch.nn.Module``. Defaults to None. attention (bool): Whether to calculate attention scores. Defaults to False. uq (bool): Whether to generate uncertainty estimates. Defaults to False. aggregation_level (str): Aggregation level for predictions. Either 'slide' or 'patient'. Defaults to None. attention_pooling (str): Attention pooling strategy. Either 'avg' or 'max'. Defaults to None. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Dataframe of predictions. list(np.ndarray): Attention scores (if ``attention=True``) """ # Load the model if isinstance(model, str): model_path = model model, config = utils.load_model_weights(model_path, config) model.eval() # Verify tile size compatibility for each bag source. for b in bags: if isinstance(b, str): utils._verify_compatible_tile_size(model_path, b) elif config is None: raise ValueError("If model is not a path, a TrainerConfig object must be provided via the 'config' argument.") # Validate aggregation level. if aggregation_level is not None and aggregation_level != 'slide': raise ValueError( f"Unrecognized aggregation level: '{aggregation_level}'. " "Multimodal MIL models only support 'slide' aggregation." ) # Prepare labels. labels, _ = utils.get_labels(dataset, outcomes, config.is_classification(), format='id') # Prepare bags and targets. slides = list(labels.keys()) # Load multimodal bags. if isinstance(bags[0], str): bags, val_slides = utils._get_nested_bags(dataset, bags) # This is where we would aggregate bags by slide or patient. # This is not yet supported. # Ensure slide names are sorted according to the bags. slides = [path_to_name(b[0]) for b in bags] y_true = np.array([labels[s] for s in slides]) # Create prediction dataframe. df_dict = dict(slide=slides) # Handle continous outcomes. if len(y_true.shape) > 1: for i in range(y_true.shape[-1]): df_dict[f'y_true{i}'] = y_true[:, i] else: df_dict['y_true'] = y_true # Inference. model.eval() y_pred, y_att = config.predict(model, bags, attention=attention, **kwargs) # Update dataframe with predictions. for i in range(y_pred.shape[-1]): df_dict[f'y_pred{i}'] = y_pred[:, i] df = pd.DataFrame(df_dict) if attention: return df, y_att else: return df
[docs]def predict_slide( model: str, slide: Union[str, sf.WSI], extractor: Optional["BaseFeatureExtractor"] = None, *, normalizer: Optional["StainNormalizer"] = None, config: Optional[TrainerConfig] = None, attention: bool = False, native_normalizer: Optional[bool] = True, extractor_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[np.ndarray]]: """Generate predictions (and attention) for a single slide. Args: model (str): Path to MIL model. slide (str): Path to slide. extractor (:class:``, optional): Feature extractor. If not provided, will attempt to auto-detect extractor from model. .. note:: If the extractor has a stain normalizer, this will be used to normalize the slide before extracting features. Keyword Args: normalizer (:class:`slideflow.stain.StainNormalizer`, optional): Stain normalizer. If not provided, will attempt to use stain normalizer from extractor. config (:class:``): Configuration for building model. If None, will attempt to read ``mil_params.json`` from the model directory and load saved configuration. Defaults to None. attention (bool): Whether to return attention scores. Defaults to False. attention_pooling (str): Attention pooling strategy. Either 'avg' or 'max'. Defaults to None. native_normalizer (bool, optional): Whether to use PyTorch/Tensorflow-native stain normalization, if applicable. If False, will use the OpenCV/Numpy implementations. Defaults to None, which auto-detects based on the slide backend (False if libvips, True if cucim). This behavior is due to performance issued when using native stain normalization with libvips-compatible multiprocessing. Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[np.ndarray]]: Predictions and attention scores. Attention scores are None if ``attention`` is False. For single-channel attention, this is a masked 2D array with the same shape as the slide grid (arranged as a heatmap, with unused tiles masked). For multi-channel attention, this is a masked 3D array with shape ``(n_channels, X, Y)``. """ # Try to auto-determine the extractor if native_normalizer is None: native_normalizer = (sf.slide_backend() == 'cucim') if extractor is None: extractor, detected_normalizer = rebuild_extractor( model, allow_errors=True, native_normalizer=native_normalizer ) if extractor is None: raise ValueError( "Unable to auto-detect feature extractor used for model {}. " "Please specify an extractor.".format(model) ) else: detected_normalizer = None # Determine stain normalization if detected_normalizer is not None and normalizer is not None: log.warning( "Bags were generated with a stain normalizer, but a different stain " "normalizer was provided to this function. Overriding with provided " "stain normalizer." ) elif detected_normalizer is not None: normalizer = detected_normalizer # Load model model_fn, config = utils.load_model_weights(model, config) model_fn.eval() mil_params = sf.util.load_json(join(model, 'mil_params.json')) if 'bags_extractor' not in mil_params: raise ValueError( "Unable to determine extractor used for model {}. " "Please specify an extractor.".format(model) ) bags_params = mil_params['bags_extractor'] # Load slide if isinstance(slide, str): if not all(k in bags_params for k in ('tile_px', 'tile_um')): raise ValueError( "Unable to determine tile size for slide {}. " "Either slide must be a slideflow.WSI object, or tile_px and " "tile_um must be specified in mil_params.json.".format(slide) ) slide = sf.WSI( slide, tile_px=bags_params['tile_px'], tile_um=bags_params['tile_um'] ) elif not isinstance(slide, sf.WSI): raise ValueError("slide must either be a str (path to a slide) or a " "WSI object.") # Verify that the slide has the same tile size as the bags if 'tile_px' in bags_params and 'tile_um' in bags_params: bag_px, bag_um = bags_params['tile_px'], bags_params['tile_um'] if not sf.util.is_tile_size_compatible(slide.tile_px, slide.tile_um, bag_px, bag_um): log.error(f"Slide tile size (px={slide.tile_px}, um={slide.tile_um}) does not match the tile size " f"used for bags (px={bag_px}, um={bag_um}). Predictions may be unreliable.") # Convert slide to bags if extractor_kwargs is None: extractor_kwargs = dict() masked_bags = extractor(slide, normalizer=normalizer, **extractor_kwargs) original_shape = masked_bags.shape masked_bags = masked_bags.reshape((-1, masked_bags.shape[-1])) if len(masked_bags.mask.shape): mask = masked_bags.mask.any(axis=1) valid_indices = np.where(~mask) bags = masked_bags[valid_indices] else: valid_indices = np.arange(masked_bags.shape[0]) bags = masked_bags bags = np.expand_dims(bags, axis=0).astype(np.float32)"Generated feature bags for {} tiles".format(bags.shape[1])) # Generate predictions. y_pred, raw_att = config.predict(model_fn, bags, attention=attention, **kwargs) # Reshape attention to match original shape if attention and raw_att is not None and len(raw_att): y_att = raw_att[0] # If attention is a 1D array if len(y_att.shape) == 1: # Create a fully masked array of shape (X, Y) att_heatmap =[0], dtype=y_att.dtype) # Unmask and fill the transformed data into the corresponding positions att_heatmap[valid_indices] = y_att y_att = np.reshape(att_heatmap, original_shape[0:2]) # If attention is a 2D array (multi-channel attention) elif len(y_att.shape) == 2: att_heatmaps = [] for i in range(y_att.shape[0]): att = y_att[i] att_heatmap =[0], dtype=att.dtype) att_heatmap[valid_indices] = att att_heatmap = np.reshape(att_heatmap, original_shape[0:2]) att_heatmaps.append(att_heatmap) y_att =, axis=0) else: y_att = None return y_pred, y_att
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Prediction from bags.
[docs]def predict_from_bags( model: "torch.nn.Module", bags: Union[np.ndarray, List[str]], *, attention: bool = False, attention_pooling: Optional[str] = None, use_lens: bool = False, device: Optional[Any] = None, apply_softmax: Optional[bool] = None, uq: bool = False ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]: """Generate MIL predictions for a list of bags. Predictions are generated for each bag in the list one at a time, and not batched. Args: model (torch.nn.Module): Loaded PyTorch MIL model. bags (np.ndarray, list(str)): Bags to generate predictions for. Each bag should contain PyTorch array of features from all tiles in a slide, with the shape ``(n_tiles, n_features)``. Keyword Args: attention (bool): Whether to calculate attention scores. Defaults to False. attention_pooling (str, optional): Pooling strategy for attention scores. Can be 'avg', 'max', or None. Defaults to None. use_lens (bool): Whether to use the length of each bag as an additional input to the model. Defaults to False. device (str, optional): Device on which to run inference. Defaults to None. apply_softmax (bool): Whether to apply softmax to the model output. Defaults to True for categorical outcomes, False for continuous outcomes. uq (bool): Whether to generate uncertainty estimates. Defaults to False. Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]: Predictions and attention scores. """ import torch attention, uq = utils._validate_model(model, attention, uq, allow_errors=True) model.eval() y_pred = [] y_att = [] uncertainty = [] device = utils._detect_device(model, device, verbose=True) for bag in bags: if utils._is_list_of_paths(bag): # If bags are passed as a list of paths, load them individually. loaded =[utils._load_bag(b).to(device) for b in bag], dim=0) else: loaded = utils._load_bag(bag).to(device) loaded = torch.unsqueeze(loaded, dim=0) with torch.inference_mode(): # Run inference. _y_pred, _y_att, _y_uq = run_inference( model, loaded, attention=attention, attention_pooling=attention_pooling, uq=uq, apply_softmax=apply_softmax, device=device, use_lens=use_lens ) # Convert to numpy. if _y_pred is not None: _y_pred = _y_pred.cpu().numpy() if _y_att is not None: _y_att = _y_att.cpu().numpy() if _y_uq is not None: _y_uq = _y_uq.cpu().numpy() # Append to running lists. y_pred.append(_y_pred) if _y_att is not None: y_att.append(_y_att) if _y_uq is not None: uncertainty.append(_y_uq) yp = np.concatenate(y_pred, axis=0) if uq: uncertainty = np.concatenate(uncertainty, axis=0) return yp, y_att, uncertainty else: return yp, y_att
[docs]def predict_from_multimodal_bags( model: "torch.nn.Module", bags: Union[List[np.ndarray], List[List[str]]], *, attention: bool = True, attention_pooling: Optional[str] = None, use_lens: bool = True, device: Optional[Any] = None, apply_softmax: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, List[List[np.ndarray]]]: """Generate multi-mag MIL predictions for a nested list of bags. Args: model (torch.nn.Module): Loaded PyTorch MIL model. bags (list(list(str))): Nested list of bags to generate predictions for. Each bag should contain PyTorch array of features from all tiles in a slide, with the shape ``(n_tiles, n_features)``. Keyword Args: attention (bool): Whether to calculate attention scores. Defaults to False. attention_pooling (str, optional): Pooling strategy for attention scores. Can be 'avg', 'max', or None. Defaults to None. use_lens (bool): Whether to use the length of each bag as an additional input to the model. Defaults to False. device (str, optional): Device on which to run inference. Defaults to None. apply_softmax (bool): Whether to apply softmax to the model output. Defaults to True for categorical outcomes, False for continuous Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, List[List[np.ndarray]]]: Predictions and attention scores. """ import torch y_pred = [] n_mag = len(bags[0]) y_att = [[] for _ in range(n_mag)] device = utils._detect_device(model, device, verbose=True) # Ensure the model has attention capabilities. if attention and not hasattr(model, 'calculate_attention'): log.warning( "Model '{}' does not have a method 'calculate_attention'. " "Unable to calculate or display attention heatmaps.".format( model.__class__.__name__ ) ) attention = False for bag in bags: loaded = [torch.unsqueeze(utils._load_bag(b).to(device), dim=0) for b in bag] with torch.inference_mode(): if use_lens: model_args = [(mag_bag, torch.from_numpy(np.array([mag_bag.shape[1]])).to(device)) for mag_bag in loaded] else: model_args = (loaded,) model_out = model(*model_args) if attention: raw_att = model.calculate_attention(*model_args) for mag in range(n_mag): att = torch.squeeze(raw_att[mag], dim=0) att = utils._pool_attention(torch.squeeze(att), pooling=attention_pooling) # If we have multi-channel attention, then the attenion channel (last) needs to # be moved to the first dimension. if len(att.shape) == 2: att = torch.moveaxis(att, -1, 0) y_att[mag].append(att.cpu().numpy()) if apply_softmax: model_out = torch.nn.functional.softmax(model_out, dim=1) y_pred.append(model_out.cpu().numpy()) yp = np.concatenate(y_pred, axis=0) return yp, y_att
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Low-level runners for inference and evaluation. def run_inference( model: "torch.nn.Module", loaded_bags: "torch.Tensor", *, attention: bool = False, attention_pooling: Optional[str] = None, uq: bool = False, forward_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, apply_softmax: Optional[bool] = None, use_lens: Union[bool, "torch.Tensor"] = False, device: Optional[Any] = None ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[np.ndarray], Optional[np.ndarray]]: """Low-level interface for running inference on a MIL model. Args: model (torch.nn.Module): Loaded PyTorch MIL model. loaded_bags (torch.Tensor): Loaded bags to run inference on. Keyword Args: attention (bool): Whether to calculate attention scores. Defaults to False. attention_pooling (str, optional): Pooling strategy for attention scores. Can be 'avg', 'max', or None. Defaults to None. uq (bool): Whether to generate uncertainty estimates. Defaults to False. forward_kwargs (dict, optional): Additional keyword arguments to pass to the model's forward function. Defaults to None. apply_softmax (bool): Whether to apply softmax to the model output. Defaults to True for categorical outcomes, False for continuous outcomes. use_lens (bool, torch.Tensor): Whether to use the length of each bag as an additional input to the model. If a tensor is passed, this will be used as the lens. Defaults to False. device (str, optional): Device on which to run inference. Defaults to None. Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[np.ndarray], Optional[np.ndarray]: Predictions, attention scores, and uncertainty estimates. For multi-dimensional attention, the first dimension of the attention scores will be the attention channel. """ import torch if forward_kwargs is None: forward_kwargs = dict() y_pred, y_att, y_uncertainty = None, None, None # Prepare lens device = utils._detect_device(model, device, verbose=False) if isinstance(use_lens, bool) and use_lens: lens = torch.full((loaded_bags.shape[0],), loaded_bags.shape[1], device=device) model_args = (loaded_bags, lens) elif use_lens is not False and use_lens is not None: model_args = (loaded_bags, use_lens) else: model_args = (loaded_bags,) if uq and 'uq' in inspect.signature(model.forward).parameters: kw = dict(uq=True, **forward_kwargs) elif uq: raise RuntimeError("Model does not support UQ.") else: kw = forward_kwargs # Check if the model can return attention during inference. # If so, this saves us a forward pass through the model. if attention and 'return_attention' in inspect.signature(model.forward).parameters: model_out, y_att = model(*model_args, return_attention=True, **kw) # Otherwise, use the model's `calculate_attention` function directly. elif attention: model_out = model(*model_args, **kw) y_att = model.calculate_attention(*model_args) else: model_out = model(*model_args, **kw) # Parse uncertainty from model output. if uq: y_pred, y_uncertainty = model_out else: y_pred = model_out if attention: y_att = utils._pool_attention(torch.squeeze(y_att), pooling=attention_pooling) # If we have multi-channel attention, then the attenion channel (last) needs to # be moved to the first dimension. if len(y_att.shape) == 2: y_att = torch.moveaxis(y_att, -1, 0) if apply_softmax: y_pred = torch.nn.functional.softmax(y_pred, dim=1) return y_pred, y_att, y_uncertainty def run_eval( model: "torch.nn.Module", dataset: Dataset, outcomes: Union[str, List[str]], bags: Union[str, List[str]], config: TrainerConfig, *, outdir: str = 'mil', attention_heatmaps: bool = False, uq: bool = False, params: Optional[dict] = None, aggregation_level: Optional[str] = None, **heatmap_kwargs ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Evaluate a standard, single-mode multi-instance learning model. Args: model (torch.nn.Module): Loaded PyTorch MIL model. dataset (sf.Dataset): Dataset to evaluation. outcomes (str, list(str)): Outcomes. bags (str, list(str)): Path to bags, or list of bag file paths. Each bag should contain PyTorch array of features from all tiles in a slide, with the shape ``(n_tiles, n_features)``. config (:class:``): Configuration for building model. Keyword arguments: outdir (str): Path at which to save results. attention_heatmaps (bool): Generate attention heatmaps for slides. Defaults to False. interpolation (str, optional): Interpolation strategy for smoothing attention heatmaps. Defaults to 'bicubic'. cmap (str, optional): Matplotlib colormap for heatmap. Can be any valid matplotlib colormap. Defaults to 'inferno'. norm (str, optional): Normalization strategy for assigning heatmap values to colors. Either 'two_slope', or any other valid value for the ``norm`` argument of ``matplotlib.pyplot.imshow``. If 'two_slope', normalizes values less than 0 and greater than 0 separately. Defaults to None. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Dataframe of predictions. """ # Generate predictions. predict_kwargs = dict( model=model, dataset=dataset, config=config, outcomes=outcomes, bags=bags, attention=True, aggregation_level=aggregation_level ) if config.is_multimodal: if uq: log.warning("Uncertainty estimates are not supported for multi-modal models.") df, y_att = predict_multimodal_mil(**predict_kwargs) else: df, y_att = predict_mil(uq=uq, **predict_kwargs) # Save results. if outdir: if not exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) model_dir = sf.util.get_new_model_dir(outdir, config.model_config.model) if params is not None: sf.util.write_json(params, join(model_dir, 'mil_params.json')) pred_out = join(model_dir, 'predictions.parquet') df.to_parquet(pred_out)"Predictions saved to [green]{pred_out}[/]") else: model_dir = None # Print classification metrics, including per-category accuracy) metrics_df = utils.rename_df_cols(df, outcomes, categorical=config.is_classification()) config.run_metrics(metrics_df, level='slide', outdir=model_dir) # Export attention if outdir and y_att: if 'slide' in df.columns: slides_or_patients = df.slide.values elif 'patient' in df.columns: slides_or_patients = df.patient.values else: raise ValueError("Malformed dataframe; cannot find 'slide' or 'patient' column.") utils._export_attention(join(model_dir, 'attention'), y_att, slides_or_patients) # Attention heatmaps # Not supported for multimodal models if attention_heatmaps and not config.is_multimodal: log.warning("Cannot generate attention heatmaps for multi-modal models.") elif outdir and y_att and attention_heatmaps: generate_attention_heatmaps( outdir=join(model_dir, 'heatmaps'), dataset=dataset, bags=bags, # type: ignore attention=y_att, **heatmap_kwargs ) return df # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tile-level predictions.
[docs]def get_mil_tile_predictions( weights: str, dataset: "sf.Dataset", bags: Union[str, np.ndarray, List[str]], *, config: Optional[TrainerConfig] = None, outcomes: Union[str, List[str]] = None, dest: Optional[str] = None, uq: bool = False, device: Optional[Any] = None, tile_batch_size: int = 512, **kwargs ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Generate tile-level predictions for a MIL model. Args: weights (str): Path to model weights to load. dataset (:class:`slideflow.Dataset`): Dataset. bags (str, list(str)): Path to bags, or list of bag file paths. Each bag should contain PyTorch array of features from all tiles in a slide, with the shape ``(n_tiles, n_features)``. Keyword Args: config (:class:``): Configuration for building model. If ``weights`` is a path to a model directory, will attempt to read ``mil_params.json`` from this location and load saved configuration. Defaults to None. outcomes (str, list(str)): Outcomes. dest (str): Path at which to save tile predictions. uq (bool): Whether to generate uncertainty estimates. Defaults to False. device (str, optional): Device on which to run inference. Defaults to None. tile_batch_size (int): Batch size for tile-level predictions. Defaults to 512. attention_pooling (str): Attention pooling strategy. Either 'avg' or 'max'. Defaults to None. Returns: pd.DataFrame: Dataframe of tile predictions. """ import torch if isinstance(bags, str): utils._verify_compatible_tile_size(weights, bags) # Load model and configuration. model, config = utils.load_model_weights(weights, config) device = utils._detect_device(model, device, verbose=True) model.eval() if outcomes is not None: labels, _ = utils.get_labels(dataset, outcomes, config.is_classification(), format='id') # Prepare bags. slides = dataset.slides() if isinstance(bags, str): bags = dataset.get_bags(bags) else: bags = np.array([b for b in bags if path_to_name(b) in slides]) # Ensure slide names are sorted according to the bags. slides = [path_to_name(b) for b in bags]"Generating predictions for {} slides and {} bags.".format(len(slides), len(bags))) # Set model to eval, and prepare bags. use_attention, uq = utils._validate_model(model, True, uq, allow_errors=True) # First, start with slide-level inference and attention. slide_pred, attention = config.predict(model, bags, attention=use_attention, **kwargs) df_slides = [] df_attention = [] df_preds = [] df_uq = [] df_true = [] df_loc_x = [] df_loc_y = [] # Then, generate tile predictions for each slide: for i, (bag, slide) in track(enumerate(zip(bags, slides)), description="Generating tile predictions", total=len(bags)): # Prepare bags, and resize bag dimension to the batch dimension. loaded_bags = torch.unsqueeze(utils._load_bag(bag, device=device), dim=1) # Split loaded bags into smaller batches for inference (tile_batch_size) if len(loaded_bags) > tile_batch_size: loaded_bags = torch.split(loaded_bags, tile_batch_size, dim=0) else: loaded_bags = [loaded_bags] _running_pred = [] _running_uq = [] # Run inference on each batch. for batch in loaded_bags: with torch.inference_mode(): pred_out = config.batched_predict(model, batch, uq=uq, device=device, attention=True, **kwargs) if uq or len(pred_out) == 3: _pred, _att, _uq = utils._output_to_numpy(*pred_out) if _uq is not None and len(_uq): _running_uq.append(_uq) else: _pred, _att = utils._output_to_numpy(*pred_out) _running_pred.append(_pred) # Concatenate predictions and attention. tile_pred = np.concatenate(_running_pred, axis=0) if len(_running_uq): tile_uq = np.concatenate(_running_uq, axis=0) # Verify the shapes are consistent. if attention is not None and len(attention): assert len(tile_pred) == attention[i].shape[-1] n_bags = len(tile_pred) # Find the associated locations. bag_index = join(dirname(bag), f'{slide}.index.npz') if exists(bag_index): locations = np.load(bag_index)['arr_0'] assert len(locations) == n_bags df_loc_x.append(locations[:, 0]) df_loc_y.append(locations[:, 1]) # Add to dataframe lists. df_preds.append(tile_pred) if uq: df_uq.append(tile_uq) if attention is not None and len(attention): df_attention.append(attention[i]) df_slides += [slide for _ in range(n_bags)] if outcomes is not None: _label = labels[slide] df_true += [_label for _ in range(n_bags)] # Update dataframe with predictions. df_dict = dict(slide=df_slides) if len(df_attention): df_attention = np.concatenate(df_attention, axis=-1) df_preds = np.concatenate(df_preds, axis=0) # Tile location if df_loc_x: df_dict['loc_x'] = np.concatenate(df_loc_x, axis=0) df_dict['loc_y'] = np.concatenate(df_loc_y, axis=0) # Attention if attention is not None and len(attention): if len(df_attention.shape) == 1: df_dict['attention'] = df_attention else: for _a in range(len(df_attention)): df_dict[f'attention-{_a}'] = df_attention[_a] # Uncertainty if uq: df_uq = np.concatenate(df_uq, axis=0) for i in range(df_uq[0].shape[0]): df_dict[f'uncertainty{i}'] = df_uq[:, i] # Ground truth if outcomes is not None: df_dict['y_true'] = df_true # Predictions for i in range(df_preds[0].shape[0]): df_dict[f'y_pred{i}'] = df_preds[:, i] # Final processing to dataframe & disk df = pd.DataFrame(df_dict) if dest is not None: df.to_parquet(dest)"{} tile predictions exported to [green]{}[/]".format( df_preds.shape[0], dest )) return df
def save_mil_tile_predictions( weights: str, dataset: "sf.Dataset", bags: Union[str, np.ndarray, List[str]], config: Optional[TrainerConfig] = None, outcomes: Union[str, List[str]] = None, dest: str = 'mil_tile_preds.parquet', ) -> pd.DataFrame: return get_mil_tile_predictions( weights, dataset, bags, config=config, outcomes=outcomes, dest=dest ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Feature extraction and attention heatmaps.
[docs]def generate_mil_features( weights: str, dataset: "sf.Dataset", bags: Union[str, np.ndarray, List[str]], *, config: Optional[TrainerConfig] = None, ) -> "MILFeatures": """Generate activations weights from the last layer of an MIL model. Returns MILFeatures object. Args: weights (str): Path to model weights to load. config (:class:``): Configuration for building model. If ``weights`` is a path to a model directory, will attempt to read ``mil_params.json`` from this location and load saved configuration. Defaults to None. dataset (:class:`slideflow.Dataset`): Dataset. outcomes (str, list(str)): Outcomes. bags (str, list(str)): Path to bags, or list of bag file paths. Each bag should contain PyTorch array of features from all tiles in a slide, with the shape ``(n_tiles, n_features)``. """ from .features import MILFeatures # Load model weights. model, config = utils.load_model_weights(weights, config) # Ensure the model is valid for generating features. if not hasattr(model, 'get_last_layer_activations'): raise errors.ModelError( f"Model {model.__class__.__name__} is not supported; could not " "find method 'get_last_layer_activations'") # Prepare bags and targets. slides = dataset.slides() if isinstance(bags, str): bags = dataset.get_bags(bags) else: bags = np.array([b for b in bags if path_to_name(b) in slides]) # Ensure slide names are sorted according to the bags. slides = [path_to_name(b) for b in bags] # Calculate and return last-layer features. return MILFeatures(model, bags, slides=slides, config=config, dataset=dataset)
[docs]def generate_attention_heatmaps( outdir: str, dataset: "sf.Dataset", bags: Union[List[str], np.ndarray], attention: Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]], **kwargs ) -> None: """Generate and save attention heatmaps for a dataset. Args: outdir (str): Path at which to save heatmap images. dataset (sf.Dataset): Dataset. bags (str, list(str)): List of bag file paths. Each bag should contain PyTorch array of features from all tiles in a slide, with the shape ``(n_tiles, n_features)``. attention (list(np.ndarray)): Attention scores for each slide. Length of ``attention`` should equal the length of ``bags``. Keyword args: interpolation (str, optional): Interpolation strategy for smoothing heatmap. Defaults to 'bicubic'. cmap (str, optional): Matplotlib colormap for heatmap. Can be any valid matplotlib colormap. Defaults to 'inferno'. norm (str, optional): Normalization strategy for assigning heatmap values to colors. Either 'two_slope', or any other valid value for the ``norm`` argument of ``matplotlib.pyplot.imshow``. If 'two_slope', normalizes values less than 0 and greater than 0 separately. Defaults to None. """ assert len(bags) == len(attention) if not exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) pb = Progress(transient=True) task = pb.add_task('Generating heatmaps...', total=len(bags)) pb.start() with sf.util.cleanup_progress(pb): for i, bag in enumerate(bags): pb.advance(task) slidename = sf.util.path_to_name(bag) slide_path = dataset.find_slide(slide=slidename) locations_file = join(dirname(bag), f'{slidename}.index.npz') npy_loc_file = locations_file[:-1] + 'y' if slide_path is None:"Unable to find slide {slidename}") continue if exists(locations_file): locations = np.load(locations_file)['arr_0'] elif exists(npy_loc_file): locations = np.load(npy_loc_file) else: f"Unable to find locations index file for {slidename}" ) continue # Handle the case of multiple attention values at each tile location. heatmap_kwargs = dict( locations=locations, slide=slide_path, tile_px=dataset.tile_px, tile_um=dataset.tile_um, **kwargs ) if (len(attention[i].shape) < 2) or (attention[i].shape[0] == 1): # If there is a single attention value, create a single map. sf.util.location_heatmap( values=attention[i], filename=join(outdir, f'{sf.util.path_to_name(slide_path)}_attn.png'), **heatmap_kwargs ) else: # Otherwise, create a separate heatmap for each value, # as well as a heatmap reduced by mean. # The attention values are assumed to have the shape (n_attention, n_tiles). for att_idx in range(attention[i].shape[0]): sf.util.location_heatmap( values=attention[i][att_idx, :], filename=join(outdir, f'{sf.util.path_to_name(slide_path)}_attn-{att_idx}.png'), **heatmap_kwargs ) sf.util.location_heatmap( values=np.mean(attention[i], axis=0), filename=join(outdir, f'{sf.util.path_to_name(slide_path)}_attn-avg.png'), **heatmap_kwargs )"Attention heatmaps saved to [green]{outdir}[/]")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------