
Source code for slideflow.model.extractors._registry

"""Feature extractor registry."""

_tf_extractors = dict()
_torch_extractors = dict()

__all__ = ['list_extractors', 'list_tensorflow_extractors', 'list_torch_extractors',
           'is_extractor', 'is_tensorflow_extractor', 'is_torch_extractor']

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]def list_extractors(): """Return a list of all available feature extractors.""" return list(set(list(_tf_extractors.keys()) + list(_torch_extractors.keys())))
def list_tensorflow_extractors(): """Return a list of all Tensorflow feature extractors.""" return list(_tf_extractors.keys()) def list_torch_extractors(): """Return a list of all PyTorch feature extractors.""" return list(_torch_extractors.keys()) def is_extractor(name): """Checks if a given name is a valid feature extractor.""" _valid_extractors = list_extractors() return (name in _valid_extractors or name+'_imagenet' in _valid_extractors) def is_tensorflow_extractor(name): """Checks if a given name is a valid Tensorflow feature extractor.""" return name in _tf_extractors or name+'_imagenet' in _tf_extractors def is_torch_extractor(name): """Checks if a given name is a valid PyTorch feature extractor.""" return name in _torch_extractors or name+'_imagenet' in _torch_extractors # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def register_tf(fn): _tf_extractors[fn.__name__] = fn return fn def register_torch(fn): _torch_extractors[fn.__name__] = fn return fn