
Source code for slideflow.model.torch

'''PyTorch backend for the slideflow.model submodule.'''

import inspect
import json
import os
import types
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing as mp
import pandas as pd
import torch
import torchvision

from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn.functional import softmax
from packaging import version
from rich.progress import Progress, TimeElapsedColumn
from collections import defaultdict
from os.path import join
from pandas.api.types import is_float_dtype, is_integer_dtype
from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple,
                    Union, Callable)

import slideflow as sf
import slideflow.util.neptune_utils
from slideflow import errors
from slideflow.model import base as _base
from slideflow.model import torch_utils
from slideflow.model.torch_utils import autocast
from slideflow.model.base import log_manifest, BaseFeatureExtractor
from slideflow.util import log, NormFit, ImgBatchSpeedColumn, no_scope

    import pandas as pd
    from slideflow.norm import StainNormalizer

class LinearBlock(torch.nn.Module):
    '''Block module that includes a linear layer -> ReLU -> BatchNorm'''

    def __init__(
        in_ftrs: int,
        out_ftrs: int,
        dropout: Optional[float] = None
    ) -> None:
        self.in_ftrs = in_ftrs
        self.out_ftrs = out_ftrs
        self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(in_ftrs, out_ftrs)
        self.relu = torch.nn.ReLU(inplace=True) = torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(out_ftrs)
        if dropout:
            self.dropout = torch.nn.Dropout(dropout)
            self.dropout = None  # type: ignore

    def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
        x = self.linear(x)
        x = self.relu(x)
        x =
        if self.dropout is not None:
            x = self.dropout(x)
        return x

class ModelWrapper(torch.nn.Module):
    '''Wrapper for PyTorch modules to support multiple outcomes, clinical
    (patient-level) inputs, and additional hidden layers.'''

    def __init__(
        model: Any,
        n_classes: List[int],
        num_slide_features: int = 0,
        hidden_layers: Optional[List[int]] = None,
        drop_images: bool = False,
        dropout: Optional[float] = None,
        include_top: bool = True
    ) -> None:
        self.model = model
        self.n_classes = len(n_classes)
        self.drop_images = drop_images
        self.num_slide_features = num_slide_features
        self.num_hidden_layers = 0 if not hidden_layers else len(hidden_layers)
        self.has_aux = False
        log.debug(f'Model class name: {model.__class__.__name__}')
        if not drop_images:
            # Check for auxillary classifier
            if model.__class__.__name__ in ('Inception3',):
                log.debug("Auxillary classifier detected")
                self.has_aux = True

            # Get the last linear layer prior to the logits layer
            if model.__class__.__name__ in ('Xception', 'NASNetALarge'):
                num_ftrs = self.model.last_linear.in_features
                self.model.last_linear = torch.nn.Identity()
            elif model.__class__.__name__ in ('SqueezeNet'):
                num_ftrs = 1000
            elif hasattr(self.model, 'classifier'):
                children = list(self.model.classifier.named_children())
                if len(children):
                    # VGG, AlexNet
                    if include_top:
                        log.debug("Including existing fully-connected "
                                  "top classifier layers")
                        last_linear_name, last_linear = children[-1]
                        num_ftrs = last_linear.in_features
                    elif model.__class__.__name__ in ('AlexNet',
                        log.debug("Removing fully-connected classifier layers")
                        _, first_classifier = children[1]
                        num_ftrs = first_classifier.in_features
                        self.model.classifier = torch.nn.Identity()
                    elif model.__class__.__name__ in ('VGG', 'MobileNetV3'):
                        log.debug("Removing fully-connected classifier layers")
                        _, first_classifier = children[0]
                        num_ftrs = first_classifier.in_features
                        self.model.classifier = torch.nn.Identity()
                    num_ftrs = self.model.classifier.in_features
                    self.model.classifier = torch.nn.Identity()
            elif hasattr(self.model, 'fc'):
                num_ftrs = self.model.fc.in_features
                self.model.fc = torch.nn.Identity()
            elif hasattr(self.model, 'out_features'):
                num_ftrs = self.model.out_features
            elif hasattr(self.model, 'head'):
                num_ftrs = self.model.head.out_features
                raise errors.ModelError("Unable to find last linear layer for "
                                        f"model {model.__class__.__name__}")
            num_ftrs = 0

        # Add slide-level features
        num_ftrs += num_slide_features

        # Add hidden layers
        if hidden_layers:
            hl_ftrs = [num_ftrs] + hidden_layers
            for i in range(len(hidden_layers)):
                setattr(self, f'h{i}', LinearBlock(hl_ftrs[i],
            num_ftrs = hidden_layers[-1]

        # Add the outcome/logits layers for each outcome, if multiple outcomes
        for i, n in enumerate(n_classes):
            setattr(self, f'fc{i}', torch.nn.Linear(num_ftrs, n))

    def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any:
            return super().__getattr__(name)
        except AttributeError as e:
            if name == 'model':
                raise e
            return getattr(self.model, name)

    def forward(
        img: Tensor,
        slide_features: Optional[Tensor] = None
        if slide_features is None and self.num_slide_features:
            raise ValueError("Expected 2 inputs, got 1")

        # Last linear of core convolutional model
        if not self.drop_images:
            x = self.model(img)

        # Discard auxillary classifier
        if self.has_aux and
            x = x.logits

        # Merging image data with any slide-level input data
        if self.num_slide_features and not self.drop_images:
            assert slide_features is not None
            x =[x, slide_features], dim=1)
        elif self.num_slide_features:
            x = slide_features

        # Hidden layers
        if self.num_hidden_layers:
            x = self.h0(x)
        if self.num_hidden_layers > 1:
            for h in range(1, self.num_hidden_layers):
                x = getattr(self, f'h{h}')(x)

        # Return a list of outputs if we have multiple outcomes
        if self.n_classes > 1:
            out = [getattr(self, f'fc{i}')(x) for i in range(self.n_classes)]

        # Otherwise, return the single output
            out = self.fc0(x)

        return out  # , x

[docs]class ModelParams(_base._ModelParams): """Build a set of hyperparameters.""" ModelDict = { 'resnet18': torchvision.models.resnet18, 'resnet50': torchvision.models.resnet50, 'alexnet': torchvision.models.alexnet, 'squeezenet': torchvision.models.squeezenet.squeezenet1_1, 'densenet': torchvision.models.densenet161, 'inception': torchvision.models.inception_v3, 'googlenet': torchvision.models.googlenet, 'shufflenet': torchvision.models.shufflenet_v2_x1_0, 'resnext50_32x4d': torchvision.models.resnext50_32x4d, 'vgg16': torchvision.models.vgg16, # needs support added 'mobilenet_v2': torchvision.models.mobilenet_v2, 'mobilenet_v3_small': torchvision.models.mobilenet_v3_small, 'mobilenet_v3_large': torchvision.models.mobilenet_v3_large, 'wide_resnet50_2': torchvision.models.wide_resnet50_2, 'mnasnet': torchvision.models.mnasnet1_0, 'xception': torch_utils.xception, 'nasnet_large': torch_utils.nasnetalarge } def __init__(self, *, loss: str = 'CrossEntropy', **kwargs) -> None: self.OptDict = { 'Adadelta': torch.optim.Adadelta, 'Adagrad': torch.optim.Adagrad, 'Adam': torch.optim.Adam, 'AdamW': torch.optim.AdamW, 'SparseAdam': torch.optim.SparseAdam, 'Adamax': torch.optim.Adamax, 'ASGD': torch.optim.ASGD, 'LBFGS': torch.optim.LBFGS, 'RMSprop': torch.optim.RMSprop, 'Rprop': torch.optim.Rprop, 'SGD': torch.optim.SGD } self.RegressionLossDict = { 'L1': torch.nn.L1Loss, 'MSE': torch.nn.MSELoss, 'NLL': torch.nn.NLLLoss, # negative log likelihood 'HingeEmbedding': torch.nn.HingeEmbeddingLoss, 'SmoothL1': torch.nn.SmoothL1Loss, 'CosineEmbedding': torch.nn.CosineEmbeddingLoss, } self.AllLossDict = { 'CrossEntropy': torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss, 'CTC': torch.nn.CTCLoss, 'PoissonNLL': torch.nn.PoissonNLLLoss, 'GaussianNLL': torch.nn.GaussianNLLLoss, 'KLDiv': torch.nn.KLDivLoss, 'BCE': torch.nn.BCELoss, 'BCEWithLogits': torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss, 'MarginRanking': torch.nn.MarginRankingLoss, 'MultiLabelMargin': torch.nn.MultiLabelMarginLoss, 'Huber': torch.nn.HuberLoss, 'SoftMargin': torch.nn.SoftMarginLoss, 'MultiLabelSoftMargin': torch.nn.MultiLabelSoftMarginLoss, 'MultiMargin': torch.nn.MultiMarginLoss, 'TripletMargin': torch.nn.TripletMarginLoss, 'TripletMarginWithDistance': torch.nn.TripletMarginWithDistanceLoss, 'L1': torch.nn.L1Loss, 'MSE': torch.nn.MSELoss, 'NLL': torch.nn.NLLLoss, # negative log likelihood 'HingeEmbedding': torch.nn.HingeEmbeddingLoss, 'SmoothL1': torch.nn.SmoothL1Loss, 'CosineEmbedding': torch.nn.CosineEmbeddingLoss, } super().__init__(loss=loss, **kwargs) assert self.model in self.ModelDict.keys() or self.model.startswith('timm_') assert self.optimizer in self.OptDict.keys() assert self.loss in self.AllLossDict if self.model == 'inception': log.warn("Model 'inception' has an auxillary classifier, which " "is currently ignored during training. Auxillary " "classifier loss will be included during training " "starting in version 1.3") def get_opt(self, params_to_update: Iterable) -> torch.optim.Optimizer: return self.OptDict[self.optimizer]( params_to_update, lr=self.learning_rate, weight_decay=self.l2 ) def get_loss(self) -> torch.nn.modules.loss._Loss: return self.AllLossDict[self.loss]() def get_model_loader(self, model: str) -> Callable: if model in self.ModelDict: return self.ModelDict[model] elif model.startswith('timm_'): def loader(**kwargs): try: import timm except ImportError: raise ImportError(f"Unable to load model {model}; " "timm package not installed.") return timm.create_model(model[5:], **kwargs) return loader else: raise ValueError(f"Model {model} not found.") def build_model( self, labels: Optional[Dict] = None, num_classes: Optional[Union[int, Dict[Any, int]]] = None, num_slide_features: int = 0, pretrain: Optional[str] = None, checkpoint: Optional[str] = None ) -> torch.nn.Module: assert num_classes is not None or labels is not None if num_classes is None: assert labels is not None num_classes = self._detect_classes_from_labels(labels) if not isinstance(num_classes, dict): num_classes = {'out-0': num_classes} # Prepare custom model pretraining if pretrain: log.debug(f"Using pretraining: [green]{pretrain}") if (isinstance(pretrain, str) and sf.util.path_to_ext(pretrain).lower() == 'zip'): _pretrained = pretrain pretrain = None else: _pretrained = None # Build base model if self.model in ('xception', 'nasnet_large'): _model = self.get_model_loader(self.model)( num_classes=1000, pretrained=pretrain ) else: # Compatibility logic for prior versions of PyTorch model_fn = self.get_model_loader(self.model) model_fn_sig = inspect.signature(model_fn) model_kw = [ for param in model_fn_sig.parameters.values() if param.kind == param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD ] call_kw = {} if 'image_size' in model_kw: call_kw.update(dict(image_size=self.tile_px)) if (version.parse(torchvision.__version__) >= version.parse("0.13") and not self.model.startswith('timm_')): # New Torchvision API w = 'DEFAULT' if pretrain == 'imagenet' else pretrain call_kw.update(dict(weights=w)) # type: ignore else: call_kw.update(dict(pretrained=pretrain)) # type: ignore _model = model_fn(**call_kw) # Add final layers to models hidden_layers = [ self.hidden_layer_width for _ in range(self.hidden_layers) ] model = ModelWrapper( _model, list(num_classes.values()), num_slide_features, hidden_layers, self.drop_images, dropout=self.dropout, include_top=self.include_top ) if _pretrained is not None: lazy_load_pretrained(model, _pretrained) if checkpoint is not None: model.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoint)) return model def model_type(self) -> str: """Returns 'regression', 'classification', or 'survival', reflecting the loss.""" #check if loss is custom_[type] and returns type if self.loss.startswith('custom'): return self.loss[7:] elif self.loss == 'NLL': return 'survival' elif self.loss in self.RegressionLossDict: return 'regression' else: return 'classification'
[docs]class Trainer: """Base trainer class containing functionality for model building, input processing, training, and evaluation. This base class requires categorical outcome(s). Additional outcome types are supported by :class:`slideflow.model.RegressionTrainer` and :class:`slideflow.model.SurvivalTrainer`. Slide-level (e.g. clinical) features can be used as additional model input by providing slide labels in the slide annotations dictionary, under the key 'input'. """ _model_type = 'classification' def __init__( self, hp: ModelParams, outdir: str, labels: Dict[str, Any], *, slide_input: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, name: str = 'Trainer', feature_sizes: Optional[List[int]] = None, feature_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, outcome_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, mixed_precision: bool = True, allow_tf32: bool = False, config: Dict[str, Any] = None, use_neptune: bool = False, neptune_api: Optional[str] = None, neptune_workspace: Optional[str] = None, load_method: str = 'weights', custom_objects: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, device: Optional[str] = None, transform: Optional[Union[Callable, Dict[str, Callable]]] = None, pin_memory: bool = True, num_workers: int = 4, chunk_size: int = 8 ): """Sets base configuration, preparing model inputs and outputs. Args: hp (:class:`slideflow.ModelParams`): ModelParams object. outdir (str): Destination for event logs and checkpoints. labels (dict): Dict mapping slide names to outcome labels (int or float format). slide_input (dict): Dict mapping slide names to additional slide-level input, concatenated after post-conv. name (str, optional): Optional name describing the model, used for model saving. Defaults to None. feature_sizes (list, optional): List of sizes of input features. Required if providing additional input features as model input. feature_names (list, optional): List of names for input features. Used when permuting feature importance. outcome_names (list, optional): Name of each outcome. Defaults to "Outcome {X}" for each outcome. mixed_precision (bool, optional): Use FP16 mixed precision (rather than FP32). Defaults to True. allow_tf32 (bool): Allow internal use of Tensorfloat-32 format. Defaults to False. config (dict, optional): Training configuration dictionary, used for logging and image format verification. Defaults to None. use_neptune (bool, optional): Use Neptune API logging. Defaults to False neptune_api (str, optional): Neptune API token, used for logging. Defaults to None. neptune_workspace (str, optional): Neptune workspace. Defaults to None. load_method (str): Loading method to use when reading model. This argument is ignored in the PyTorch backend, as all models are loaded by first building the model with hyperparameters detected in ``params.json``, then loading weights with ``torch.nn.Module.load_state_dict()``. Defaults to 'full' (ignored). transform (callable or dict, optional): Optional transform to apply to input images. If dict, must have the keys 'train' and/or 'val', mapping to callables that takes a single image Tensor as input and returns a single image Tensor. If None, no transform is applied. If a single callable is provided, it will be applied to both training and validation data. If a dict is provided, the 'train' transform will be applied to training data and the 'val' transform will be applied to validation data. If a dict is provided and either 'train' or 'val' is None, no transform will be applied to that data. Defaults to None. pin_memory (bool): Set the ``pin_memory`` attribute for dataloaders. Defaults to True. num_workers (int): Set the number of workers for dataloaders. Defaults to 4. chunk_size (int): Set the chunk size for TFRecord reading. Defaults to 8. """ self.hp = hp self.outdir = outdir self.labels = labels self.patients = dict() # type: Dict[str, str] = name self.model = None # type: Optional[torch.nn.Module] self.inference_model = None # type: Optional[torch.nn.Module] self.mixed_precision = mixed_precision self.device = torch_utils.get_device(device) self.mid_train_val_dts: Optional[Iterable] = None self.loss_fn: torch.nn.modules.loss._Loss self.use_tensorboard: bool self.writer = None # type: Optional[torch.utils.tensorboard.SummaryWriter] self.pin_memory = pin_memory self.num_workers = num_workers self.chunk_size = chunk_size self._reset_training_params() if custom_objects is not None: log.warn("custom_objects argument ignored in PyTorch backend.") # Enable or disable Tensorflow-32 # Allows PyTorch to internally use tf32 for matmul and convolutions torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = allow_tf32 torch.backends.cudnn.allow_tf32 = allow_tf32 # type: ignore self._allow_tf32 = allow_tf32 # Slide-level input args if slide_input: self.slide_input = { k: [float(vi) for vi in v] for k, v in slide_input.items() } else: self.slide_input = None # type: ignore self.feature_names = feature_names self.feature_sizes = feature_sizes self.num_slide_features = 0 if not feature_sizes else sum(feature_sizes) self.normalizer = self.hp.get_normalizer() if self.normalizer:'Using realtime {self.hp.normalizer} normalization') if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) self._process_transforms(transform) self._process_outcome_labels(outcome_names) if isinstance(labels, pd.DataFrame): cat_assign = self._process_category_assignments() # Log parameters if config is None: config = { 'slideflow_version': sf.__version__, 'backend': sf.backend(), 'git_commit': sf.__gitcommit__, 'model_name':, 'full_model_name':, 'outcomes': self.outcome_names, 'model_type': self.hp.model_type(), 'img_format': None, 'tile_px': self.hp.tile_px, 'tile_um': self.hp.tile_um, 'input_features': None, 'input_feature_sizes': None, 'input_feature_labels': None, 'hp': self.hp.to_dict(), } if isinstance(labels, pd.DataFrame): config['outcome_labels'] = {str(k): v for k,v in cat_assign.items()} sf.util.write_json(config, join(self.outdir, 'params.json')) # Neptune logging self.config = config self.img_format = config['img_format'] if 'img_format' in config else None self.use_neptune = use_neptune self.neptune_run = None if self.use_neptune: if neptune_api is None or neptune_workspace is None: raise ValueError("If using Neptune, must supply neptune_api" " and neptune_workspace.") self.neptune_logger = sf.util.neptune_utils.NeptuneLog( neptune_api, neptune_workspace ) @property def num_outcomes(self) -> int: if self.hp.model_type() == 'classification': assert self.outcome_names is not None return len(self.outcome_names) else: return 1 @property def multi_outcome(self) -> bool: return (self.num_outcomes > 1) def _process_category_assignments(self) -> Dict[int, str]: """Get category assignments for categorical outcome labels. Dataframes with integer labels are assumed to be categorical if if hp.model_type is 'classification'. Dataframes with float labels are assumed to be continuous. Dataframes with other labels are assumed to be categorical, and will be assigned an integer label based on the order of unique values. """ if not isinstance(self.labels, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("Expected DataFrame with 'label' column.") if 'label' not in self.labels.columns: raise ValueError("Expected DataFrame with 'label' column.") if self.hp.model_type() == 'classification': if is_integer_dtype(self.labels['label']) or is_float_dtype(self.labels['label']): return {i: str(i) for i in sorted(self.labels['label'].unique())} else: int_to_str = dict(enumerate(sorted(self.labels['label'].unique()))) str_to_int = {v: k for k, v in int_to_str.items()}"Assigned integer labels to categories:") self.labels['label'] = self.labels['label'].map(str_to_int) return int_to_str else: return {} def _process_transforms( self, transform: Optional[Union[Callable, Dict[str, Callable]]] = None ) -> None: """Process custom transformations for training and/or validation.""" if not isinstance(transform, dict): transform = {'train': transform, 'val': transform} if any([t not in ('train', 'val') for t in transform]): raise ValueError("transform must be a callable or dict with keys " "'train' and/or 'val'") if 'train' not in transform: transform['train'] = None if 'val' not in transform: transform['val'] = None self.transform = transform def _process_outcome_labels( self, outcome_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> None: """Process outcome labels to determine number of outcomes and names. Supports experimental tile-level labels provided via pandas DataFrame. Args: labels (dict): Dict mapping slide names to outcome labels (int or float format). Experimental funtionality: if labels is a pandas DataFrame, the 'label' column will be used as the outcome labels. outcome_names (list, optional): Name of each outcome. Defaults to "Outcome {X}" for each outcome. """ # Process DataFrame tile-level labels if isinstance(self.labels, pd.DataFrame): if 'label' not in self.labels.columns: raise errors.ModelError("Expected DataFrame with 'label' " "column.") if outcome_names and len(outcome_names) > 1: raise errors.ModelError( "Expected single outcome name for labels from a pandas dataframe." ) self.outcome_names = outcome_names or ['Outcome 0'] return # Process dictionary slide-level labels outcome_labels = np.array(list(self.labels.values())) if len(outcome_labels.shape) == 1: outcome_labels = np.expand_dims(outcome_labels, axis=1) if not outcome_names: self.outcome_names = [ f'Outcome {i}' for i in range(outcome_labels.shape[1]) ] else: self.outcome_names = outcome_names if not len(self.outcome_names) == outcome_labels.shape[1]: n_names = len(self.outcome_names) n_out = outcome_labels.shape[1] raise errors.ModelError(f"Number of outcome names ({n_names}) does" f" not match number of outcomes ({n_out})") def _reset_training_params(self) -> None: self.global_step = 0 self.epoch = 0 # type: int self.step = 0 # type: int self.log_frequency = 0 # type: int self.early_stop = False # type: bool self.moving_average = [] # type: List self.dataloaders = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] self.validation_batch_size = None # type: Optional[int] self.validate_on_batch = 0 self.validation_steps = 0 self.ema_observations = 0 # type: int self.ema_smoothing = 0 self.last_ema = -1 # type: float self.ema_one_check_prior = -1 # type: float self.ema_two_checks_prior = -1 # type: float self.epoch_records = 0 # type: int self.running_loss = 0.0 self.running_corrects = {} # type: Union[Tensor, Dict[str, Tensor]] def _accuracy_as_numpy( self, acc: Union[Tensor, float, List[Tensor], List[float]] ) -> Union[float, List[float]]: if isinstance(acc, list): return [t.item() if isinstance(t, Tensor) else t for t in acc] else: return (acc.item() if isinstance(acc, Tensor) else acc) def _build_model( self, checkpoint: Optional[str] = None, pretrain: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: if checkpoint:"Loading checkpoint at [green]{checkpoint}") self.load(checkpoint) else: self.model = self.hp.build_model( labels=self.labels, pretrain=pretrain, num_slide_features=self.num_slide_features ) # Create an inference model before any multi-GPU parallelization # is applied to the self.model parameter self.inference_model = self.model def _calculate_accuracy( self, running_corrects: Union[Tensor, Dict[Any, Tensor]], num_records: int = 1 ) -> Tuple[Union[Tensor, List[Tensor]], str]: '''Reports accuracy of each outcome.''' assert self.hp.model_type() == 'classification' if self.num_outcomes > 1: if not isinstance(running_corrects, dict): raise ValueError("Expected running_corrects to be a dict:" " num_outcomes is > 1") acc_desc = '' acc_list = [running_corrects[r] / num_records for r in running_corrects] for o in range(len(running_corrects)): _acc = running_corrects[f'out-{o}'] / num_records acc_desc += f"out-{o} acc: {_acc:.4f} " return acc_list, acc_desc else: assert not isinstance(running_corrects, dict) _acc = running_corrects / num_records return _acc, f'acc: {_acc:.4f}' def _calculate_loss( self, outputs: Union[Tensor, List[Tensor]], labels: Union[Tensor, Dict[Any, Tensor]], loss_fn: torch.nn.modules.loss._Loss ) -> Tensor: '''Calculates loss in a manner compatible with multiple outcomes.''' if self.num_outcomes > 1: if not isinstance(labels, dict): raise ValueError("Expected labels to be a dict: num_outcomes" " is > 1") loss = sum([ loss_fn(out, labels[f'out-{o}']) for o, out in enumerate(outputs) ]) else: loss = loss_fn(outputs, labels) return loss # type: ignore def _check_early_stopping( self, val_acc: Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None, val_loss: Optional[float] = None ) -> str: if val_acc is None and val_loss is None: if (self.hp.early_stop and self.hp.early_stop_method == 'manual' and self.hp.manual_early_stop_epoch <= self.epoch # type: ignore and self.hp.manual_early_stop_batch <= self.step): # type: ignore'Manual early stop triggered: epoch {self.epoch}, ' f'batch {self.step}') if self.epoch not in self.hp.epochs: self.hp.epochs += [self.epoch] self.early_stop = True else: if self.hp.early_stop_method == 'accuracy': if self.num_outcomes > 1: raise errors.ModelError( "Early stopping method 'accuracy' not supported with" " multiple outcomes; use 'loss'.") early_stop_val = val_acc else: early_stop_val = val_loss assert early_stop_val is not None assert isinstance(early_stop_val, float) self.moving_average += [early_stop_val] if len(self.moving_average) >= self.ema_observations: # Only keep track of the last [ema_observations] self.moving_average.pop(0) if self.last_ema == -1: # Simple moving average self.last_ema = (sum(self.moving_average) / len(self.moving_average)) # type: ignore log_msg = f' (SMA: {self.last_ema:.3f})' else: alpha = (self.ema_smoothing / (1 + self.ema_observations)) self.last_ema = (early_stop_val * alpha + (self.last_ema * (1 - alpha))) log_msg = f' (EMA: {self.last_ema:.3f})' if self.neptune_run and self.last_ema != -1: neptune_dest = "metrics/val/batch/exp_moving_avg" self.neptune_run[neptune_dest].log(self.last_ema) if (self.hp.early_stop and self.ema_two_checks_prior != -1 and self.epoch > self.hp.early_stop_patience): if ((self.hp.early_stop_method == 'accuracy' and self.last_ema <= self.ema_two_checks_prior) or (self.hp.early_stop_method == 'loss' and self.last_ema >= self.ema_two_checks_prior)):'Early stop triggered: epoch {self.epoch}, ' f'step {self.step}') self._log_early_stop_to_neptune() if self.epoch not in self.hp.epochs: self.hp.epochs += [self.epoch] self.early_stop = True return log_msg self.ema_two_checks_prior = self.ema_one_check_prior self.ema_one_check_prior = self.last_ema return '' def _detect_patients(self, *args): self.patients = dict() for dataset in args: if dataset is None: continue dataset_patients = dataset.patients() if not dataset_patients: self.patients.update({s: s for s in self.slides}) else: self.patients.update(dataset_patients) def _empty_corrects(self) -> Union[int, Dict[str, int]]: if self.multi_outcome: return { f'out-{o}': 0 for o in range(self.num_outcomes) } else: return 0 def _epoch_metrics( self, acc: Union[float, List[float]], loss: float, label: str ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[float, List[float]]]]: epoch_metrics = {'loss': loss} # type: Dict if self.hp.model_type() == 'classification': epoch_metrics.update({'accuracy': acc}) return {f'{label}_metrics': epoch_metrics} def _val_metrics(self, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]: """Evaluate model and calculate metrics. Returns: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]: Dict with validation metrics. Returns metrics in the form: ``` { 'val_metrics': { 'loss': ..., 'accuracy': ..., }, 'tile_auc': ..., 'slide_auc': ..., ... } ``` """ if hasattr(self, 'optimizer'): self.optimizer.zero_grad() assert self.model is not None self.model.eval() results_log = os.path.join(self.outdir, 'results_log.csv') epoch_results = {} # Preparations for calculating accuracy/loss in metrics_from_dataset() def update_corrects(pred, labels, running_corrects=None): if running_corrects is None: running_corrects = self._empty_corrects() if self.hp.model_type() == 'classification': labels = self._labels_to_device(labels, self.device) return self._update_corrects(pred, labels, running_corrects) else: return 0 def update_loss(pred, labels, running_loss, size): labels = self._labels_to_device(labels, self.device) loss = self._calculate_loss(pred, labels, self.loss_fn) return running_loss + (loss.item() * size) torch_args = types.SimpleNamespace( update_corrects=update_corrects, update_loss=update_loss, num_slide_features=self.num_slide_features, slide_input=self.slide_input, normalizer=(self.normalizer if self._has_gpu_normalizer() else None), ) # Calculate patient/slide/tile metrics (AUC, R-squared, C-index, etc) metrics, acc, loss = sf.stats.metrics_from_dataset( self.inference_model, model_type=self.hp.model_type(), patients=self.patients, dataset=self.dataloaders['val'], data_dir=self.outdir, outcome_names=self.outcome_names, neptune_run=self.neptune_run, torch_args=torch_args, uq=bool(self.hp.uq), **kwargs ) loss_and_acc = {'loss': loss} if self.hp.model_type() == 'classification': loss_and_acc.update({'accuracy': acc}) self._log_epoch( 'val', self.epoch, loss, self._calculate_accuracy(acc)[1] # type: ignore ) epoch_metrics = {'val_metrics': loss_and_acc} for metric in metrics: if metrics[metric]['tile'] is None: continue epoch_results[f'tile_{metric}'] = metrics[metric]['tile'] epoch_results[f'slide_{metric}'] = metrics[metric]['slide'] epoch_results[f'patient_{metric}'] = metrics[metric]['patient'] epoch_metrics.update(epoch_results) sf.util.update_results_log( results_log, 'trained_model', {f'epoch{self.epoch}': epoch_metrics} ) self._log_eval_to_neptune(loss, acc, metrics, epoch_metrics) return epoch_metrics def _fit_normalizer(self, norm_fit: Optional[NormFit]) -> None: """Fit the Trainer normalizer using the specified fit, if applicable. Args: norm_fit (Optional[Dict[str, np.ndarray]]): Normalizer fit. """ if norm_fit is not None and not self.normalizer: raise ValueError("norm_fit supplied, but model params do not" "specify a normalizer.") if self.normalizer and norm_fit is not None: self.normalizer.set_fit(**norm_fit) # type: ignore elif (self.normalizer and 'norm_fit' in self.config and self.config['norm_fit'] is not None): log.debug("Detecting normalizer fit from model config") self.normalizer.set_fit(**self.config['norm_fit']) def _has_gpu_normalizer(self) -> bool: import slideflow.norm.torch return (isinstance(self.normalizer, sf.norm.torch.TorchStainNormalizer) and self.normalizer.device != "cpu") def _labels_to_device( self, labels: Union[Dict[Any, Tensor], Tensor], device: torch.device ) -> Union[Dict[Any, Tensor], Tensor]: '''Moves a set of outcome labels to the given device.''' if self.num_outcomes > 1: if not isinstance(labels, dict): raise ValueError("Expected labels to be a dict: num_outcomes" " is > 1") labels = { k:, non_blocking=True) for k, la in labels.items() } elif isinstance(labels, dict): labels = torch.stack(list(labels.values()), dim=1) return, non_blocking=True) else: labels =, non_blocking=True) return labels def _log_epoch( self, phase: str, epoch: int, loss: float, accuracy_desc: str, ) -> None: """Logs epoch description."""'[bold blue]{phase}[/] Epoch {epoch} | loss:' f' {loss:.4f} {accuracy_desc}') def _log_manifest( self, train_dts: Optional["sf.Dataset"], val_dts: Optional["sf.Dataset"], labels: Optional[Union[str, Dict]] = 'auto' ) -> None: """Log the tfrecord and label manifest to slide_manifest.csv Args: train_dts (sf.Dataset): Training dataset. May be None. val_dts (sf.Dataset): Validation dataset. May be None. labels (dict, optional): Labels dictionary. May be None. Defaults to 'auto' (read from self.labels). """ if labels == 'auto': _labels = self.labels elif labels is None: _labels = None else: assert isinstance(labels, dict) _labels = labels log_manifest( (train_dts.tfrecords() if train_dts else None), (val_dts.tfrecords() if val_dts else None), labels=_labels, filename=join(self.outdir, 'slide_manifest.csv') ) def _log_to_tensorboard( self, loss: float, acc: Union[float, List[float]], label: str ) -> None: self.writer.add_scalar(f'Loss/{label}', loss, self.global_step) if self.hp.model_type() == 'classification': if self.num_outcomes > 1: assert isinstance(acc, list) for o, _acc in enumerate(acc): self.writer.add_scalar( f'Accuracy-{o}/{label}', _acc, self.global_step ) else: self.writer.add_scalar( f'Accuracy/{label}', acc, self.global_step ) def _log_to_neptune( self, loss: float, acc: Union[Tensor, List[Tensor]], label: str, phase: str ) -> None: """Logs epoch loss/accuracy to Neptune.""" assert phase in ('batch', 'epoch') step = self.epoch if phase == 'epoch' else self.global_step if self.neptune_run: self.neptune_run[f"metrics/{label}/{phase}/loss"].log(loss, step=step) acc = self._accuracy_as_numpy(acc) if isinstance(acc, list): for a, _acc in enumerate(acc): sf.util.neptune_utils.list_log( run=self.neptune_run, label=f'metrics/{label}/{phase}/accuracy-{a}', val=_acc, step=step ) else: sf.util.neptune_utils.list_log( run=self.neptune_run, label=f'metrics/{label}/{phase}/accuracy', val=acc, step=step ) def _log_early_stop_to_neptune(self) -> None: # Log early stop to neptune if self.neptune_run: self.neptune_run["early_stop/early_stop_epoch"] = self.epoch self.neptune_run["early_stop/early_stop_batch"] = self.step self.neptune_run["early_stop/method"] = self.hp.early_stop_method self.neptune_run["sys/tags"].add("early_stopped") def _log_eval_to_neptune( self, loss: float, acc: float, metrics: Dict[str, Any], epoch_results: Dict[str, Any] ) -> None: if self.use_neptune: assert self.neptune_run is not None self.neptune_run['results'] = epoch_results # Validation epoch metrics self.neptune_run['metrics/val/epoch/loss'].log(loss, step=self.epoch) sf.util.neptune_utils.list_log( self.neptune_run, 'metrics/val/epoch/accuracy', acc, step=self.epoch ) for metric in metrics: if metrics[metric]['tile'] is None: continue for outcome in metrics[metric]['tile']: # If only one outcome, # log to metrics/val/epoch/[metric]. # If more than one outcome, # log to metrics/val/epoch/[metric]/[outcome_name] def metric_label(s): if len(metrics[metric]['tile']) == 1: return f'metrics/val/epoch/{s}_{metric}' else: return f'metrics/val/epoch/{s}_{metric}/{outcome}' tile_metric = metrics[metric]['tile'][outcome] slide_metric = metrics[metric]['slide'][outcome] patient_metric = metrics[metric]['patient'][outcome] # If only one value for a metric, log to .../[metric] # If more than one value for a metric # (e.g. AUC for each category), # log to .../[metric]/[i] sf.util.neptune_utils.list_log( self.neptune_run, metric_label('tile'), tile_metric, step=self.epoch ) sf.util.neptune_utils.list_log( self.neptune_run, metric_label('slide'), slide_metric, step=self.epoch ) sf.util.neptune_utils.list_log( self.neptune_run, metric_label('patient'), patient_metric, step=self.epoch ) def _mid_training_validation(self) -> None: """Perform mid-epoch validation, if appropriate.""" if not self.validate_on_batch: return elif not ( 'val' in self.dataloaders and self.step > 0 and self.step % self.validate_on_batch == 0 ): return if self.model is None or self.inference_model is None: raise errors.ModelError("Model not yet initialized.") self.model.eval() running_val_loss = 0 num_val = 0 running_val_correct = self._empty_corrects() for _ in range(self.validation_steps): val_img, val_label, slides, *_ = next(self.mid_train_val_dts) # type:ignore val_img = val_img = with torch.inference_mode(): _mp = (self.mixed_precision and self.device.type in ('cuda', 'cpu')) with autocast(self.device.type, mixed_precision=_mp): # type: ignore # GPU normalization, if specified. if self._has_gpu_normalizer(): val_img = self.normalizer.preprocess(val_img) if self.num_slide_features: _slide_in = [self.slide_input[s] for s in slides] inp = (val_img, Tensor(_slide_in).to(self.device)) else: inp = (val_img,) # type: ignore val_outputs = self.inference_model(*inp) val_label = self._labels_to_device(val_label, self.device) val_batch_loss = self._calculate_loss( val_outputs, val_label, self.loss_fn ) running_val_loss += val_batch_loss.item() * val_img.size(0) if self.hp.model_type() == 'classification': running_val_correct = self._update_corrects( val_outputs, val_label, running_val_correct # type: ignore ) num_val += val_img.size(0) val_loss = running_val_loss / num_val if self.hp.model_type() == 'classification': val_acc, val_acc_desc = self._calculate_accuracy( running_val_correct, num_val # type: ignore ) else: val_acc, val_acc_desc = 0, '' # type: ignore log_msg = f'Batch {self.step}: val loss: {val_loss:.4f} {val_acc_desc}' # Log validation metrics to neptune & check early stopping self._log_to_neptune(val_loss, val_acc, 'val', phase='batch') log_msg += self._check_early_stopping( self._accuracy_as_numpy(val_acc), val_loss ) # Log to tensorboard if self.use_tensorboard: if self.num_outcomes > 1: assert isinstance(running_val_correct, dict) _val_acc = [ running_val_correct[f'out-{o}'] / num_val for o in range(len(val_outputs)) ] else: assert not isinstance(running_val_correct, dict) _val_acc = running_val_correct / num_val # type: ignore self._log_to_tensorboard( val_loss, self._accuracy_as_numpy(_val_acc), 'test' ) # type: ignore # Put model back in training mode self.model.train() def _prepare_optimizers_and_loss(self) -> None: if self.model is None: raise ValueError("Model has not yet been initialized.") self.optimizer = self.hp.get_opt(self.model.parameters()) if self.hp.learning_rate_decay: self.scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ExponentialLR( self.optimizer, gamma=self.hp.learning_rate_decay ) log.debug("Using exponentially decaying learning rate") else: self.scheduler = None # type: ignore self.loss_fn = self.hp.get_loss() if self.mixed_precision and self.device.type == 'cuda': self.scaler = torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler() def _prepare_neptune_run(self, dataset: "sf.Dataset", label: str) -> None: if self.use_neptune: tags = [label] if 'k-fold' in self.config['validation_strategy']: tags += [f'k-fold{self.config["k_fold_i"]}'] self.neptune_run = self.neptune_logger.start_run(, self.config['project'], dataset, tags=tags ) assert self.neptune_run is not None self.neptune_logger.log_config(self.config, label) self.neptune_run['data/slide_manifest'].upload( os.path.join(self.outdir, 'slide_manifest.csv') ) try: config_path = join(self.outdir, 'params.json') config = sf.util.load_json(config_path) config['neptune_id'] = self.neptune_run['sys/id'].fetch() except Exception:"Unable to log params (params.json) with Neptune.") def _print_model_summary(self, train_dts) -> None: """Prints model summary and logs to neptune.""" if self.model is None: raise ValueError("Model has not yet been initialized.") empty_inp = [torch.empty( [self.hp.batch_size, 3, train_dts.tile_px, train_dts.tile_px] )] if self.num_slide_features: empty_inp += [ torch.empty([self.hp.batch_size, self.num_slide_features]) ] if sf.getLoggingLevel() <= 20: model_summary = torch_utils.print_module_summary( self.model, empty_inp ) if self.neptune_run: self.neptune_run['summary'] = model_summary def _save_model(self) -> None: assert self.model is not None name = if else 'trained_model' save_path = os.path.join(self.outdir, f'{name}_epoch{self.epoch}.zip'), save_path)"Model saved to [green]{save_path}") def _close_dataloaders(self): """Close dataloaders, ensuring threads have joined.""" del self.mid_train_val_dts for name, d in self.dataloaders.items(): if '_dataset' in dir(d): log.debug(f"Closing dataloader {name} via _dataset.close()") d._dataset.close() elif 'dataset' in dir(d): log.debug(f"Closing dataloader {name} via dataset.close()") d.dataset.close() def _setup_dataloaders( self, train_dts: Optional["sf.Dataset"], val_dts: Optional["sf.Dataset"], mid_train_val: bool = False, incl_labels: bool = True, from_wsi: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> None: """Prepare dataloaders from training and validation.""" interleave_args = types.SimpleNamespace( rank=0, num_replicas=1, labels=(self.labels if incl_labels else None), chunk_size=self.chunk_size, pin_memory=self.pin_memory, num_workers=self.num_workers if not from_wsi else 0, onehot=False, incl_slidenames=True, from_wsi=from_wsi, **kwargs ) # Use GPU stain normalization for PyTorch normalizers, if supported _augment_str = self.hp.augment if self._has_gpu_normalizer():"Using GPU for stain normalization") interleave_args.standardize = False if isinstance(_augment_str, str): _augment_str = _augment_str.replace('n', '') else: interleave_args.normalizer = self.normalizer if train_dts is not None: self.dataloaders = { 'train': iter(train_dts.torch( infinite=True, batch_size=self.hp.batch_size, augment=_augment_str, transform=self.transform['train'], drop_last=True, **vars(interleave_args) )) } else: self.dataloaders = {} if val_dts is not None: if not self.validation_batch_size: validation_batch_size = self.hp.batch_size self.dataloaders['val'] = val_dts.torch( infinite=False, batch_size=validation_batch_size, augment=False, transform=self.transform['val'], incl_loc=True, **vars(interleave_args) ) # Mid-training validation dataset if mid_train_val: self.mid_train_val_dts = torch_utils.cycle( self.dataloaders['val'] ) if not self.validate_on_batch: val_log_msg = '' else: val_log_msg = f'every {str(self.validate_on_batch)} steps and ' log.debug(f'Validation during training: {val_log_msg}at epoch end') if self.validation_steps: num_samples = self.validation_steps * self.hp.batch_size log.debug( f'Using {self.validation_steps} batches ({num_samples} ' 'samples) each validation check' ) else: log.debug('Using entire validation set each validation check') else: log.debug('Validation during training: None') def _training_step(self, pb: Progress) -> None: assert self.model is not None images, labels, slides = next(self.dataloaders['train']) images =, non_blocking=True) images = labels = self._labels_to_device(labels, self.device) self.optimizer.zero_grad() with torch.set_grad_enabled(True): _mp = (self.mixed_precision and self.device.type in ('cuda', 'cpu')) with autocast(self.device.type, mixed_precision=_mp): # type: ignore # GPU normalization, if specified. if self._has_gpu_normalizer(): images = self.normalizer.preprocess( images, augment=(isinstance(self.hp.augment, str) and 'n' in self.hp.augment) ) # Slide-level features if self.num_slide_features: _slide_in = [self.slide_input[s] for s in slides] inp = (images, Tensor(_slide_in).to(self.device)) else: inp = (images,) # type: ignore outputs = self.model(*inp) loss = self._calculate_loss(outputs, labels, self.loss_fn) # Update weights if self.mixed_precision and self.device.type == 'cuda': self.scaler.scale(loss).backward() self.scaler.step(self.optimizer) self.scaler.update() else: loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() # Update learning rate if using a scheduler _lr_decay_steps = self.hp.learning_rate_decay_steps if self.scheduler and (self.global_step+1) % _lr_decay_steps == 0: log.debug("Stepping learning rate decay") self.scheduler.step() # Record accuracy and loss self.epoch_records += images.size(0) if self.hp.model_type() == 'classification': self.running_corrects = self._update_corrects( outputs, labels, self.running_corrects ) train_acc, acc_desc = self._calculate_accuracy( self.running_corrects, self.epoch_records ) else: train_acc, acc_desc = 0, '' # type: ignore self.running_loss += loss.item() * images.size(0) _loss = self.running_loss / self.epoch_records pb.update(task_id=0, # type: ignore description=(f'[bold blue]train[/] ' f'loss: {_loss:.4f} {acc_desc}')) pb.advance(task_id=0) # type: ignore # Log to tensorboard if self.use_tensorboard and self.global_step % self.log_frequency == 0: if self.num_outcomes > 1: _train_acc = [ (self.running_corrects[f'out-{o}'] # type: ignore / self.epoch_records) for o in range(len(outputs)) ] else: _train_acc = (self.running_corrects # type: ignore / self.epoch_records) self._log_to_tensorboard( loss.item(), self._accuracy_as_numpy(_train_acc), 'train' ) # Log to neptune & check early stopping self._log_to_neptune(loss.item(), train_acc, 'train', phase='batch') self._check_early_stopping(None, None) def _update_corrects( self, outputs: Union[Tensor, Dict[Any, Tensor]], labels: Union[Tensor, Dict[str, Tensor]], running_corrects: Union[Tensor, Dict[str, Tensor]], ) -> Union[Tensor, Dict[str, Tensor]]: '''Updates running accuracy in a manner compatible with >1 outcomes.''' assert self.hp.model_type() == 'classification' if self.num_outcomes > 1: for o, out in enumerate(outputs): _, preds = torch.max(out, 1) running_corrects[f'out-{o}'] += torch.sum( # type: ignore preds == labels[f'out-{o}'].data # type: ignore ) else: _, preds = torch.max(outputs, 1) # type: ignore running_corrects += torch.sum(preds == # type: ignore return running_corrects def _validate_early_stop(self) -> None: """Validates early stopping parameters.""" if (self.hp.early_stop and self.hp.early_stop_method == 'accuracy' and self.hp.model_type() == 'classification' and self.num_outcomes > 1): raise errors.ModelError("Cannot combine 'accuracy' early stopping " "with multiple categorical outcomes.") if (self.hp.early_stop_method == 'manual' and (self.hp.manual_early_stop_epoch is None or self.hp.manual_early_stop_batch is None)): raise errors.ModelError( "Early stopping method 'manual' requires that both " "manual_early_stop_epoch and manual_early_stop_batch are set " "in model params." ) def _verify_img_format(self, dataset, *datasets: Optional["sf.Dataset"]) -> str: """Verify that the image format of the dataset matches the model config. Args: dataset (sf.Dataset): Dataset to check. *datasets (sf.Dataset): Additional datasets to check. May be None. Returns: str: Image format, either 'png' or 'jpg', if a consistent image format was found, otherwise None. """ # First, verify all datasets have the same image format img_formats = set([d.img_format for d in datasets if d]) if len(img_formats) > 1: log.error("Multiple image formats detected: {}.".format( ', '.join(img_formats) )) return None elif self.img_format and not dataset.img_format: log.warning("Unable to verify image format (PNG/JPG) of dataset.") return None elif self.img_format and dataset.img_format != self.img_format: log.error( "Mismatched image formats. Expected '{}' per model config, " "but dataset has format '{}'.".format( self.img_format, dataset.img_format)) return None else: return dataset.img_format def load(self, model: str, training=True) -> None: """Loads a state dict at the given model location. Requires that the Trainer's hyperparameters (Trainer.hp) match the hyperparameters of the model to be loaded.""" if self.labels is not None: self.model = self.hp.build_model( labels=self.labels, num_slide_features=self.num_slide_features ) else: self.model = self.hp.build_model( num_classes=len(self.outcome_names), num_slide_features=self.num_slide_features ) self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model)) self.inference_model = self.model def predict( self, dataset: "sf.Dataset", batch_size: Optional[int] = None, norm_fit: Optional[NormFit] = None, format: str = 'parquet', from_wsi: bool = False, roi_method: str = 'auto', reduce_method: Union[str, Callable] = 'average', ) -> Dict[str, "pd.DataFrame"]: """Perform inference on a model, saving predictions. Args: dataset (:class:`slideflow.dataset.Dataset`): Dataset containing TFRecords to evaluate. batch_size (int, optional): Evaluation batch size. Defaults to the same as training (per self.hp) norm_fit (Dict[str, np.ndarray]): Normalizer fit, mapping fit parameters (e.g. target_means, target_stds) to values (np.ndarray). If not provided, will fit normalizer using model params (if applicable). Defaults to None. format (str, optional): Format in which to save predictions. Either 'csv', 'feather', or 'parquet'. Defaults to 'parquet'. from_wsi (bool): Generate predictions from tiles dynamically extracted from whole-slide images, rather than TFRecords. Defaults to False (use TFRecords). roi_method (str): ROI method to use if from_wsi=True (ignored if from_wsi=False). Either 'inside', 'outside', 'auto', 'ignore'. If 'inside' or 'outside', will extract tiles in/out of an ROI, and raise errors.MissingROIError if an ROI is not available. If 'auto', will extract tiles inside an ROI if available, and across the whole-slide if no ROI is found. If 'ignore', will extract tiles across the whole-slide regardless of whether an ROI is available. Defaults to 'auto'. reduce_method (str, optional): Reduction method for calculating slide-level and patient-level predictions for categorical outcomes. Options include 'average', 'mean', 'proportion', 'median', 'sum', 'min', 'max', or a callable function. 'average' and 'mean' are synonymous, with both options kept for backwards compatibility. If 'average' or 'mean', will reduce with average of each logit across tiles. If 'proportion', will convert tile predictions into onehot encoding then reduce by averaging these onehot values. For all other values, will reduce with the specified function, applied via the pandas ``DataFrame.agg()`` function. Defaults to 'average'. Returns: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]: Dictionary with keys 'tile', 'slide', and 'patient', and values containing DataFrames with tile-, slide-, and patient-level predictions. """ if format not in ('csv', 'feather', 'parquet'): raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized format {format}") self._detect_patients(dataset) # Verify image format self._verify_img_format(dataset) # Fit normalizer self._fit_normalizer(norm_fit) # Load and initialize model if not self.model: raise errors.ModelNotLoadedError self.model.eval() self._log_manifest(None, dataset, labels=None) if from_wsi and sf.slide_backend() == 'libvips': pool = mp.Pool( sf.util.num_cpu(default=8), initializer=sf.util.set_ignore_sigint ) elif from_wsi: pool = mp.dummy.Pool(sf.util.num_cpu(default=8)) else: pool = None if not batch_size: batch_size = self.hp.batch_size self._setup_dataloaders( train_dts=None, val_dts=dataset, incl_labels=False, from_wsi=from_wsi, roi_method=roi_method, pool=pool)'Generating predictions...') torch_args = types.SimpleNamespace( num_slide_features=self.num_slide_features, slide_input=self.slide_input, normalizer=(self.normalizer if self._has_gpu_normalizer() else None), ) dfs = sf.stats.predict_dataset( model=self.model, dataset=self.dataloaders['val'], model_type=self._model_type, torch_args=torch_args, outcome_names=self.outcome_names, uq=bool(self.hp.uq), patients=self.patients, reduce_method=reduce_method ) # Save predictions sf.stats.metrics.save_dfs(dfs, format=format, outdir=self.outdir) self._close_dataloaders() if pool is not None: pool.close() return dfs def evaluate( self, dataset: "sf.Dataset", batch_size: Optional[int] = None, save_predictions: Union[bool, str] = 'parquet', reduce_method: Union[str, Callable] = 'average', norm_fit: Optional[NormFit] = None, uq: Union[bool, str] = 'auto', from_wsi: bool = False, roi_method: str = 'auto', ): """Evaluate model, saving metrics and predictions. Args: dataset (:class:`slideflow.dataset.Dataset`): Dataset to evaluate. batch_size (int, optional): Evaluation batch size. Defaults to the same as training (per self.hp) save_predictions (bool or str, optional): Save tile, slide, and patient-level predictions at each evaluation. May be 'csv', 'feather', or 'parquet'. If False, will not save predictions. Defaults to 'parquet'. reduce_method (str, optional): Reduction method for calculating slide-level and patient-level predictions for categorical outcomes. Options include 'average', 'mean', 'proportion', 'median', 'sum', 'min', 'max', or a callable function. 'average' and 'mean' are synonymous, with both options kept for backwards compatibility. If 'average' or 'mean', will reduce with average of each logit across tiles. If 'proportion', will convert tile predictions into onehot encoding then reduce by averaging these onehot values. For all other values, will reduce with the specified function, applied via the pandas ``DataFrame.agg()`` function. Defaults to 'average'. norm_fit (Dict[str, np.ndarray]): Normalizer fit, mapping fit parameters (e.g. target_means, target_stds) to values (np.ndarray). If not provided, will fit normalizer using model params (if applicable). Defaults to None. uq (bool or str, optional): Enable UQ estimation (for applicable models). Defaults to 'auto'. from_wsi (bool): Generate predictions from tiles dynamically extracted from whole-slide images, rather than TFRecords. Defaults to False (use TFRecords). roi_method (str): ROI method to use if from_wsi=True (ignored if from_wsi=False). Either 'inside', 'outside', 'auto', 'ignore'. If 'inside' or 'outside', will extract tiles in/out of an ROI, and raise errors.MissingROIError if an ROI is not available. If 'auto', will extract tiles inside an ROI if available, and across the whole-slide if no ROI is found. If 'ignore', will extract tiles across the whole-slide regardless of whether an ROI is available. Defaults to 'auto'. Returns: Dictionary of evaluation metrics. """ if uq != 'auto': if not isinstance(uq, bool): raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized value {uq} for uq") self.hp.uq = uq if batch_size: self.validation_batch_size = batch_size if not self.model: raise errors.ModelNotLoadedError if from_wsi and sf.slide_backend() == 'libvips': pool = mp.Pool( sf.util.num_cpu(default=8), initializer=sf.util.set_ignore_sigint ) elif from_wsi: pool = mp.dummy.Pool(sf.util.num_cpu(default=8)) else: pool = None self._detect_patients(dataset) self._verify_img_format(dataset) self._fit_normalizer(norm_fit) self.model.eval() self.loss_fn = self.hp.get_loss() self._log_manifest(None, dataset) self._prepare_neptune_run(dataset, 'eval') self._setup_dataloaders( train_dts=None, val_dts=dataset, from_wsi=from_wsi, roi_method=roi_method, pool=pool) # Generate performance metrics'Performing evaluation...') metrics = self._val_metrics( label='eval', reduce_method=reduce_method, save_predictions=save_predictions ) results = {'eval': { k: v for k, v in metrics.items() if k != 'val_metrics' }} results['eval'].update(metrics['val_metrics']) # type: ignore results_str = json.dumps(results['eval'], indent=2, sort_keys=True)"Evaluation metrics: {results_str}") results_log = os.path.join(self.outdir, 'results_log.csv') sf.util.update_results_log(results_log, 'eval_model', results) if self.neptune_run: self.neptune_run['eval/results'] = results['eval'] self.neptune_run.stop() self._close_dataloaders() if pool is not None: pool.close() return results def train( self, train_dts: "sf.Dataset", val_dts: "sf.Dataset", log_frequency: int = 20, validate_on_batch: int = 0, validation_batch_size: Optional[int] = None, validation_steps: int = 50, starting_epoch: int = 0, ema_observations: int = 20, ema_smoothing: int = 2, use_tensorboard: bool = True, steps_per_epoch_override: int = 0, save_predictions: Union[bool, str] = 'parquet', save_model: bool = True, resume_training: Optional[str] = None, pretrain: Optional[str] = 'imagenet', checkpoint: Optional[str] = None, save_checkpoints: bool = False, multi_gpu: bool = False, norm_fit: Optional[NormFit] = None, reduce_method: Union[str, Callable] = 'average', seed: int = 0, from_wsi: bool = False, roi_method: str = 'auto', ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Builds and trains a model from hyperparameters. Args: train_dts (:class:`slideflow.dataset.Dataset`): Training dataset. val_dts (:class:`slideflow.dataset.Dataset`): Validation dataset. log_frequency (int, optional): How frequent to update Tensorboard logs, in batches. Defaults to 100. validate_on_batch (int, optional): Validation will be performed every N batches. Defaults to 0. validation_batch_size (int, optional): Validation batch size. Defaults to same as training (per self.hp). validation_steps (int, optional): Number of batches to use for each instance of validation. Defaults to 200. starting_epoch (int, optional): Starts training at this epoch. Defaults to 0. ema_observations (int, optional): Number of observations over which to perform exponential moving average smoothing. Defaults to 20. ema_smoothing (int, optional): Exponential average smoothing value. Defaults to 2. use_tensoboard (bool, optional): Enable tensorboard callbacks. Defaults to False. steps_per_epoch_override (int, optional): Manually set the number of steps per epoch. Defaults to None. save_predictions (bool or str, optional): Save tile, slide, and patient-level predictions at each evaluation. May be 'csv', 'feather', or 'parquet'. If False, will not save predictions. Defaults to 'parquet'. save_model (bool, optional): Save models when evaluating at specified epochs. Defaults to False. resume_training (str, optional): Not applicable to PyTorch backend. Included as argument for compatibility with Tensorflow backend. Will raise NotImplementedError if supplied. pretrain (str, optional): Either 'imagenet' or path to Tensorflow model from which to load weights. Defaults to 'imagenet'. checkpoint (str, optional): Path to cp.ckpt from which to load weights. Defaults to None. norm_fit (Dict[str, np.ndarray]): Normalizer fit, mapping fit parameters (e.g. target_means, target_stds) to values (np.ndarray). If not provided, will fit normalizer using model params (if applicable). Defaults to None. reduce_method (str, optional): Reduction method for calculating slide-level and patient-level predictions for categorical outcomes. Options include 'average', 'mean', 'proportion', 'median', 'sum', 'min', 'max', or a callable function. 'average' and 'mean' are synonymous, with both options kept for backwards compatibility. If 'average' or 'mean', will reduce with average of each logit across tiles. If 'proportion', will convert tile predictions into onehot encoding then reduce by averaging these onehot values. For all other values, will reduce with the specified function, applied via the pandas ``DataFrame.agg()`` function. Defaults to 'average'. seed (int): Set numpy random seed. Defaults to 0. from_wsi (bool): Generate predictions from tiles dynamically extracted from whole-slide images, rather than TFRecords. Defaults to False (use TFRecords). roi_method (str): ROI method to use if from_wsi=True (ignored if from_wsi=False). Either 'inside', 'outside', 'auto', 'ignore'. If 'inside' or 'outside', will extract tiles in/out of an ROI, and raise errors.MissingROIError if an ROI is not available. If 'auto', will extract tiles inside an ROI if available, and across the whole-slide if no ROI is found. If 'ignore', will extract tiles across the whole-slide regardless of whether an ROI is available. Defaults to 'auto'. Returns: Dict: Nested dict containing metrics for each evaluated epoch. """ if resume_training is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "PyTorch backend does not support `resume_training`; " "please use `checkpoint`" ) if save_checkpoints: log.warning( "The argument save_checkpoints is ignored when training models " "in the PyTorch backend. To save a model throughout training, " "use the `epochs` hyperparameter." ) results = {'epochs': defaultdict(dict)} # type: Dict[str, Any] starting_epoch = max(starting_epoch, 1) self._detect_patients(train_dts, val_dts) self._reset_training_params() self.validation_batch_size = validation_batch_size self.validate_on_batch = validate_on_batch self.validation_steps = validation_steps self.ema_observations = ema_observations self.ema_smoothing = ema_smoothing self.log_frequency = log_frequency self.use_tensorboard = use_tensorboard # Verify image format across datasets. img_format = self._verify_img_format(train_dts, val_dts) if img_format and self.config['img_format'] is None: self.config['img_format'] = img_format sf.util.write_json(self.config, join(self.outdir, 'params.json')) if self.use_tensorboard: from google.protobuf import __version__ as protobuf_version if version.parse(protobuf_version) >= version.parse('3.21'): log.warning( "Tensorboard is incompatible with protobuf >= 3.21." "Downgrade protobuf to enable tensorboard logging." ) self.use_tensorboard = False if from_wsi and sf.slide_backend() == 'libvips': pool = mp.Pool( sf.util.num_cpu(default=8), initializer=sf.util.set_ignore_sigint ) elif from_wsi: pool = mp.dummy.Pool(sf.util.num_cpu(default=8)) else: pool = None # Validate early stopping parameters self._validate_early_stop() # Fit normalizer to dataset, if applicable self._fit_normalizer(norm_fit) if self.normalizer and self.hp.normalizer_source == 'dataset': if self.normalizer: config_path = join(self.outdir, 'params.json') if not os.path.exists(config_path): config = { 'slideflow_version': sf.__version__, 'hp': self.hp.to_dict(), 'backend': sf.backend() } else: config = sf.util.load_json(config_path) config['norm_fit'] = self.normalizer.get_fit(as_list=True) sf.util.write_json(config, config_path) # Training preparation if steps_per_epoch_override: self.steps_per_epoch = steps_per_epoch_override"Setting steps per epoch = {steps_per_epoch_override}") else: self.steps_per_epoch = train_dts.num_tiles // self.hp.batch_size"Steps per epoch = {self.steps_per_epoch}") if self.use_tensorboard: # Delayed import due to protobuf version conflicts. from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter self.writer = SummaryWriter(self.outdir, flush_secs=60) self._log_manifest(train_dts, val_dts) # Prepare neptune run self._prepare_neptune_run(train_dts, 'train') # Build model self._build_model(checkpoint, pretrain) assert self.model is not None # Print model summary self._print_model_summary(train_dts) # Multi-GPU if multi_gpu: self.model = torch.nn.DataParallel(self.model) self.model = # Setup dataloaders self._setup_dataloaders( train_dts=train_dts, val_dts=val_dts, mid_train_val=True, roi_method=roi_method, from_wsi=from_wsi, pool=pool) # Model parameters and optimizer self._prepare_optimizers_and_loss() # === Epoch loop ====================================================== for self.epoch in range(starting_epoch, max(self.hp.epochs)+1): np.random.seed(seed+self.epoch)'[bold]Epoch {self.epoch}/{max(self.hp.epochs)}') # Training loop --------------------------------------------------- self.epoch_records = 0 self.running_loss = 0.0 self.step = 1 self.running_corrects = self._empty_corrects() # type: ignore self.model.train() pb = Progress( *Progress.get_default_columns(), TimeElapsedColumn(), ImgBatchSpeedColumn(self.hp.batch_size), transient=sf.getLoggingLevel()>20 ) task = pb.add_task("Training...", total=self.steps_per_epoch) pb.start() with sf.util.cleanup_progress(pb): while self.step <= self.steps_per_epoch: self._training_step(pb) if self.early_stop: break self._mid_training_validation() self.step += 1 self.global_step += 1 # Update and log epoch metrics ------------------------------------ loss = self.running_loss / self.epoch_records epoch_metrics = {'train_metrics': {'loss': loss}} if self.hp.model_type() == 'classification': acc, acc_desc = self._calculate_accuracy( self.running_corrects, self.epoch_records ) epoch_metrics['train_metrics'].update({ 'accuracy': self._accuracy_as_numpy(acc) # type: ignore }) else: acc, acc_desc = 0, '' # type: ignore results['epochs'][f'epoch{self.epoch}'].update(epoch_metrics) self._log_epoch('train', self.epoch, loss, acc_desc) self._log_to_neptune(loss, acc, 'train', 'epoch') if save_model and (self.epoch in self.hp.epochs or self.early_stop): self._save_model() # Full evaluation ------------------------------------------------- # Perform full evaluation if the epoch is one of the # predetermined epochs at which to save/eval a model if 'val' in self.dataloaders and self.epoch in self.hp.epochs: epoch_res = self._val_metrics( save_predictions=save_predictions, reduce_method=reduce_method, label=f'val_epoch{self.epoch}', ) results['epochs'][f'epoch{self.epoch}'].update(epoch_res) # Early stopping -------------------------------------------------- if self.early_stop: break # === [end epoch loop] ================================================ if self.neptune_run: self.neptune_run['sys/tags'].add('training_complete') self.neptune_run.stop() self._close_dataloaders() if pool is not None: pool.close() return results
[docs]class RegressionTrainer(Trainer): """Extends the base :class:`slideflow.model.Trainer` class to add support for continuous outcomes. Requires that all outcomes be continuous, with appropriate regression loss function. Uses R-squared as the evaluation metric, rather than AUROC. In this case, for the PyTorch backend, the continuous outcomes support is already baked into the base Trainer class, so no additional modifications are required. This class is written to inherit the Trainer class without modification to maintain consistency with the Tensorflow backend. """ _model_type = 'regression' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class SurvivalTrainer(Trainer): """Cox proportional hazards (CPH) models are not yet implemented, but are planned for a future update.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Features(BaseFeatureExtractor): """Interface for obtaining predictions and features from intermediate layer activations from Slideflow models. Use by calling on either a batch of images (returning outputs for a single batch), or by calling on a :class:`slideflow.WSI` object, which will generate an array of spatially-mapped activations matching the slide. Examples *Calling on batch of images:* .. code-block:: python interface = Features('/model/path', layers='postconv') for image_batch in train_data: # Return shape: (batch_size, num_features) batch_features = interface(image_batch) *Calling on a slide:* .. code-block:: python slide = sf.slide.WSI(...) interface = Features('/model/path', layers='postconv') # Return shape: # (slide.grid.shape[0], slide.grid.shape[1], num_features) activations_grid = interface(slide) Note: When this interface is called on a batch of images, no image processing or stain normalization will be performed, as it is assumed that normalization will occur during data loader image processing. When the interface is called on a `slideflow.WSI`, the normalization strategy will be read from the model configuration file, and normalization will be performed on image tiles extracted from the WSI. If this interface was created from an existing model and there is no model configuration file to read, a slideflow.norm.StainNormalizer object may be passed during initialization via the argument `wsi_normalizer`. """ def __init__( self, path: Optional[str], layers: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = 'postconv', *, include_preds: bool = False, mixed_precision: bool = True, channels_last: bool = True, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, apply_softmax: Optional[bool] = None, pooling: Optional[Any] = None, load_method: str = 'weights', ): """Creates an activations interface from a saved slideflow model which outputs feature activations at the designated layers. Intermediate layers are returned in the order of layers. predictions are returned last. Args: path (str): Path to saved Slideflow model. layers (list(str), optional): Layers from which to generate activations. The post-convolution activation layer is accessed via 'postconv'. Defaults to 'postconv'. include_preds (bool, optional): Include predictions in output. Will be returned last. Defaults to False. mixed_precision (bool, optional): Use mixed precision. Defaults to True. device (:class:`torch.device`, optional): Device for model. Defaults to torch.device('cuda') apply_softmax (bool): Apply softmax transformation to model output. Defaults to True for classification models, False for regression models. pooling (Callable or str, optional): PyTorch pooling function to use on feature layers. May be a string ('avg' or 'max') or a callable PyTorch function. load_method (str): Loading method to use when reading model. This argument is ignored in the PyTorch backend, as all models are loaded by first building the model with hyperparameters detected in ``params.json``, then loading weights with ``torch.nn.Module.load_state_dict()``. Defaults to 'full' (ignored). """ super().__init__('torch', include_preds=include_preds) if layers and isinstance(layers, str): layers = [layers] self.layers = layers self.path = path self.apply_softmax = apply_softmax self.mixed_precision = mixed_precision self.channels_last = channels_last self._model = None self._pooling = None self._include_preds = None # Transformation for standardizing uint8 images to float32 self.transform = torchvision.transforms.Lambda(lambda x: x / 127.5 - 1) # Hook for storing layer activations during model inference self.activation = {} # type: Dict[Any, Tensor] # Configure device self.device = torch_utils.get_device(device) if path is not None: config = sf.util.get_model_config(path) if 'img_format' in config: self.img_format = config['img_format'] self.hp = ModelParams() # type: Optional[ModelParams] self.hp.load_dict(config['hp']) self.wsi_normalizer = self.hp.get_normalizer() if 'norm_fit' in config and config['norm_fit'] is not None: self.wsi_normalizer.set_fit(**config['norm_fit']) # type: ignore self.tile_px = self.hp.tile_px self._model = self.hp.build_model( num_classes=len(config['outcome_labels']) ) if apply_softmax is None: self.apply_softmax = True if config['model_type'] == 'classification' else False log.debug(f"Using apply_softmax={self.apply_softmax}") self._model.load_state_dict(torch.load(path)) self._model.eval() if self._model.__class__.__name__ == 'ModelWrapper': self.model_type = self._model.model.__class__.__name__ else: self.model_type = self._model.__class__.__name__ self._build(pooling=pooling) @classmethod def from_model( cls, model: torch.nn.Module, tile_px: int, layers: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = 'postconv', *, include_preds: bool = False, mixed_precision: bool = True, channels_last: bool = True, wsi_normalizer: Optional["StainNormalizer"] = None, apply_softmax: bool = True, pooling: Optional[Any] = None ): """Creates an activations interface from a loaded slideflow model which outputs feature activations at the designated layers. Intermediate layers are returned in the order of layers. predictions are returned last. Args: model (:class:`tensorflow.keras.models.Model`): Loaded model. tile_px (int): Width/height of input image size. layers (list(str), optional): Layers from which to generate activations. The post-convolution activation layer is accessed via 'postconv'. Defaults to 'postconv'. include_preds (bool, optional): Include predictions in output. Will be returned last. Defaults to False. mixed_precision (bool, optional): Use mixed precision. Defaults to True. wsi_normalizer (:class:`slideflow.norm.StainNormalizer`): Stain normalizer to use on whole-slide images. Is not used on individual tile datasets via __call__. Defaults to None. apply_softmax (bool): Apply softmax transformation to model output. Defaults to True. pooling (Callable or str, optional): PyTorch pooling function to use on feature layers. May be a string ('avg' or 'max') or a callable PyTorch function. """ device = next(model.parameters()).device if include_preds is not None: kw = dict(include_preds=include_preds) else: kw = dict() obj = cls( None, layers, mixed_precision=mixed_precision, channels_last=channels_last, device=device, **kw ) if isinstance(model, torch.nn.Module): obj._model = model obj._model.eval() else: raise errors.ModelError("Model is not a valid PyTorch model.") obj.hp = None if obj._model.__class__.__name__ == 'ModelWrapper': obj.model_type = obj._model.model.__class__.__name__ else: obj.model_type = obj._model.__class__.__name__ obj.tile_px = tile_px obj.wsi_normalizer = wsi_normalizer obj.apply_softmax = apply_softmax obj._build(pooling=pooling) return obj def __call__( self, inp: Union[Tensor, "sf.WSI"], **kwargs ) -> Optional[Union[List[Tensor], np.ndarray]]: """Process a given input and return activations and/or predictions. Expects either a batch of images or a :class:`slideflow.slide.WSI` object. When calling on a `WSI` object, keyword arguments are passed to :meth:`slideflow.WSI.build_generator()`. """ if isinstance(inp, sf.slide.WSI): return self._predict_slide(inp, **kwargs) else: return self._predict(inp, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): return ("{}(\n".format(self.__class__.__name__) + " path={!r},\n".format(self.path) + " layers={!r},\n".format(self.layers) + " include_preds={!r},\n".format(self.include_preds) + " apply_softmax={!r},\n".format(self.apply_softmax) + " pooling={!r},\n".format(self._pooling) + ")") def _predict_slide( self, slide: "sf.WSI", *, img_format: str = 'auto', batch_size: int = 32, dtype: type = np.float16, grid: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, shuffle: bool = False, show_progress: bool = True, callback: Optional[Callable] = None, normalizer: Optional[Union[str, "StainNormalizer"]] = None, normalizer_source: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: """Generate activations from slide => activation grid array.""" # Check image format if img_format == 'auto' and self.img_format is None: raise ValueError( 'Unable to auto-detect image format (png or jpg). Set the ' 'format by passing img_format=... to the call function.' ) elif img_format == 'auto': assert self.img_format is not None img_format = self.img_format return sf.model.extractors.features_from_slide( self, slide, img_format=img_format, batch_size=batch_size, dtype=dtype, grid=grid, shuffle=shuffle, show_progress=show_progress, callback=callback, normalizer=(normalizer if normalizer else self.wsi_normalizer), normalizer_source=normalizer_source, preprocess_fn=self.transform, **kwargs ) def _predict(self, inp: Tensor, no_grad: bool = True) -> List[Tensor]: """Return activations for a single batch of images.""" assert torch.is_floating_point(inp), "Input tensor must be float" _mp = (self.mixed_precision and self.device.type in ('cuda', 'cpu')) with autocast(self.device.type, mixed_precision=_mp): # type: ignore with torch.inference_mode() if no_grad else no_scope(): inp = if self.channels_last: inp = logits = self._model(inp) if isinstance(logits, (tuple, list)) and self.apply_softmax: logits = [softmax(l, dim=1) for l in logits] elif self.apply_softmax: logits = softmax(logits, dim=1) layer_activations = [] if self.layers: for la in self.layers: act = self.activation[la] if la == 'postconv': act = self._postconv_processing(act) layer_activations.append(act) if self.include_preds: layer_activations += [logits] self.activation = {} return layer_activations def _get_postconv(self): """Returns post-convolutional layer.""" if self.model_type == 'ViT': return self._model.to_latent if self.model_type in ('ResNet', 'Inception3', 'GoogLeNet'): return self._model.avgpool if self.model_type in ('AlexNet', 'SqueezeNet', 'VGG', 'MobileNetV2', 'MobileNetV3', 'MNASNet'): if self._model.classifier.__class__.__name__ == 'Identity': return self._model.classifier else: return next(self._model.classifier.children()) if self.model_type == 'DenseNet': return self._model.features.norm5 if self.model_type == 'ShuffleNetV2': return list(self._model.conv5.children())[1] if self.model_type == 'Xception': return self._model.bn4 raise errors.FeaturesError(f"'postconv' layer not configured for " f"model type {self.model_type}") def _postconv_processing(self, output: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Applies processing (pooling, resizing) to post-conv outputs, to convert output to the shape (batch_size, num_features)""" def pool(x): return torch.nn.functional.adaptive_avg_pool2d(x, (1, 1)) def squeeze(x): return x.view(x.size(0), -1) if self.model_type in ('ViT', 'AlexNet', 'VGG', 'MobileNetV2', 'MobileNetV3', 'MNASNet'): return output if self.model_type in ('ResNet', 'Inception3', 'GoogLeNet'): return squeeze(output) if self.model_type in ('SqueezeNet', 'DenseNet', 'ShuffleNetV2', 'Xception'): return squeeze(pool(output)) return output def _build(self, pooling: Optional[Any] = None) -> None: """Builds the interface model that outputs feature activations at the designated layers and/or predictions. Intermediate layers are returned in the order of layers. predictions are returned last. Args: pooling (Callable or str, optional): PyTorch pooling function to use on feature layers. May be a string ('avg' or 'max') or a callable PyTorch function. """ self._pooling = pooling if isinstance(pooling, str): if pooling == 'avg': pooling = lambda x: torch.nn.functional.adaptive_avg_pool2d(x, (1, 1)) elif pooling == 'max': pooling = lambda x: torch.nn.functional.adaptive_max_pool2d(x, (1, 1)) else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized pooling value {pooling}. " "Expected 'avg', 'max', or custom Tensor op.") self.activation = {} def squeeze(x): return x.view(x.size(0), -1) def get_activation(name): def hook(model, input, output): if len(output.shape) == 4 and pooling is not None: self.activation[name] = squeeze(pooling(output)).detach() else: self.activation[name] = output.detach() return hook if isinstance(self.layers, list): for la in self.layers: if la == 'postconv': self._get_postconv().register_forward_hook( get_activation('postconv') ) else: la_out = torch_utils.get_module_by_name(self._model, la) la_out.register_forward_hook( get_activation(la) ) elif self.layers is not None: raise errors.FeaturesError(f"Unrecognized type {type(self.layers)}" " for self.layers") # Calculate output and layer sizes rand_data = torch.rand(1, 3, self.tile_px, self.tile_px) output = self._model( if isinstance(output, (tuple, list)) and self.include_preds: log.warning("Multi-categorical outcomes is experimental " "for this interface.") self.num_classes = sum(o.shape[1] for o in output) self.num_outputs = len(output) elif self.include_preds: self.num_classes = output.shape[1] self.num_outputs = 1 else: self.num_classes = 0 self.num_outputs = 0 self.num_features = sum([f.shape[1] for f in self.activation.values()]) if self.include_preds: log.debug(f'Number of classes: {self.num_classes}') log.debug(f'Number of activation features: {self.num_features}') def dump_config(self): return { 'class': 'slideflow.model.torch.Features', 'kwargs': { 'path': self.path, 'layers': self.layers, 'include_preds': self.include_preds, 'apply_softmax': self.apply_softmax, 'pooling': self._pooling } }
class UncertaintyInterface(Features): def __init__( self, path: Optional[str], layers: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = 'postconv', *, mixed_precision: bool = True, channels_last: bool = True, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, apply_softmax: Optional[bool] = None, pooling: Optional[Any] = None, load_method: str = 'weights', ) -> None: super().__init__( path, layers=layers, mixed_precision=mixed_precision, channels_last=channels_last, device=device, apply_softmax=apply_softmax, pooling=pooling, load_method=load_method, include_preds=True ) if self._model is not None: torch_utils.enable_dropout(self._model) # TODO: As the below to-do suggests, this should be updated # for multi-class self.num_uncertainty = 1 if self.num_classes > 2: log.warn("UncertaintyInterface not yet implemented for multi-class" " models") @classmethod def from_model(cls, *args, **kwargs): if 'include_preds' in kwargs and not kwargs['include_preds']: raise ValueError("UncertaintyInterface requires include_preds=True") kwargs['include_preds'] = None obj = super().from_model(*args, **kwargs) torch_utils.enable_dropout(obj._model) return obj def __repr__(self): return ("{}(\n".format(self.__class__.__name__) + " path={!r},\n".format(self.path) + " layers={!r},\n".format(self.layers) + " apply_softmax={!r},\n".format(self.apply_softmax) + " pooling={!r},\n".format(self._pooling) + ")") def _predict(self, inp: Tensor, no_grad: bool = True) -> List[Tensor]: """Return activations (mean), predictions (mean), and uncertainty (stdev) for a single batch of images.""" assert torch.is_floating_point(inp), "Input tensor must be float" _mp = (self.mixed_precision and self.device.type in ('cuda', 'cpu')) out_pred_drop = [[] for _ in range(self.num_outputs)] if self.layers: out_act_drop = [[] for _ in range(len(self.layers))] for _ in range(30): with autocast(self.device.type, mixed_precision=_mp): # type: ignore with torch.inference_mode() if no_grad else no_scope(): inp = if self.channels_last: inp = logits = self._model(inp) if isinstance(logits, (tuple, list)) and self.apply_softmax: logits = [softmax(l, dim=1) for l in logits] elif self.apply_softmax: logits = softmax(logits, dim=1) for n in range(self.num_outputs): out_pred_drop[n] += [ (logits[n] if self.num_outputs > 1 else logits) ] layer_activations = [] if self.layers: for la in self.layers: act = self.activation[la] if la == 'postconv': act = self._postconv_processing(act) layer_activations.append(act) for n in range(len(self.layers)): out_act_drop[n].append(layer_activations[n] ) self.activation = {} for n in range(self.num_outputs): out_pred_drop[n] = torch.stack(out_pred_drop[n], axis=0) predictions = torch.mean(, dim=0) # TODO: Only takes STDEV from first outcome category which works for # outcomes with 2 categories, but a better solution is needed # for num_categories > 2 uncertainty = torch.std(, dim=0)[:, 0] uncertainty = torch.unsqueeze(uncertainty, axis=-1) if self.layers: for n in range(self.layers): out_act_drop[n] = torch.stack(out_act_drop[n], axis=0) reduced_activations = [ torch.mean(out_act_drop[n], dim=0) for n in range(len(self.layers)) ] return reduced_activations + [predictions, uncertainty] else: return predictions, uncertainty def dump_config(self): return { 'class': 'slideflow.model.torch.UncertaintyInterface', 'kwargs': { 'path': self.path, 'layers': self.layers, 'apply_softmax': self.apply_softmax, 'pooling': self._pooling } } # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def load(path: str) -> torch.nn.Module: """Load a model trained with Slideflow. Args: path (str): Path to saved model. Must be a model trained in Slideflow. Returns: torch.nn.Module: Loaded model. """ config = sf.util.get_model_config(path) hp = ModelParams.from_dict(config['hp']) if len(config['outcomes']) == 1 or config['model_type'] == 'regression': num_classes = len(list(config['outcome_labels'].keys())) else: num_classes = { outcome: len(list(config['outcome_labels'][outcome].keys())) for outcome in config['outcomes'] } model = hp.build_model( num_classes=num_classes, num_slide_features=0 if not config['input_feature_sizes'] else sum(config['input_feature_sizes']), pretrain=None ) if not torch.cuda.is_available(): kw = dict(map_location=torch.device('cpu')) else: kw = dict() model.load_state_dict(torch.load(path, **kw)) return model
[docs]def lazy_load_pretrained( module: torch.nn.Module, to_load: str ) -> None: """Loads pretrained model weights into an existing module, ignoring incompatible Tensors. Args: module (torch.nn.Module): Destination module for weights. to_load (str, torch.nn.Module): Module with weights to load. Either path to PyTorch Slideflow model, or an existing PyTorch module. Returns: None """ # Get state dictionaries current_model_dict = module.state_dict() if isinstance(to_load, str): loaded_state_dict = torch.load(to_load) else: loaded_state_dict = to_load.state_dict() # Only transfer valid states new_state_dict = {k:v if v.size()==current_model_dict[k].size() else current_model_dict[k] for k,v in zip(current_model_dict.keys(), loaded_state_dict.values())} n_states = len(list(new_state_dict.keys()))"Loaded {n_states} Tensor states from " f"pretrained model [green] {to_load}") module.load_state_dict(new_state_dict, strict=False)