
Source code for slideflow.slide.qc.saver

"""Functions for saving/loading QC masks."""

import numpy as np
import slideflow as sf
from os.path import dirname, join, exists
from typing import Optional

[docs]class Save: def __init__(self, dest: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """QC function which saves the mask to a numpy file. When this QC method is applied to a slide, the current QC masks (e.g., as applied by the Otsu or Gaussian filtering methods) are saved to a numpy file. These saved masks can be loaded in the future using :class:`slideflow.slide.qc.Load`. Saving/loading masks saves time by allowing to avoid regenerating masks repeatedly. By default, masks are saved in the same folder as whole-slide images. .. code-block:: python from slideflow.slide import qc # Define a QC approach that auto-saves masks qc = [ qc.Otsu(), qc.Save() ] P.extract_tiles(qc=qc) ... # Auto-load previously saved masks qc = [ qc.Load() ] P.extract_tiles(qc=qc) Args: dest (str, optional): Path in which to save the qc mask. If None, will save in the same directory as the slide. Defaults to None. """ self.dest = dest def __repr__(self): return "Save(dest={!r})".format( self.dest ) def __call__(self, wsi: "sf.WSI") -> None: """Save a QC mask for a given slide as a numpy file. Args: wsi (sf.WSI): Whole-slide image. Returns: None """ dest = self.dest if self.dest is not None else dirname(wsi.path) mask = wsi.get_qc_mask(roi=False) if mask: np.savez(join(dest,'_qc.npz'), mask=mask) return None
[docs]class Load: def __init__(self, source: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """QC function which loads a saved numpy mask. Loads and applies a QC mask which was saved by :class:`slideflow.slide.qc.Save` Args: source (str, optional): Path to search for qc mask. If None, will search in the same directory as the slide. Defaults to None. """ self.source = source def __repr__(self): return "Load(source={!r})".format( self.source ) def __call__(self, wsi: "sf.WSI") -> Optional[np.ndarray]: """Load a QC mask for a given slide from a numpy file. Args: wsi (sf.WSI): Whole-slide image. Returns: Optional[np.ndarray]: Returns the QC mask if a {slide}_qc.npz file was found, otherwise returns None. """ source = self.source if self.source is not None else dirname(wsi.path) if exists(join(source,'_qc.npz')): return np.load(join(source,'_qc.npz'))['mask'] else: return None