
Source code for slideflow.model.extractors._factory

"""Factory for building feature extractors."""

import importlib
import slideflow as sf
from os.path import join, exists
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Dict, Any, TYPE_CHECKING
from slideflow import errors
from slideflow.model import BaseFeatureExtractor

from ._registry import (is_tensorflow_extractor, is_torch_extractor,
                        _tf_extractors, _torch_extractors, _extras_extractors)
from ._factory_tensorflow import build_tensorflow_feature_extractor
from ._factory_torch import build_torch_feature_extractor

    from slideflow.norm import StainNormalizer

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]def build_feature_extractor( name: str, backend: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ) -> BaseFeatureExtractor: """Build a feature extractor. The returned feature extractor is a callable object, which returns features (often layer activations) for either a batch of images or a :class:`slideflow.WSI` object. If generating features for a batch of images, images are expected to be in (B, W, H, C) format and non-standardized (scaled 0-255) with dtype uint8. The feature extractors perform all needed preprocessing on the fly. If generating features for a slide, the slide is expected to be a :class:`slideflow.WSI` object. The feature extractor will generate features for each tile in the slide, returning a numpy array of shape (W, H, F), where F is the number of features. Args: name (str): Name of the feature extractor to build. Available feature extractors are listed with :func:`slideflow.model.list_extractors()`. Keyword arguments: tile_px (int): Tile size (input image size), in pixels. **kwargs (Any): All remaining keyword arguments are passed to the feature extractor factory function, and may be different for each extractor. Returns: A callable object which accepts a batch of images (B, W, H, C) of dtype uint8 and returns a batch of features (dtype float32). Examples Create an extractor that calculates post-convolutional layer activations from an imagenet-pretrained Resnet50 model. .. code-block:: python import slideflow as sf extractor = sf.build_feature_extractor( 'resnet50_imagenet' ) Create an extractor that calculates 'conv4_block4_2_relu' activations from an imagenet-pretrained Resnet50 model. .. code-block:: python extractor = sf.build_feature_extractor( 'resnet50_imagenet', layers='conv4_block4_2_relu ) Create a pretrained "CTransPath" extractor. .. code-block:: python extractor = sf.build_feature_extractor('ctranspath') Use an extractor to calculate layer activations for an entire dataset. .. code-block:: python import slideflow as sf # Load a project and dataset P = sf.load_project(...) dataset = P.dataset(...) # Create a feature extractor resnet = sf.build_feature_extractor( 'resnet50_imagenet' ) # Calculate features for the entire dataset features = sf.DatasetFeatures( resnet, dataset=dataset ) Generate a map of features across a slide. .. code-block:: python import slideflow as sf # Load a slide wsi = sf.WSI(...) # Create a feature extractor retccl = sf.build_feature_extractor( 'retccl', resize=True ) # Create a feature map, a 2D array of shape # (W, H, F), where F is the number of features. features = retccl(wsi) """ # Build feature extractor according to manually specified backend if backend is not None and backend not in ('tensorflow', 'torch'): raise ValueError(f"Invalid backend: {backend}") # Build a feature extractor from a finetuned model if sf.util.is_tensorflow_model_path(name): model_config = sf.util.get_model_config(name) if model_config['hp']['uq']: from slideflow.model.tensorflow import UncertaintyInterface return UncertaintyInterface(name, **kwargs) else: from slideflow.model.tensorflow import Features return Features(name, **kwargs) elif sf.util.is_torch_model_path(name): model_config = sf.util.get_model_config(name) if model_config['hp']['uq']: from slideflow.model.torch import UncertaintyInterface return UncertaintyInterface(name, **kwargs) else: from slideflow.model.torch import Features # noqa: F401 return Features(name, **kwargs) # Build feature extractor with a specific backend if backend == 'tensorflow': if not is_tensorflow_extractor(name): raise errors.InvalidFeatureExtractor( f"Feature extractor {name} not available in Tensorflow backend") return build_tensorflow_feature_extractor(name, **kwargs) elif backend == 'torch': if not is_torch_extractor(name): raise errors.InvalidFeatureExtractor( f"Feature extractor {name} not available in PyTorch backend") return build_torch_feature_extractor(name, **kwargs) # Auto-build feature extractor according to available backends if is_tensorflow_extractor(name) and is_torch_extractor(name): f"Feature extractor {name} available in both Tensorflow and " f"PyTorch backends; using active backend {sf.backend()}") if sf.backend() == 'tensorflow': return build_tensorflow_feature_extractor(name, **kwargs) else: return build_torch_feature_extractor(name, **kwargs) if is_tensorflow_extractor(name): return build_tensorflow_feature_extractor(name, **kwargs) elif is_torch_extractor(name): return build_torch_feature_extractor(name, **kwargs) elif name in _extras_extractors: raise errors.InvalidFeatureExtractor( "{} requires the package {}, please install with 'pip install {}'".format( name, _extras_extractors[name], _extras_extractors[name] )) else: raise errors.InvalidFeatureExtractor(f"Unrecognized feature extractor: {name}")
[docs]def rebuild_extractor( bags_or_model: str, allow_errors: bool = False, native_normalizer: bool = True ) -> Tuple[Optional["BaseFeatureExtractor"], Optional["StainNormalizer"]]: """Recreate the extractor used to generate features stored in bags. Args: bags_or_model (str): Either a path to directory containing feature bags, or a path to a trained MIL model. If a path to a trained MIL model, the extractor used to generate features will be recreated. allow_errors (bool): If True, return None if the extractor cannot be rebuilt. If False, raise an error. Defaults to False. native_normalizer (bool, optional): Whether to use PyTorch/Tensorflow-native stain normalization, if applicable. If False, will use the OpenCV/Numpy implementations. Defaults to True. Returns: Optional[BaseFeatureExtractor]: Extractor function, or None if ``allow_errors`` is True and the extractor cannot be rebuilt. Optional[StainNormalizer]: Stain normalizer used when generating feature bags, or None if no stain normalization was used. """ # Load bags configuration is_bag_config = bags_or_model.endswith('bags_config.json') is_bag_dir = exists(join(bags_or_model, 'bags_config.json')) is_model_dir = exists(join(bags_or_model, 'mil_params.json')) if not (is_bag_dir or is_model_dir or is_bag_config): if allow_errors: return None, None else: raise ValueError( 'Could not find bags or MIL model configuration at ' f'{bags_or_model}.' ) if is_bag_config: bags_config = sf.util.load_json(bags_or_model) elif is_model_dir: mil_config = sf.util.load_json(join(bags_or_model, 'mil_params.json')) if 'bags_extractor' not in mil_config: if allow_errors: return None, None else: raise ValueError( 'Could not rebuild extractor from configuration at ' f'{bags_or_model}; missing "bags_extractor" key in ' 'mil_params.json.' ) bags_config = mil_config['bags_extractor'] else: bags_config = sf.util.load_json(join(bags_or_model, 'bags_config.json')) if ('extractor' not in bags_config or any(n not in bags_config['extractor'] for n in ['class', 'kwargs'])): if allow_errors: return None, None else: raise ValueError( 'Could not rebuild extractor from configuration at ' f'{bags_or_model}; missing "extractor" class or kwargs.' ) # Rebuild extractor extractor_name = bags_config['extractor']['class'].split('.') extractor_class = extractor_name[-1] extractor_kwargs = bags_config['extractor']['kwargs'] try: module = importlib.import_module('.'.join(extractor_name[:-1])) extractor = getattr(module, extractor_class)(**extractor_kwargs) except Exception: submodule_name = extractor_name[-2] if submodule_name in _extras_extractors: raise errors.InvalidFeatureExtractor( "{} requires the package {}, please install with 'pip install {}'".format( submodule_name, _extras_extractors[submodule_name], _extras_extractors[submodule_name] )) if allow_errors: return None else: raise ValueError( f'Could not rebuild extractor from configuration at {bags_or_model}.' ) # Rebuild stain normalizer if bags_config['normalizer'] is not None: normalizer = sf.norm.autoselect( bags_config['normalizer']['method'], backend=(extractor.backend if native_normalizer else 'opencv') ) normalizer.set_fit(**bags_config['normalizer']['fit']) else: normalizer = None if (hasattr(extractor, 'normalizer') and extractor.normalizer is not None and normalizer is not None): sf.log.warning( 'Extractor already has a stain normalizer. Overwriting with ' 'normalizer from bags configuration.' ) extractor.normalizer = normalizer elif hasattr(extractor, 'normalizer') and extractor.normalizer is not None: normalizer = extractor.normalizer return extractor, normalizer
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def extractor_to_config(extractor: BaseFeatureExtractor) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return a dictionary of configuration parameters for the extractor. These configuration parameters can be used to reconstruct the feature extractor, using ``build_extractor_from_cfg()``. Args: extractor (BaseFeatureExtractor): Feature extractor. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: Configuration dictionary. """ cfg = extractor.dump_config() if extractor.backend == 'torch': cfg['mixed_precision'] = extractor.mixed_precision cfg['channels_last'] = extractor.channels_last return cfg def build_extractor_from_cfg( cfg: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any ) -> BaseFeatureExtractor: """Rebuild an extractor from a configuration dictionary. Args: cfg (Dict[str, Any]): Configuration dictionary. **kwargs (Any): All remaining keyword arguments are passed to the feature extractor factory function, and may be different for each extractor. Returns: BaseFeatureExtractor: The rebuilt feature extractor. """ extractor_name = cfg['class'].split('.') extractor_class = extractor_name[-1] extractor_kwargs = cfg['kwargs'] module = importlib.import_module('.'.join(extractor_name[:-1])) extractor = getattr(module, extractor_class)(**extractor_kwargs, **kwargs) for k, v in cfg.items(): if k not in ['class', 'kwargs']: setattr(extractor, k, v) return extractor