
Source code for slideflow.model.features

import csv
import os
import pickle
import queue
import sys
import threading
import time
import warnings
import multiprocessing as mp
from collections import defaultdict
from math import isnan
from os.path import exists, join
from typing import (
    TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, Iterable, Callable

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as stats
import slideflow as sf
from rich.progress import track, Progress
from slideflow import errors
from slideflow.util import log, Labels, ImgBatchSpeedColumn, tfrecord2idx
from .base import BaseFeatureExtractor

    import tensorflow as tf
    import torch

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class DatasetFeatures: """Loads annotations, saved layer activations / features, and prepares output saving directories. Will also read/write processed features to a PKL cache file to save time in future iterations. Note: Storing predictions along with layer features is optional, to offer the user reduced memory footprint. For example, saving predictions for a 10,000 slide dataset with 1000 categorical outcomes would require: 4 bytes/float32-logit * 1000 predictions/slide * 3000 tiles/slide * 10000 slides ~= 112 GB """ def __init__( self, model: Union[str, "tf.keras.models.Model", "torch.nn.Module"], dataset: "sf.Dataset", *, labels: Optional[Labels] = None, cache: Optional[str] = None, annotations: Optional[Labels] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Calculate features / layer activations from model, storing to internal parameters ``self.activations``, and ``self.predictions``, ``self.locations``, dictionaries mapping slides to arrays of activations, predictions, and locations for each tiles' constituent tiles. Args: model (str): Path to model from which to calculate activations. dataset (:class:`slideflow.Dataset`): Dataset from which to generate activations. labels (dict, optional): Dict mapping slide names to outcome categories. cache (str, optional): File for PKL cache. Keyword Args: augment (bool, str, optional): Whether to use data augmentation during feature extraction. If True, will use default augmentation. If str, will use augmentation specified by the string. Defaults to None. batch_size (int): Batch size for activations calculations. Defaults to 32. device (str, optional): Device to use for feature extraction. Only used for PyTorch feature extractors. Defaults to None. include_preds (bool): Calculate and store predictions. Defaults to True. include_uncertainty (bool, optional): Whether to include model uncertainty in the output. Only used if the feature generator is a UQ-enabled model. Defaults to True. layers (str, list(str)): Layers to extract features from. May be the name of a single layer (str) or a list of layers (list). Only used if model is a str. Defaults to 'postconv'. normalizer ((str or :class:`slideflow.norm.StainNormalizer`), optional): Stain normalization strategy to use on image tiles prior to feature extraction. This argument is invalid if ``model`` is a feature extractor built from a trained model, as stain normalization will be specified by the model configuration. Defaults to None. normalizer_source (str, optional): Stain normalization preset or path to a source image. Valid presets include 'v1', 'v2', and 'v3'. If None, will use the default present ('v3'). This argument is invalid if ``model`` is a feature extractor built from a trained model. Defaults to None. num_workers (int, optional): Number of workers to use for feature extraction. Only used for PyTorch feature extractors. Defaults to None. pool_sort (bool): Use multiprocessing pools to perform final sorting. Defaults to True. progress (bool): Show a progress bar during feature calculation. Defaults to True. transform (Callable, optional): Custom transform to apply to images. Applied before standardization. If the feature extractor is a PyTorch model, the transform should be a torchvision transform. verbose (bool): Show verbose logging output. Defaults to True. Examples Calculate features using a feature extractor. .. code-block:: python import slideflow as sf # Create a feature extractor retccl = sf.build_feature_extractor('retccl', resize=True) # Load a dataset P = sf.load_project(...) dataset = P.dataset(...) # Calculate features dts_ftrs = sf.DatasetFeatures(retccl, dataset) Calculate features using a trained model (preferred). .. code-block:: python import slideflow as sf # Create a feature extractor from the saved model. extractor = sf.build_feature_extractor( '/path/to/', layers=['postconv'] ) # Calculate features across the dataset dts_ftrs = sf.DatasetFeatures(extractor, dataset) Calculate features using a trained model (legacy). .. code-block:: python # This method is deprecated, and will be removed in a # future release. Please use the method above instead. dts_ftrs = sf.DatasetFeatures( '/path/to/', dataset=dataset, layers=['postconv'] ) Calculate features from a loaded model. .. code-block:: python import tensorflow as tf import slideflow as sf # Load a model model = tf.keras.models.load_model('/path/to/model.h5') # Calculate features dts_ftrs = sf.DatasetFeatures( model, layers=['postconv'], dataset ) """ self.activations = defaultdict(list) # type: Dict[str, Any] self.predictions = defaultdict(list) # type: Dict[str, Any] self.uncertainty = defaultdict(list) # type: Dict[str, Any] self.locations = defaultdict(list) # type: Dict[str, Any] self.num_features = 0 self.num_classes = 0 self.model = model self.dataset = dataset self.feature_generator = None if dataset is not None: self.tile_px = dataset.tile_px self.manifest = dataset.manifest() self.tfrecords = np.array(dataset.tfrecords()) else: # Used when creating via DatasetFeatures.from_df(), # otherwise dataset should not be None. self.tile_px = None self.manifest = dict() self.tfrecords = [] self.slides = sorted([sf.util.path_to_name(t) for t in self.tfrecords]) if labels is not None and annotations is not None: raise DeprecationWarning( 'Cannot supply both "labels" and "annotations" to sf.DatasetFeatures. ' '"annotations" is deprecated and has been replaced with "labels".' ) elif annotations is not None: warnings.warn( 'The "annotations" argument to sf.DatasetFeatures is deprecated.' 'Please use the argument "labels" instead.', DeprecationWarning ) self.labels = annotations else: self.labels = labels if self.labels: self.categories = list(set(self.labels.values())) if self.activations: for slide in self.slides: try: if self.activations[slide]: used = (self.used_categories + [self.labels[slide]]) self.used_categories = list(set(used)) # type: List[Union[str, int, List[float]]] self.used_categories.sort() except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"Slide {slide} not in labels.") total = len(self.used_categories) cat_list = ", ".join([str(c) for c in self.used_categories]) log.debug(f'Observed categories (total: {total}): {cat_list}') else: self.categories = [] self.used_categories = [] # Load from PKL (cache) if present if cache and exists(cache): self.load_cache(cache) # Otherwise will need to generate new activations from a given model elif model is not None: self._generate_features(cache=cache, **kwargs) # Now delete slides not included in our filtered TFRecord list loaded_slides = list(self.activations.keys()) for loaded_slide in loaded_slides: if loaded_slide not in self.slides: log.debug( f'Removing activations from slide {loaded_slide} ' 'slide not in the filtered tfrecords list' ) self.remove_slide(loaded_slide) # Now screen for missing slides in activations missing = [] for slide in self.slides: if slide not in self.activations: missing += [slide] elif not len(self.activations[slide]): missing += [slide] num_loaded = len(self.slides)-len(missing) log.debug( f'Loaded activations from {num_loaded}/{len(self.slides)} ' f'slides ({len(missing)} missing)' ) if missing: log.warning(f'Activations missing for {len(missing)} slides') # Record which categories have been included in the specified tfrecords if self.categories and self.labels: self.used_categories = list(set([ self.labels[slide] for slide in self.slides ])) self.used_categories.sort() total = len(self.used_categories) cat_list = ", ".join([str(c) for c in self.used_categories]) log.debug(f'Observed categories (total: {total}): {cat_list}') # Show total number of features if self.num_features is None: self.num_features = self.activations[self.slides[0]].shape[-1] log.debug(f'Number of activation features: {self.num_features}') @classmethod def from_df(cls, df: "pd.core.frame.DataFrame") -> "DatasetFeatures": """Load DataFrame of features, as exported by :meth:`DatasetFeatures.to_df()` Args: df (:class:`pandas.DataFrame`): DataFrame of features, as exported by :meth:`DatasetFeatures.to_df()` Returns: :class:`DatasetFeatures`: DatasetFeatures object Examples Recreate DatasetFeatures after export to a DataFrame. >>> df = features.to_df() >>> new_features = DatasetFeatures.from_df(df) """ obj = cls(None, None) # type: ignore obj.slides = df.slide.unique().tolist() if 'activations' in df.columns: obj.activations = { s: np.stack(df.loc[df.slide==s].activations.values) for s in obj.slides } obj.num_features = next(df.iterrows())[1].activations.shape[0] if 'locations' in df.columns: obj.locations = { s: np.stack(df.loc[df.slide==s].locations.values) for s in obj.slides } if 'uncertainty' in df.columns: obj.uncertainty = { s: np.stack(df.loc[df.slide==s].uncertainty.values) for s in obj.slides } if 'predictions' in df.columns: obj.predictions = { s: np.stack(df.loc[df.slide==s].predictions.values) for s in obj.slides } obj.num_classes = next(df.iterrows())[1].predictions.shape[0] return obj @classmethod def from_bags(cls, bags: str) -> "DatasetFeatures": """Load a DatasetFeatures object from a directory of bags. Args: bags (str): Path to bags, as exported by :meth:`DatasetFeatures.to_torch()` Returns: :class:`DatasetFeatures`: DatasetFeatures object """ import torch slides = [sf.util.path_to_name(b) for b in os.listdir(bags) if b.endswith('.pt')] obj = cls(None, None) obj.slides = slides for slide in slides: activations = torch.load(join(bags, f'{slide}.pt')) obj.activations[slide] = activations.numpy() obj.locations[slide] = tfrecord2idx.load_index(join(bags, f'{slide}.index')) return obj @classmethod def concat( cls, args: Iterable["DatasetFeatures"], ) -> "DatasetFeatures": """Concatenate activations from multiple DatasetFeatures together. For example, if ``df1`` is a DatasetFeatures object with 2048 features and ``df2`` is a DatasetFeatures object with 1024 features, then ``sf.DatasetFeatures.concat([df1, df2])`` would return an object with 3072. Vectors from DatasetFeatures objects are concatenated in the given order. During concatenation, predictions and uncertainty are dropped. If there are any tiles that do not have calculated features in both dataframes, these will be dropped. Args: args (Iterable[:class:`DatasetFeatures`]): DatasetFeatures objects to concatenate. Returns: :class:`DatasetFeatures`: DatasetFeatures object with concatenated features. Examples Concatenate two DatasetFeatures objects. >>> df1 = DatasetFeatures(model, dataset, layers='postconv') >>> df2 = DatasetFeatures(model, dataset, layers='sepconv_3') >>> df = DatasetFeatures.concat([df1, df2]) """ assert len(args) > 1 dfs = [] for f, ftrs in enumerate(args): log.debug(f"Creating dataframe {f} from features...") dfs.append(ftrs.to_df()) if not all([len(df) == len(dfs[0]) for df in dfs]): raise ValueError( "Unable to concatenate DatasetFeatures of different lengths " f"(got: {', '.join([str(len(_df)) for _df in dfs])})" ) log.debug(f"Created {len(dfs)} dataframes") for i in range(len(dfs)): log.debug(f"Mapping tuples for df {i}") dfs[i]['locations'] = dfs[i]['locations'].map(tuple) for i in range(1, len(dfs)): log.debug(f"Merging dataframe {i}") dfs[0] = pd.merge( dfs[0], dfs[i], how='inner', left_on=['slide', 'locations', 'tfr_index'], right_on=['slide', 'locations', 'tfr_index'], suffixes=['_1', '_2'] ) log.debug("Dropping merged columns") to_drop = [c for c in dfs[0].columns if ('predictions' in c or 'uncertainty' in c)] dfs[0].drop(columns=to_drop, inplace=True) log.debug("Concatenating activations") act1 = np.stack(dfs[0]['activations_1'].values) act2 = np.stack(dfs[0]['activations_2'].values) log.debug(f"Act 1 shape: {act1.shape}") log.debug(f"Act 2 shape: {act2.shape}") concatenated = np.concatenate((act1, act2), axis=1) as_list = [_c for _c in concatenated] dfs[0]['activations'] = as_list log.debug("Dropping old columns") dfs[0].drop(columns=['activations_1', 'activations_2'], inplace=True) log.debug("Sorting by TFRecord index") dfs[0].sort_values('tfr_index', inplace=True) log.debug("Creating DatasetFeatures object") return DatasetFeatures.from_df(dfs[0]) @property def uq(self) -> bool: if self.feature_generator is None: return None else: return self.feature_generator.uq @property def normalizer(self): if self.feature_generator is None: return None else: return self.feature_generator.normalizer def _generate_features( self, cache: Optional[str] = None, progress: bool = True, verbose: bool = True, pool_sort: bool = True, pb: Optional[Progress] = None, **kwargs ) -> None: """Calculates activations from a given model, saving to self.activations Args: model (str): Path to Tensorflow model from which to calculate final layer activations. layers (str, optional): Layers from which to generate activations. Defaults to 'postconv'. include_preds (bool, optional): Include logit predictions. Defaults to True. include_uncertainty (bool, optional): Include uncertainty estimation if UQ enabled. Defaults to True. batch_size (int, optional): Batch size to use during activations calculations. Defaults to 32. progress (bool): Show a progress bar during feature calculation. Defaults to True. verbose (bool): Show verbose logging output. Defaults to True. pool_sort (bool): Use multiprocessing pools to perform final sorting. Defaults to True. cache (str, optional): File in which to store PKL cache. """ fg = self.feature_generator = _FeatureGenerator( self.model, self.dataset, **kwargs ) self.num_features = fg.num_features self.num_classes = fg.num_classes # Calculate final layer activations for each tfrecord fla_start_time = time.time() activations, predictions, locations, uncertainty = fg.generate( progress=progress, pb=pb, verbose=verbose ) self.activations = {s: np.stack(v) for s, v in activations.items()} self.predictions = {s: np.stack(v) for s, v in predictions.items()} self.locations = {s: np.stack(v) for s, v in locations.items()} self.uncertainty = {s: np.stack(v) for s, v in uncertainty.items()} # Sort using TFRecord location information, # to ensure dictionary indices reflect TFRecord indices if fg.tfrecords_have_loc: slides_to_sort = [ s for s in self.slides if (self.activations[s].size or not self.predictions[s].size or not self.locations[s].size or not self.uncertainty[s].size) ] if pool_sort and len(slides_to_sort) > 1: pool = mp.Pool(sf.util.num_cpu()) imap_iterable = pool.imap( self.dataset.get_tfrecord_locations, slides_to_sort ) else: pool = None imap_iterable = map( self.dataset.get_tfrecord_locations, slides_to_sort ) if progress and not pb: iterable = track( imap_iterable, transient=False, total=len(slides_to_sort), description="Sorting...") else: iterable = imap_iterable for i, true_locs in enumerate(iterable): slide = slides_to_sort[i] # Get the order of locations stored in TFRecords, # and the corresponding indices for sorting cur_locs = self.locations[slide] idx = [true_locs.index(tuple(cur_locs[i])) for i in range(cur_locs.shape[0])] # Make sure that the TFRecord indices are continuous, otherwise # our sorted indices will be inaccurate assert max(idx)+1 == len(idx) # Final sorting sorted_idx = np.argsort(idx) if slide in self.activations: self.activations[slide] = self.activations[slide][sorted_idx] if slide in self.predictions: self.predictions[slide] = self.predictions[slide][sorted_idx] if slide in self.uncertainty: self.uncertainty[slide] = self.uncertainty[slide][sorted_idx] self.locations[slide] = self.locations[slide][sorted_idx] if pool is not None: pool.close() fla_calc_time = time.time() log.debug(f'Calculation time: {fla_calc_time-fla_start_time:.0f} sec') log.debug(f'Number of activation features: {self.num_features}') if cache: self.save_cache(cache) def activations_by_category( self, idx: int ) -> Dict[Union[str, int, List[float]], np.ndarray]: """For each outcome category, calculates activations of a given feature across all tiles in the category. Requires annotations to have been provided. Args: idx (int): Index of activations layer to return, stratified by outcome category. Returns: dict: Dict mapping categories to feature activations for all tiles in the category. """ if not self.categories: raise errors.FeaturesError( 'Unable to calculate by category; annotations not provided.' ) def act_by_cat(c): return np.concatenate([ self.activations[pt][:, idx] for pt in self.slides if self.labels[pt] == c ]) return {c: act_by_cat(c) for c in self.used_categories} def box_plots(self, features: List[int], outdir: str) -> None: """Generates plots comparing node activations at slide- and tile-level. Args: features (list(int)): List of feature indices for which to generate box plots. outdir (str): Path to directory in which to save box plots. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns if not isinstance(features, list): raise ValueError("'features' must be a list of int.") if not self.categories: log.warning('Unable to generate box plots; no annotations loaded.') return if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) _, _, category_stats = self.stats()'Generating box plots...') for f in features: # Display tile-level box plots & stats plt.clf() boxplot_data = list(self.activations_by_category(f).values()) snsbox = sns.boxplot(data=boxplot_data) title = f'{f} (tile-level)' snsbox.set_title(title) snsbox.set(xlabel='Category', ylabel='Activation') plt.xticks(plt.xticks()[0], self.used_categories) boxplot_filename = join(outdir, f'boxplot_{title}.png') plt.gcf().canvas.start_event_loop(sys.float_info.min) plt.savefig(boxplot_filename, bbox_inches='tight') # Print slide_level box plots & stats plt.clf() snsbox = sns.boxplot(data=[c[:, f] for c in category_stats]) title = f'{f} (slide-level)' snsbox.set_title(title) snsbox.set(xlabel='Category', ylabel='Average tile activation') plt.xticks(plt.xticks()[0], self.used_categories) boxplot_filename = join(outdir, f'boxplot_{title}.png') plt.gcf().canvas.start_event_loop(sys.float_info.min) plt.savefig(boxplot_filename, bbox_inches='tight') def dump_config(self): """Return a dictionary of the feature extraction configuration.""" if self.normalizer: norm_dict = dict( method=self.normalizer.method, fit=self.normalizer.get_fit(as_list=True), ) else: norm_dict = None config = dict( extractor=self.feature_generator.generator.dump_config(), normalizer=norm_dict, num_features=self.num_features, tile_px=self.dataset.tile_px, tile_um=self.dataset.tile_um ) return config def export_to_torch(self, *args, **kwargs): """Deprecated function; please use `.to_torch()`""" warnings.warn( "Deprecation warning: DatasetFeatures.export_to_torch() will" " be removed in a future version. Use .to_torch() instead.", DeprecationWarning ) self.to_torch(*args, **kwargs) def save_cache(self, path: str): """Cache calculated activations to file. Args: path (str): Path to pkl. """ with open(path, 'wb') as pt_pkl_file: pickle.dump( [self.activations, self.predictions, self.uncertainty, self.locations], pt_pkl_file )'Data cached to [green]{path}') def to_csv( self, filename: str, level: str = 'tile', method: str = 'mean', slides: Optional[List[str]] = None ): """Exports calculated activations to csv. Args: filename (str): Path to CSV file for export. level (str): 'tile' or 'slide'. Indicates whether tile or slide-level activations are saved. Defaults to 'tile'. method (str): Method of summarizing slide-level results. Either 'mean' or 'median'. Defaults to 'mean'. slides (list(str)): Slides to export. If None, exports all slides. Defaults to None. """ if level not in ('tile', 'slide'): raise errors.FeaturesError(f"Export error: unknown level {level}") meth_fn = {'mean': np.mean, 'median': np.median} slides = self.slides if not slides else slides with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: csvwriter = csv.writer(outfile) logit_header = [f'Class_{log}' for log in range(self.num_classes)] feature_header = [f'Feature_{f}' for f in range(self.num_features)] header = ['Slide'] + logit_header + feature_header csvwriter.writerow(header) for slide in track(slides): if level == 'tile': for i, tile_act in enumerate(self.activations[slide]): if self.num_classes and self.predictions[slide] != []: csvwriter.writerow( [slide] + self.predictions[slide][i].tolist() + tile_act.tolist() ) else: csvwriter.writerow([slide] + tile_act.tolist()) else: act = meth_fn[method]( self.activations[slide], axis=0 ).tolist() if self.num_classes and self.predictions[slide] != []: logit = meth_fn[method]( self.predictions[slide], axis=0 ).tolist() csvwriter.writerow([slide] + logit + act) else: csvwriter.writerow([slide] + act) log.debug(f'Activations saved to [green]{filename}') def to_torch( self, outdir: str, slides: Optional[List[str]] = None, verbose: bool = True ) -> None: """Export activations in torch format to .pt files in the directory. Used for training MIL models. Args: outdir (str): Path to directory in which to save .pt files. verbose (bool): Verbose logging output. Defaults to True. """ import torch if not exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) slides = self.slides if not slides else slides for slide in (slides if not verbose else track(slides)): if not len(self.activations[slide]):'Skipping empty slide [green]{slide}') continue slide_activations = torch.from_numpy( self.activations[slide].astype(np.float32) ), join(outdir, f'{slide}.pt')) tfrecord2idx.save_index( self.locations[slide], join(outdir, f'{slide}.index') ) # Log the feature extraction configuration config = self.dump_config() if exists(join(outdir, 'bags_config.json')): old_config = sf.util.load_json(join(outdir, 'bags_config.json')) if old_config != config: log.warning( "Feature extraction configuration does not match the " "configuration used to generate the existing bags at " f"{outdir}. Current configuration will not be saved." ) else: sf.util.write_json(config, join(outdir, 'bags_config.json')) log_fn = if verbose else log.debug log_fn(f'Activations exported in Torch format to {outdir}') def to_df( self ) -> pd.core.frame.DataFrame: """Export activations, predictions, uncertainty, and locations to a pandas DataFrame. Returns: pd.core.frame.DataFrame: Dataframe with columns 'activations', 'predictions', 'uncertainty', and 'locations'. """ index = [s for s in self.slides for _ in range(len(self.locations[s]))] df_dict = dict() df_dict.update({ 'locations': pd.Series([ self.locations[s][i] for s in self.slides for i in range(len(self.locations[s]))], index=index) }) df_dict.update({ 'tfr_index': pd.Series([ i for s in self.slides for i in range(len(self.locations[s]))], index=index) }) if self.activations: df_dict.update({ 'activations': pd.Series([ self.activations[s][i] for s in self.slides for i in range(len(self.activations[s]))], index=index) }) if self.predictions: df_dict.update({ 'predictions': pd.Series([ self.predictions[s][i] for s in self.slides for i in range(len(self.predictions[s]))], index=index) }) if self.uncertainty: df_dict.update({ 'uncertainty': pd.Series([ self.uncertainty[s][i] for s in self.slides for i in range(len(self.uncertainty[s]))], index=index) }) df = pd.DataFrame(df_dict) df['slide'] = df.index return df def load_cache(self, path: str): """Load cached activations from PKL. Args: path (str): Path to pkl cache. """'Loading from cache [green]{path}...') with open(path, 'rb') as pt_pkl_file: loaded_pkl = pickle.load(pt_pkl_file) self.activations = loaded_pkl[0] self.predictions = loaded_pkl[1] self.uncertainty = loaded_pkl[2] self.locations = loaded_pkl[3] if self.activations: self.num_features = self.activations[self.slides[0]].shape[-1] if self.predictions: self.num_classes = self.predictions[self.slides[0]].shape[-1] def stats( self, outdir: Optional[str] = None, method: str = 'mean', threshold: float = 0.5 ) -> Tuple[Dict[int, Dict[str, float]], Dict[int, Dict[str, float]], List[np.ndarray]]: """Calculates activation averages across categories, as well as tile-level and patient-level statistics, using ANOVA, exporting to CSV if desired. Args: outdir (str, optional): Path to directory in which CSV file will be saved. Defaults to None. method (str, optional): Indicates method of aggregating tile-level data into slide-level data. Either 'mean' (default) or 'threshold'. If mean, slide-level feature data is calculated by averaging feature activations across all tiles. If threshold, slide-level feature data is calculated by counting the number of tiles with feature activations > threshold and dividing by the total number of tiles. Defaults to 'mean'. threshold (float, optional): Threshold if using 'threshold' method. Returns: A tuple containing dict: Dict mapping slides to dict of slide-level features; dict: Dict mapping features to tile-level statistics ('p', 'f'); dict: Dict mapping features to slide-level statistics ('p', 'f'); """ if not self.categories: raise errors.FeaturesError('No annotations loaded') if method not in ('mean', 'threshold'): raise errors.FeaturesError(f"Stats method {method} unknown") if not self.labels: raise errors.FeaturesError("No annotations provided, unable" "to calculate feature stats.")'Calculating activation averages & stats across features...') tile_stats = {} pt_stats = {} category_stats = [] activation_stats = {} for slide in self.slides: if method == 'mean': # Mean of each feature across tiles summarized = np.mean(self.activations[slide], axis=0) elif method == 'threshold': # For each feature, count number of tiles with value above # threshold, divided by number of tiles act_sum = np.sum((self.activations[slide] > threshold), axis=0) summarized = act_sum / self.activations[slide].shape[-1] activation_stats[slide] = summarized for c in self.used_categories: category_stats += [np.array([ activation_stats[slide] for slide in self.slides if self.labels[slide] == c ])] for f in range(self.num_features): # Tile-level ANOVA stats_vals = list(self.activations_by_category(f).values()) with warnings.catch_warnings(): if hasattr(stats, "F_onewayConstantInputWarning"): warnings.simplefilter( "ignore", category=stats.F_onewayConstantInputWarning) elif hasattr(stats, "ConstantInputWarning"): warnings.simplefilter( "ignore", category=stats.ConstantInputWarning) fvalue, pvalue = stats.f_oneway(*stats_vals) if not isnan(fvalue) and not isnan(pvalue): tile_stats.update({f: {'f': fvalue, 'p': pvalue}}) else: tile_stats.update({f: {'f': -1, 'p': 1}}) # Patient-level ANOVA fvalue, pvalue = stats.f_oneway(*[c[:, f] for c in category_stats]) if not isnan(fvalue) and not isnan(pvalue): pt_stats.update({f: {'f': fvalue, 'p': pvalue}}) else: pt_stats.update({f: {'f': -1, 'p': 1}}) try: pt_sorted_ft = sorted( range(self.num_features), key=lambda f: pt_stats[f]['p'] ) except Exception: log.warning('No stats calculated; unable to sort features.') for f in range(self.num_features): try: log.debug(f"Tile-level P-value ({f}): {tile_stats[f]['p']}") log.debug(f"Patient-level P-value: ({f}): {pt_stats[f]['p']}") except Exception: log.warning(f'No stats calculated for feature {f}') # Export results if outdir: if not exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) filename = join(outdir, 'slide_level_summary.csv')'Writing results to [green]{filename}[/]...') with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: csv_writer = csv.writer(outfile) header = (['slide', 'category'] + [f'Feature_{n}' for n in pt_sorted_ft]) csv_writer.writerow(header) for slide in self.slides: category = self.labels[slide] row = ([slide, category] + list(activation_stats[slide][pt_sorted_ft])) csv_writer.writerow(row) if tile_stats: csv_writer.writerow( ['Tile statistic', 'ANOVA P-value'] + [tile_stats[n]['p'] for n in pt_sorted_ft] ) csv_writer.writerow( ['Tile statistic', 'ANOVA F-value'] + [tile_stats[n]['f'] for n in pt_sorted_ft] ) if pt_stats: csv_writer.writerow( ['Slide statistic', 'ANOVA P-value'] + [pt_stats[n]['p'] for n in pt_sorted_ft] ) csv_writer.writerow( ['Slide statistic', 'ANOVA F-value'] + [pt_stats[n]['f'] for n in pt_sorted_ft] ) return tile_stats, pt_stats, category_stats def softmax_mean(self) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Calculates the mean prediction vector (post-softmax) across all tiles in each slide. Returns: dict: This is a dictionary mapping slides to the mean logits array for all tiles in each slide. """ return {s: np.mean(v, axis=0) for s, v in self.predictions.items()} def softmax_percent( self, prediction_filter: Optional[List[int]] = None ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Returns dictionary mapping slides to a vector of length num_classes with the percent of tiles in each slide predicted to be each outcome. Args: prediction_filter: (optional) List of int. If provided, will restrict predictions to only these categories, with final prediction being based based on highest logit among these categories. Returns: dict: This is a dictionary mapping slides to an array of percentages for each logit, of length num_classes """ if prediction_filter: assert isinstance(prediction_filter, list) and all([ isinstance(i, int) for i in prediction_filter ]) assert max(prediction_filter) <= self.num_classes else: prediction_filter = list(range(self.num_classes)) slide_percentages = {} for slide in self.predictions: # Find the index of the highest prediction for each tile, only for # logits within prediction_filter tile_pred = np.argmax( self.predictions[slide][:, prediction_filter], axis=1 ) slide_perc = np.array([ np.count_nonzero(tile_pred == logit) / len(tile_pred) for logit in range(self.num_classes) ]) slide_percentages.update({slide: slide_perc}) return slide_percentages def softmax_predict( self, prediction_filter: Optional[List[int]] = None ) -> Dict[str, int]: """Returns slide-level predictions, assuming the model is predicting a categorical outcome, by generating a prediction for each individual tile, and making a slide-level prediction by finding the most frequently predicted outcome among its constituent tiles. Args: prediction_filter: (optional) List of int. If provided, will restrict predictions to only these categories, with final prediction based based on highest logit among these categories. Returns: dict: Dictionary mapping slide names to slide-level predictions. """ if prediction_filter: assert isinstance(prediction_filter, list) assert all([isinstance(i, int) for i in prediction_filter]) assert max(prediction_filter) <= self.num_classes else: prediction_filter = list(range(self.num_classes)) slide_predictions = {} for slide in self.predictions: # Find the index of the highest prediction for each tile, only for # logits within prediction_filter tile_pred = np.argmax( self.predictions[slide][:, prediction_filter], axis=1 ) slide_perc = np.array([ np.count_nonzero(tile_pred == logit) / len(tile_pred) for logit in range(self.num_classes) ]) slide_predictions.update({slide: int(np.argmax(slide_perc))}) return slide_predictions def map_activations(self, **kwargs) -> "sf.SlideMap": """Map activations with UMAP. Keyword args: ... Returns: sf.SlideMap """ return sf.SlideMap.from_features(self, **kwargs) def map_predictions( self, x: int = 0, y: int = 0, **kwargs ) -> "sf.SlideMap": """Map tile predictions onto x/y coordinate space. Args: x (int, optional): Outcome category id for which predictions will be mapped to the X-axis. Defaults to 0. y (int, optional): Outcome category id for which predictions will be mapped to the Y-axis. Defaults to 0. Keyword args: cache (str, optional): Path to parquet file to cache coordinates. Defaults to None (caching disabled). Returns: sf.SlideMap """ all_x, all_y, all_slides, all_tfr_idx = [], [], [], [] for slide in self.slides: all_x.append(self.predictions[slide].values[:, x]) all_y.append(self.predictions[slide].values[:, y]) all_slides.append([slide for _ in range(self.predictions[slide].shape[0])]) all_tfr_idx.append(np.arange(self.predictions[slide].shape[0])) all_x = np.concatenate(all_x) all_y = np.concatenate(all_y) all_slides = np.concatenate(all_slides) all_tfr_idx = np.concatenate(all_tfr_idx) return sf.SlideMap.from_xy( x=all_x, y=all_y, slides=all_slides, tfr_index=all_tfr_idx, **kwargs ) def merge(self, df: "DatasetFeatures") -> None: '''Merges with another DatasetFeatures. Args: df (slideflow.DatasetFeatures): TargetDatasetFeatures to merge with. Returns: None ''' self.activations.update(df.activations) self.predictions.update(df.predictions) self.uncertainty.update(df.uncertainty) self.locations.update(df.locations) self.tfrecords = np.concatenate([self.tfrecords, df.tfrecords]) self.slides = list(self.activations.keys()) def remove_slide(self, slide: str) -> None: """Removes slide from calculated features.""" if slide in self.activations: del self.activations[slide] if slide in self.predictions: del self.predictions[slide] if slide in self.uncertainty: del self.uncertainty[slide] if slide in self.locations: del self.locations[slide] self.tfrecords = np.array([ t for t in self.tfrecords if sf.util.path_to_name(t) != slide ]) if slide in self.slides: self.slides.remove(slide) def save_example_tiles( self, features: List[int], outdir: str, slides: Optional[List[str]] = None, tiles_per_feature: int = 100 ) -> None: """For a set of activation features, saves image tiles named according to their corresponding activations. Duplicate image tiles will be saved for each feature, organized into subfolders named according to feature. Args: features (list(int)): Features to evaluate. outdir (str): Path to folder in which to save examples tiles. slides (list, optional): List of slide names. If provided, will only include tiles from these slides. Defaults to None. tiles_per_feature (int, optional): Number of tiles to include as examples for each feature. Defaults to 100. Will evenly sample this many tiles across the activation gradient. """ if not isinstance(features, list): raise ValueError("'features' must be a list of int.") if not slides: slides = self.slides for f in features: if not exists(join(outdir, str(f))): os.makedirs(join(outdir, str(f))) gradient_list = [] for slide in slides: for i, val in enumerate(self.activations[slide][:, f]): gradient_list += [{ 'val': val, 'slide': slide, 'index': i }] gradient = np.array(sorted(gradient_list, key=lambda k: k['val'])) sample_idx = np.linspace( 0, gradient.shape[0]-1, num=tiles_per_feature, dtype=int ) for i, g in track(enumerate(gradient[sample_idx]), total=tiles_per_feature, description=f"Feature {f}"): for tfr in self.tfrecords: if sf.util.path_to_name(tfr) == g['slide']: tfr_dir = tfr if not tfr_dir: log.warning("TFRecord location not found for " f"slide {g['slide']}") slide, image =, g['index']) tile_filename = (f"{i}-tfrecord{g['slide']}-{g['index']}" + f"-{g['val']:.2f}.jpg") image_string = open(join(outdir, str(f), tile_filename), 'wb') image_string.write(image.numpy()) image_string.close() # --- Deprecated functions ---------------------------------------------------- def logits_mean(self): warnings.warn( "DatasetFeatures.logits_mean() is deprecated. Please use " "DatasetFeatures.softmax_mean()", DeprecationWarning ) return self.softmax_mean() def logits_percent(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn( "DatasetFeatures.logits_percent() is deprecated. Please use " "DatasetFeatures.softmax_percent()", DeprecationWarning ) return self.softmax_percent(*args, **kwargs) def logits_predict(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn( "DatasetFeatures.logits_predict() is deprecated. Please use " "DatasetFeatures.softmax_predict()", DeprecationWarning ) return self.softmax_predict(*args, **kwargs)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class _FeatureGenerator: """Provides common API for feature generator interfaces.""" def __init__( self, model: Union[str, "BaseFeatureExtractor", "tf.keras.models.Model", "torch.nn.Module"], dataset: "sf.Dataset", *, layers: Union[str, List[str]] = 'postconv', include_preds: Optional[bool] = None, include_uncertainty: bool = True, batch_size: int = 32, device: Optional[str] = None, num_workers: Optional[int] = None, augment: Optional[Union[bool, str]] = None, transform: Optional[Callable] = None, **kwargs ) -> None: """Initializes FeatureGenerator. Args: model (str, BaseFeatureExtractor, tf.keras.models.Model, torch.nn.Module): Model to use for feature extraction. If str, must be a path to a saved model. dataset (sf.Dataset): Dataset to use for feature extraction. Keyword Args: augment (bool, str, optional): Whether to use data augmentation during feature extraction. If True, will use default augmentation. If str, will use augmentation specified by the string. Defaults to None. batch_size (int, optional): Batch size to use for feature extraction. Defaults to 32. device (str, optional): Device to use for feature extraction. Only used for PyTorch feature extractors. Defaults to None. include_preds (bool, optional): Whether to include model predictions. If None, will be set to True if model has a num_classes attribute. Defaults to None. include_uncertainty (bool, optional): Whether to include model uncertainty in the output. Only used if the feature generator is a UQ-enabled model. Defaults to True. layers (str, list(str)): Layers to extract features from. May be the name of a single layer (str) or a list of layers (list). Only used if model is a str. Defaults to 'postconv'. normalizer ((str or :class:`slideflow.norm.StainNormalizer`), optional): Stain normalization strategy to use on image tiles prior to feature extraction. This argument is invalid if ``model`` is a feature extractor built from a trained model, as stain normalization will be specified by the model configuration. Defaults to None. normalizer_source (str, optional): Stain normalization preset or path to a source image. Valid presets include 'v1', 'v2', and 'v3'. If None, will use the default present ('v3'). This argument is invalid if ``model`` is a feature extractor built from a trained model. Defaults to None. num_workers (int, optional): Number of workers to use for feature extraction. Only used for PyTorch feature extractors. Defaults to None. transform (Callable, optional): Custom transform to apply to images. Applied before standardization. If the feature extractor is a PyTorch model, the transform should be a torchvision transform. """ self.model = model self.dataset = dataset self.layers = sf.util.as_list(layers) self.batch_size = batch_size self.simclr_args = None self.num_workers = num_workers self.augment = augment self.transform = transform # Check if location information is stored in TFRecords self.tfrecords_have_loc = self.dataset.tfrecords_have_locations() if not self.tfrecords_have_loc: log.warning( "Some TFRecords do not have tile location information; " "dataset iteration speed may be affected." ) if self.is_extractor() and include_preds is None: include_preds = self.model.num_classes > 0 # type: ignore elif include_preds is None: include_preds = True self.include_preds = include_preds self.include_uncertainty = include_uncertainty # Determine UQ and stain normalization. # If the `model` is a feature extractor, stain normalization # will be determined via keyword arguments by self._prepare_generator() self._determine_uq_and_normalizer() self.generator = self._prepare_generator(**kwargs) self.num_features = self.generator.num_features self.num_classes = 0 if not include_preds else self.generator.num_classes if self.is_torch() and hasattr(self.model, 'device'): from slideflow.model import torch_utils self.device = self.model.device or torch_utils.get_device(device) elif self.is_torch(): from slideflow.model import torch_utils self.device = torch_utils.get_device(device) else: self.device = None self._prepare_dataset_kwargs() # Move the normalizer to the appropriate device, if this is # a pytorch GPU normalizer. if self.has_torch_gpu_normalizer(): log.debug("Moving normalizer to device: {}".format(self.device)) self.normalizer.device = self.device def _calculate_feature_batch(self, batch_img): """Calculate features from a batch of images.""" # If a PyTorch generator, wrap in inference_mode() and perform on CUDA if self.is_torch(): import torch with torch.inference_mode(): batch_img = if self.has_torch_gpu_normalizer(): batch_img = self.normalizer.preprocess(, standardize=self.standardize ).to(self.device) return self.generator(batch_img) else: if self.has_torch_gpu_normalizer(): import torch import tensorflow as tf batch_img = batch_img.numpy() batch_img = torch.from_numpy(batch_img) batch_img = self.normalizer.transform( ) batch_img = batch_img.cpu().numpy() batch_img = tf.convert_to_tensor(batch_img) if self.standardize: batch_img = tf.image.per_image_standardization(batch_img) return self.generator(batch_img) def _process_out(self, model_out, batch_slides, batch_loc): model_out = sf.util.as_list(model_out) # Process data if the output is Tensorflow (SimCLR or Tensorflow model) if self.is_tf(): slides = [ bs.decode('utf-8') for bs in batch_slides.numpy() ] model_out = [ m.numpy() if not isinstance(m, (list, tuple)) else m for m in model_out ] if batch_loc[0] is not None: loc = np.stack([ batch_loc[0].numpy(), batch_loc[1].numpy() ], axis=1) else: loc = None # Process data if the output is PyTorch elif self.is_torch(): slides = batch_slides model_out = [ m.cpu().numpy() if not isinstance(m, list) else m for m in model_out ] if batch_loc[0] is not None: loc = np.stack([batch_loc[0], batch_loc[1]], axis=1) else: loc = None # Final processing. # Order of return is features, predictions, uncertainty. if self.uq and self.include_uncertainty: uncertainty = model_out[-1] model_out = model_out[:-1] else: uncertainty = None if self.include_preds: predictions = model_out[-1] features = model_out[:-1] else: predictions = None features = model_out # Concatenate features if we have features from >1 layer if isinstance(features, list): features = np.concatenate(features, axis=1) return features, predictions, uncertainty, slides, loc def _prepare_dataset_kwargs(self): """Prepare keyword arguments for Dataset.tensorflow() or .torch().""" dts_kw = { 'infinite': False, 'batch_size': self.batch_size, 'augment': self.augment, 'transform': self.transform, 'incl_slidenames': True, 'incl_loc': True, } # If this is a Feature Extractor, update the dataset kwargs # with any preprocessing instructions specified by the extractor if self.is_extractor(): dts_kw.update(self.model.preprocess_kwargs) # Establish standardization. self.standardize = ('standardize' not in dts_kw or dts_kw['standardize']) # Check if normalization is happening on GPU with PyTorch. # If so, we will handle normalization and standardization # in the feature generation loop. if self.has_torch_gpu_normalizer(): log.debug("Using GPU for stain normalization") dts_kw['standardize'] = False else: # Otherwise, let the dataset handle normalization/standardization. dts_kw['normalizer'] = self.normalizer # This is not used by SimCLR feature extractors. self.dts_kw = dts_kw def _determine_uq_and_normalizer(self): """Determines whether the model uses UQ and its stain normalizer.""" # Load configuration if model is path to a saved model if isinstance(self.model, BaseFeatureExtractor): self.uq = self.model.num_uncertainty > 0 # If the feature extractor has a normalizer, use it. # This will be overridden by keyword arguments if the # feature extractor is not an instance of slideflow.model.Features. self.normalizer = self.model.normalizer elif isinstance(self.model, str): model_config = sf.util.get_model_config(self.model) hp = sf.ModelParams.from_dict(model_config['hp']) self.uq = hp.uq self.normalizer = hp.get_normalizer() if self.normalizer: log.debug(f'Using realtime {self.normalizer.method} normalization') if 'norm_fit' in model_config: self.normalizer.set_fit(**model_config['norm_fit']) else: self.normalizer = None self.uq = False def _norm_from_kwargs(self, kwargs): """Parse the stain normalizer from keyword arguments.""" if 'normalizer' in kwargs and kwargs['normalizer'] is not None: norm = kwargs['normalizer'] del kwargs['normalizer'] if 'normalizer_source' in kwargs: norm_src = kwargs['normalizer_source'] del kwargs['normalizer_source'] else: norm_src = None if isinstance(norm, str): normalizer = sf.norm.autoselect( norm, source=norm_src, backend='tensorflow' if self.is_tf() else 'torch' ) else: normalizer = norm log.debug(f"Normalizing with {normalizer.method}") return normalizer, kwargs if 'normalizer' in kwargs: del kwargs['normalizer'] if 'normalizer_source' in kwargs: del kwargs['normalizer_source'] return None, kwargs def _prepare_generator(self, **kwargs) -> Callable: """Prepare the feature generator.""" # Generator is a Feature Extractor if self.is_extractor(): # Handle the case where the extractor is built from a trained model if self.is_tf(): from slideflow.model.tensorflow import Features as TFFeatures is_tf_model_extractor = isinstance(self.model, TFFeatures) is_torch_model_extractor = False elif self.is_torch(): from slideflow.model.torch import Features as TorchFeatures is_torch_model_extractor = isinstance(self.model, TorchFeatures) is_tf_model_extractor = False else: is_tf_model_extractor = False is_torch_model_extractor = False if (is_tf_model_extractor or is_torch_model_extractor) and 'normalizer' in kwargs: raise ValueError( "Cannot specify a normalizer when using a feature extractor " "created from a trained model. Stain normalization is auto-detected " "from the model configuration." ) elif (is_tf_model_extractor or is_torch_model_extractor) and kwargs: raise ValueError( f"Invalid keyword arguments: {', '.join(list(kwargs.keys()))}" ) elif (is_tf_model_extractor or is_torch_model_extractor): # Stain normalization has already been determined # from the model configuration. return self.model # For all other feature extractors, stain normalization # is determined from keyword arguments. self.normalizer, kwargs = self._norm_from_kwargs(kwargs) if kwargs: raise ValueError( f"Invalid keyword arguments: {', '.join(list(kwargs.keys()))}" ) return self.model # Generator is a path to a trained model, and we're using UQ elif self.is_model_path() and (self.uq and self.include_uncertainty): if self.include_preds is False: raise ValueError( "include_preds must be True if include_uncertainty is True" ) return sf.model.UncertaintyInterface( self.model, layers=self.layers, **kwargs ) # Generator is a path to a trained Slideflow model elif self.is_model_path(): return sf.model.Features( self.model, layers=self.layers, include_preds=self.include_preds, **kwargs ) # Generator is a loaded Tensorflow model elif self.is_tf(): return sf.model.Features.from_model( self.model, layers=self.layers, include_preds=self.include_preds, **kwargs ) # Generator is a loaded torch.nn.Module elif self.is_torch(): return sf.model.Features.from_model(, tile_px=self.tile_px, layers=self.layers, include_preds=self.include_preds, **kwargs ) # Unrecognized feature extractor else: raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized feature extractor {self.model}') def is_model_path(self): return isinstance(self.model, str) and (self.is_tf() or self.is_torch()) def is_extractor(self): return isinstance(self.model, BaseFeatureExtractor) def is_torch(self): if self.is_extractor(): return self.model.is_torch() else: return sf.model.is_torch_model(self.model) def is_tf(self): if self.is_extractor(): return self.model.is_tensorflow() else: return sf.model.is_tensorflow_model(self.model) def has_torch_gpu_normalizer(self): return ( isinstance(self.normalizer, sf.norm.StainNormalizer) and self.normalizer.__class__.__name__ == 'TorchStainNormalizer' and self.normalizer.device != 'cpu' ) def build_dataset(self): """Build a dataloader.""" # Generator is a Tensorflow model. if self.is_tf(): log.debug( "Setting up Tensorflow dataset iterator (num_parallel_reads=" f"None, deterministic={not self.tfrecords_have_loc})" ) # Disable parallel reads if we're using tfrecords without location # information, as we would need to read and receive data in order. if not self.tfrecords_have_loc: par_kw = dict(num_parallel_reads=None) else: par_kw = dict() return self.dataset.tensorflow( None, deterministic=(not self.tfrecords_have_loc), **par_kw, **self.dts_kw # type: ignore ) # Generator is a PyTorch model. elif self.is_torch(): if self.num_workers is None: n_workers = (4 if self.tfrecords_have_loc else 1) else: n_workers = self.num_workers log.debug( "Setting up PyTorch dataset iterator (num_workers=" f"{n_workers}, chunk_size=8)" ) return self.dataset.torch( None, num_workers=n_workers, chunk_size=8, **self.dts_kw # type: ignore ) # Unrecognized feature generator. else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized model type: {type(self.model)}") def generate( self, *, verbose: bool = True, progress: bool = True, pb: Optional[Progress] = None, ): # Get the dataloader for iterating through tfrecords dataset = self.build_dataset() # Rename tfrecord_array to tfrecords log_fn = if verbose else log.debug log_fn(f'Calculating activations for {len(self.dataset.tfrecords())} ' 'tfrecords') log_fn(f'Generating from [green]{self.model}') # Interleave tfrecord datasets estimated_tiles = self.dataset.num_tiles activations = defaultdict(list) # type: Dict[str, Any] predictions = defaultdict(list) # type: Dict[str, Any] uncertainty = defaultdict(list) # type: Dict[str, Any] locations = defaultdict(list) # type: Dict[str, Any] # Worker to process activations/predictions, for more efficient throughput q = queue.Queue() # type: queue.Queue def batch_worker(): while True: model_out, batch_slides, batch_loc = q.get() if model_out is None: return features, preds, unc, slides, loc = self._process_out( model_out, batch_slides, batch_loc ) for d, slide in enumerate(slides): if self.layers: activations[slide].append(features[d]) if self.include_preds and preds is not None: predictions[slide].append(preds[d]) if self.uq and self.include_uncertainty: uncertainty[slide].append(unc[d]) if loc is not None: locations[slide].append(loc[d]) batch_proc_thread = threading.Thread(target=batch_worker, daemon=True) batch_proc_thread.start() if progress and not pb: pb = Progress(*Progress.get_default_columns(), ImgBatchSpeedColumn(), transient=sf.getLoggingLevel()>20) task = pb.add_task("Generating...", total=estimated_tiles) pb.start() elif pb: task = 0 progress = False else: pb = None with sf.util.cleanup_progress((pb if progress else None)): for batch_img, _, batch_slides, batch_loc_x, batch_loc_y in dataset: model_output = self._calculate_feature_batch(batch_img) q.put((model_output, batch_slides, (batch_loc_x, batch_loc_y))) if pb: pb.advance(task, self.batch_size) q.put((None, None, None)) batch_proc_thread.join() if hasattr(dataset, 'close'): dataset.close() return activations, predictions, locations, uncertainty # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _export_bags( model: Union[Callable, Dict], dataset: "sf.Dataset", slides: List[str], slide_batch_size: int, pb: Any, outdir: str, slide_task: int = 0, **dts_kwargs ) -> None: """Export bags for a given feature extractor.""" for slide_batch in sf.util.batch(slides, slide_batch_size): try: _dataset = dataset.remove_filter(filters='slide') except errors.DatasetFilterError: _dataset = dataset _dataset = _dataset.filter(filters={'slide': slide_batch}) if not len(_dataset.tfrecords()): continue df = sf.DatasetFeatures(model, _dataset, pb=pb, **dts_kwargs) df.to_torch(outdir, verbose=False) pb.advance(slide_task, len(slide_batch)) def _distributed_export( device: int, model_cfg: Dict, dataset: "sf.Dataset", slides: List[List[str]], slide_batch_size: int, pb: Any, outdir: str, slide_task: int = 0, dts_kwargs: Any = None, mixed_precision: Optional[bool] = None, channels_last: Optional[bool] = None ) -> None: """Distributed export across multiple GPUs.""" model = sf.model.extractors.build_extractor_from_cfg(model_cfg, device=f'cuda:{device}') if mixed_precision is not None: model.mixed_precision = mixed_precision if channels_last is not None: model.channels_last = channels_last return _export_bags( model, dataset, list(slides[device]), slide_batch_size, pb, outdir, slide_task, **(dts_kwargs or {}) )