Source code for slideflow.model
'''Submodule that includes tools for intermediate layer activations.
Supports both PyTorch and Tensorflow backends, importing either model.tensorflow
or model.pytorch based on the environmental variable SF_BACKEND.
import warnings
from typing import Any, Dict, List
import slideflow as sf
from slideflow import errors
from .base import BaseFeatureExtractor
from .features import DatasetFeatures
from .extractors import (
list_extractors, list_torch_extractors, list_tensorflow_extractors,
is_extractor, is_torch_extractor, is_tensorflow_extractor,
build_feature_extractor, build_torch_feature_extractor,
build_tensorflow_feature_extractor, rebuild_extractor
# --- Backend-specific imports ------------------------------------------------
if sf.backend() == 'tensorflow':
from slideflow.model.tensorflow import (SurvivalTrainer, Features, load, # noqa F401
RegressionTrainer, ModelParams,
Trainer, UncertaintyInterface)
elif sf.backend() == 'torch':
from slideflow.model.torch import (SurvivalTrainer, Features, load, # noqa F401
RegressionTrainer, ModelParams,
Trainer, UncertaintyInterface)
raise errors.UnrecognizedBackendError
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def is_tensorflow_tensor(arg: Any) -> bool:
"""Checks if the given object is a Tensorflow Tensor."""
if sf.util.tf_available:
import tensorflow as tf
return isinstance(arg, tf.Tensor)
return False
[docs]def is_torch_tensor(arg: Any) -> bool:
"""Checks if the given object is a Tensorflow Tensor."""
if sf.util.torch_available:
import torch
return isinstance(arg, torch.Tensor)
return False
[docs]def is_tensorflow_model(arg: Any) -> bool:
"""Checks if the object is a Tensorflow Model or path to Tensorflow model."""
if isinstance(arg, str):
return sf.util.is_tensorflow_model_path(arg)
elif sf.util.tf_available:
import tensorflow as tf
return isinstance(arg, tf.keras.models.Model)
return False
[docs]def is_torch_model(arg: Any) -> bool:
"""Checks if the object is a PyTorch Module or path to PyTorch model."""
if isinstance(arg, str):
return sf.util.is_torch_model_path(arg)
elif sf.util.torch_available:
import torch
return isinstance(arg, torch.nn.Module)
return False
def trainer_from_hp(*args, **kwargs):
"sf.model.trainer_from_hp() is deprecated. Please use "
return build_trainer(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def build_trainer(
hp: "ModelParams",
outdir: str,
labels: Dict[str, Any],
) -> Trainer:
"""From the given :class:`slideflow.ModelParams` object, returns
the appropriate instance of :class:`slideflow.model.Trainer`.
hp (:class:`slideflow.ModelParams`): ModelParams object.
outdir (str): Path for event logs and checkpoints.
labels (dict): Dict mapping slide names to outcome labels (int or
float format).
Keyword Args:
slide_input (dict): Dict mapping slide names to additional
slide-level input, concatenated after post-conv.
name (str, optional): Optional name describing the model, used for
model saving. Defaults to 'Trainer'.
feature_sizes (list, optional): List of sizes of input features.
Required if providing additional input features as input to
the model.
feature_names (list, optional): List of names for input features.
Used when permuting feature importance.
outcome_names (list, optional): Name of each outcome. Defaults to
"Outcome {X}" for each outcome.
mixed_precision (bool, optional): Use FP16 mixed precision (rather
than FP32). Defaults to True.
allow_tf32 (bool): Allow internal use of Tensorfloat-32 format.
Defaults to False.
config (dict, optional): Training configuration dictionary, used
for logging. Defaults to None.
use_neptune (bool, optional): Use Neptune API logging.
Defaults to False
neptune_api (str, optional): Neptune API token, used for logging.
Defaults to None.
neptune_workspace (str, optional): Neptune workspace.
Defaults to None.
load_method (str): Either 'full' or 'weights'. Method to use
when loading a Tensorflow model. If 'full', loads the model with
``tf.keras.models.load_model()``. If 'weights', will read the
``params.json`` configuration file, build the model architecture,
and then load weights from the given model with
``Model.load_weights()``. Loading with 'full' may improve
compatibility across Slideflow versions. Loading with 'weights'
may improve compatibility across hardware & environments.
custom_objects (dict, Optional): Dictionary mapping names
(strings) to custom classes or functions. Defaults to None.
num_workers (int): Number of dataloader workers. Only used for PyTorch.
Defaults to 4.
if hp.model_type() == 'classification':
return Trainer(hp, outdir, labels, **kwargs)
if hp.model_type() == 'regression':
return RegressionTrainer(hp, outdir, labels, **kwargs)
if hp.model_type() == 'survival':
return SurvivalTrainer(hp, outdir, labels, **kwargs)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown model type: {hp.model_type()}")
[docs]def read_hp_sweep(
filename: str,
models: List[str] = None
) -> Dict[str, "ModelParams"]:
"""Organizes a list of hyperparameters ojects and associated models names.
filename (str): Path to hyperparameter sweep JSON file.
models (list(str)): List of model names. Defaults to None.
If not supplied, returns all valid models from batch file.
List of (Hyperparameter, model_name) for each HP combination
if models is not None and not isinstance(models, list):
raise ValueError("If supplying models, must be list(str) "
"with model names.")
if isinstance(models, list) and not list(set(models)) == models:
raise ValueError("Duplicate model names provided.")
hp_list = sf.util.load_json(filename)
# First, ensure all indicated models are in the batch train file
if models:
valid_models = []
for hp_dict in hp_list:
model_name = list(hp_dict.keys())[0]
if ((not models)
or (isinstance(models, str) and model_name == models)
or model_name in models):
valid_models += [model_name]
missing = [m for m in models if m not in valid_models]
if missing:
raise ValueError(f"Unable to find models {', '.join(missing)}")
valid_models = [list(hp_dict.keys())[0] for hp_dict in hp_list]
# Read the batch train file and generate HyperParameter objects
# from the given configurations
loaded = {}
for hp_dict in hp_list:
name = list(hp_dict.keys())[0]
if name in valid_models:
name: ModelParams.from_dict(hp_dict[name])
return loaded # type: ignore