
Source code for slideflow.stats.metrics

"""Classification, regression, and survival metrics for predictions."""

import multiprocessing as mp
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame
from sklearn import metrics
from os.path import join
from types import SimpleNamespace
from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union,

import slideflow as sf
from slideflow import errors
from slideflow.util import log

from .delong import delong_roc_variance
from .concordance import concordance_index as c_index

    import as neptune
    import tensorflow as tf
    import torch

class ClassifierMetrics:
    def __init__(self, y_true, y_pred, neptune_run=None, autofit=True):
        self.y_true = y_true
        self.y_pred = y_pred
        self.neptune_run = neptune_run

        self.fpr = None
        self.tpr = None
        self.threshold = None
        self.auroc = None
        self.precision = None
        self.recall = None
        self.ap = None

        if autofit:

    def roc_fit(self):
        self.fpr, self.tpr, self.threshold = metrics.roc_curve(
        self.auroc = metrics.auc(self.fpr, self.tpr)
            max_youden = max(zip(self.tpr, self.fpr), key=lambda x: x[0]-x[1])
            opt_thresh_index = list(zip(self.tpr, self.fpr)).index(max_youden)
            self.opt_thresh = self.threshold[opt_thresh_index]
        except Exception:
            self.opt_thresh = None

    def auroc_ci(self, alpha=0.05):
        from scipy import stats
        delong_auc, auc_cov = delong_roc_variance(self.y_true, self.y_pred)
        auc_std = np.sqrt(auc_cov)
        lower_upper_q = np.abs(np.array([0, 1]) - alpha / 2)
        ci = stats.norm.ppf(lower_upper_q, loc=delong_auc, scale=auc_std)
        ci[ci > 1] = 1
        return tuple(ci)

    def auroc_pval(self, mu=0.5, alpha=0.05):
        from scipy.stats import norm
        lo, up = self.auroc_ci(alpha=alpha)
        se = (up - lo) / (2 * 1.96)
        z = (self.auroc - mu) / se
        return 2 * norm.cdf(-abs(z))

    def prc_fit(self):
        self.precision, self.recall, _ = metrics.precision_recall_curve(
        self.ap = metrics.average_precision_score(self.y_true, self.y_pred)

    def save_roc(self, outdir, name):
        with sf.util.matplotlib_backend('Agg'):
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

            auroc_str = 'NA' if not self.auroc else f'{self.auroc:.2f}'
            sf.stats.plot.roc(self.fpr, self.tpr, f'AUC = {auroc_str}')
            full_path = join(outdir, f'{name}.png')
            if self.neptune_run:

    def save_prc(self, outdir, name):
        with sf.util.matplotlib_backend('Agg'):
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

            ap_str = 'NA' if not self.ap else f'{self.ap:.2f}'
            sf.stats.plot.prc(self.precision, self.recall, label=f'AP = {ap_str}')
            full_path = join(outdir, f'{name}.png')
            if self.neptune_run:

def _assert_model_type(model_type: str) -> None:
    """Raises a ValueError if the model type is invalid."""
    if model_type not in ('classification', 'regression', 'survival'):
        raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized model_type {model_type}, must be "
                         "'classification', 'regression', or 'survival'")

def _generate_tile_roc(
    yt_and_yp: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray],
    neptune_run: Optional["neptune.Run"] = None
) -> ClassifierMetrics:
    """Generate tile-level ROC. Defined separately for multiprocessing.

        yt_and_yp (Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]): y_true and y_pred.
        neptune_run (neptune.Run, optional): Neptune run. Defaults to None.

        ClassifierMetrics: Contains metrics (AUROC, AP).
    y_true, y_pred = yt_and_yp
    class_metrics = ClassifierMetrics(y_true, y_pred, neptune_run=neptune_run)
    return class_metrics

def _merge_metrics(metrics_by_level: Dict[str, Dict]) -> Dict[str, Dict]:
    """Merge dictionary of levels into a dictionary by metric.

    Function accepts a dictionary organized as such:

        'tile':  {'auc': [...], 'ap': [...]},
        'slide': {'auc': [...], 'ap': [...]},

    and converts it to:

        'auc': {'tile': [...], 'slide': [...]},
        'ap':  {'tile': [...], 'slide': [...]},
    levels = list(metrics_by_level.keys())
    metrics = list(metrics_by_level[levels[0]].keys())
    return {
        metric: {
            level: metrics_by_level[level][metric]
            for level in levels
        } for metric in metrics

def basic_metrics(y_true: np.ndarray, y_pred: np.ndarray) -> Dict[str, float]:
    """Generates metrics, including sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy.

        y_true (np.ndarray): True labels.
        y_pred (np.ndarray): Predictions.

        Dict[str, float]: Dict with metrics including accuracy, sensitivity,
        specificity, precision, recall, f1_score, and kappa.
    assert(len(y_true) == len(y_pred))
    assert([y in (0, 1) for y in y_true])
    assert([y in (0, 1) for y in y_pred])

    TP = 0  # True positive
    TN = 0  # True negative
    FP = 0  # False positive
    FN = 0  # False negative

    for i, yt in enumerate(y_true):
        yp = y_pred[i]
        if yt == 1 and yp == 1:
            TP += 1
        elif yt == 1 and yp == 0:
            FN += 1
        elif yt == 0 and yp == 1:
            FP += 1
        elif yt == 0 and yp == 0:
            TN += 1

    results = {}
    results['accuracy'] = (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN)
    results['sensitivity'] = TP / (TP + FN)
    results['specificity'] = TN / (TN + FP)
    results['precision'] = metrics.precision_score(y_true, y_pred)
    results['recall'] = metrics.recall_score(y_true, y_pred)
    results['f1_score'] = metrics.f1_score(y_true, y_pred)
    results['kappa'] = metrics.cohen_kappa_score(y_true, y_pred)
    return results

def classification_metrics(
    df: DataFrame,
    label: str = '',
    level: str = 'tile',
    data_dir: Optional[str] = '',
    neptune_run: Optional["neptune.Run"] = None
) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]:
    """Generates categorical metrics (AUC/AP) from a set of predictions.

        df (pd.DataFrame): Pandas DataFrame containing labels, predictions,
            and optionally uncertainty, as returned by sf.stats.df_from_pred()

    Keyword args:
        label (str, optional): Label prefix/suffix for ROCs.
            Defaults to an empty string.
        level (str, optional): Group-level for the predictions. Used for
            labeling plots. Defaults to 'tile'.
        data_dir (str, optional): Path to data directory for saving plots.
            If None, plots are not saved. Defaults to the current directory.

        Dict containing metrics, with the keys 'auc' and 'ap'.

    label_start = "" if label == '' else f"{label}_"

    # Detect the number of outcomes and confirm that the number of outcomes
    # match the provided outcome names
    outcome_names = [c[:-8] for c in df.columns if c.endswith('-y_pred0')]

    if not len(outcome_names):
        raise errors.StatsError("No outcomes detected from dataframe.")

    all_auc = {outcome: [] for outcome in outcome_names}  # type: Dict
    all_ap = {outcome: [] for outcome in outcome_names}  # type: Dict

    def y_true_onehot(_df, i):
        return (_df.y_true == i).astype(int)

    def y_pred_onehot(_df, i):
        return (_df.y_pred_cat == i).astype(int)

    # Perform analysis separately for each outcome column
    for outcome in outcome_names:
        outcome_cols = [c for c in df.columns if c.startswith(f'{outcome}-')]

        # Remove the outcome name from the dataframe temporarily
        outcome_df = df[outcome_cols].rename(
                orig_col: orig_col.replace(f'{outcome}-', '', 1)
                for orig_col in outcome_cols
        )"Validation metrics for outcome [green]{outcome}[/]:")
        y_pred_cols = [c for c in outcome_df.columns if c.startswith('y_pred')]
        num_cat = len(y_pred_cols)
        if not num_cat:
            raise errors.StatsError(
                f"Could not find predictions column for outcome {outcome}"

        # Sort the prediction columns so that argmax will work as expected
        y_pred_cols = [f'y_pred{i}' for i in range(num_cat)]
        if len(y_pred_cols) != num_cat:
            raise errors.StatsError(
                "Malformed dataframe, unable to find all prediction columns"
        if not all(col in outcome_df.columns for col in y_pred_cols):
            raise errors.StatsError("Malformed dataframe, invalid column names")

        # Convert to one-hot encoding
        outcome_df['y_pred_cat'] = outcome_df[y_pred_cols].values.argmax(1)

        log.debug(f"Calculating metrics with a thread pool")
        p = mp.dummy.Pool(8)
        yt_and_yp = [
            ((outcome_df.y_true == i).astype(int), outcome_df[f'y_pred{i}'])
            for i in range(num_cat)
            for i, fit in enumerate(p.imap(_generate_tile_roc, yt_and_yp)):
                if data_dir is not None:
                    fit.save_roc(data_dir, f"{label_start}{outcome}_{level}_ROC{i}")
                    fit.save_prc(data_dir, f"{label_start}{outcome}_{level}_PRC{i}")
                all_auc[outcome] += [fit.auroc]
                all_ap[outcome] += [fit.ap]
                auroc_str = 'NA' if not fit.auroc else f'{fit.auroc:.3f}'
                ap_str = 'NA' if not fit.ap else f'{fit.ap:.3f}'
                thresh = 'NA' if not fit.opt_thresh else f'{fit.opt_thresh:.3f}'
                    f"{level}-level AUC (cat #{i:>2}): {auroc_str} "
                    f"AP: {ap_str} (opt. threshold: {thresh})"
        except ValueError as e:
            # Occurs when predictions contain NaN
            log.error(f'Error encountered when generating AUC: {e}')
            all_auc[outcome] = -1
            all_ap[outcome] = -1

        # Calculate tile-level accuracy.
        # Category-level accuracy is determined by comparing
        # one-hot predictions to one-hot y_true.
        for i in range(num_cat):
                yt_in_cat =  y_true_onehot(outcome_df, i)
                n_in_cat = yt_in_cat.sum()
                correct = y_pred_onehot(outcome_df.loc[yt_in_cat == 1], i).sum()
                category_accuracy = correct / n_in_cat
                perc = category_accuracy * 100
      "Category {i} acc: {perc:.1f}% ({correct}/{n_in_cat})")
            except IndexError:
                log.warning(f"Error with category accuracy for cat # {i}")
    return {
        'auc': all_auc,
        'ap': all_ap,

def concordance_index(y_true: np.ndarray, y_pred: np.ndarray) -> float:
    '''Calculates concordance index from a given y_true and y_pred.'''
    E = y_pred[:, -1]
    y_pred = y_pred[:, :-1]
    y_pred = y_pred.flatten()
    E = E.flatten()
    y_true = y_true.flatten()
    return c_index(y_true, y_pred, E)

def survival_metrics(
    df: DataFrame,
    level: str = 'tile',
    label: str = '',
    data_dir: str = '',
    neptune_run: Optional["neptune.Run"] = None
) -> Dict[str, float]:
    """Generates survival metrics (concordance index) from a set of predictions.

        df (pd.DataFrame): Pandas DataFrame containing labels, predictions,
            and optionally uncertainty, as returned by sf.stats.df_from_pred().
            The dataframe columns should be appropriately named using

    Keyword args:
        label (str, optional): Label prefix/suffix for ROCs.
            Defaults to an empty string.
        level (str, optional): Group-level for the predictions. Used for
            labeling plots. Defaults to 'tile'.
        data_dir (str, optional): Path to data directory for saving plots.
            Defaults to None.

        Dict containing metrics, with the key 'c_index'.
    survival_cols = ('time-y_true', 'time-y_pred', 'event-y_true')
    if any(c not in df.columns for c in survival_cols):
        raise ValueError(
            "Improperly formatted dataframe to survival_metrics(), "
            f"must have columns {survival_cols}. Got: {list(df.columns)}"

    # Calculate metrics
        c_index = concordance_index(
            df[['time-y_pred', 'event-y_true']].values,
        c_str = 'NA' if not c_index else f'{c_index:.3f}'"C-index ({level}-level): {c_str}")
    except ZeroDivisionError as e:
        log.error(f"Error calculating concordance index: {e}")
        c_index = -1
    return {
        'c_index': c_index

[docs]def df_from_pred( y_true: Optional[List[Any]], y_pred: List[Any], y_std: Optional[List[Any]], tile_to_slides: Union[List, np.ndarray], locations: Optional[Union[List, np.ndarray]] = None ) -> DataFrame: """Converts arrays of model predictions to a pandas dataframe. Args: y_true (list(np.ndarray)): List of y_true numpy arrays, one array for each outcome. For continuous outcomes, the length of the outer list should be one, and the second shape dimension of the numpy array should be the number of continuous outcomes. y_pred (list(np.ndarray)): List of y_pred numpy arrays, one array for each outcome. For continuous outcomes, the length of the outer list should be one, and the second shape dimension of the numpy array should be the number of continuous outcomes. y_std (list(np.ndarray)): List of uncertainty numpy arrays, formatted in the same way as y_pred. tile_to_slides (np.ndarray): Array of slide names for each tile. Length should match the numpy arrays in y_true, y_pred, and y_std. Returns: DataFrame: DataFrame of predictions. """ len_err_msg = "{} must be a list of length equal to number of outcomes" if y_true is not None and not isinstance(y_true, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError(len_err_msg.format('y_true')) if y_true is not None and not len(y_true) == len(y_pred): raise ValueError('Length of y_pred and y_true must be equal') if not isinstance(y_pred, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError(len_err_msg.format('y_pred')) if y_std is not None and not isinstance(y_std, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError(len_err_msg.format('y_std')) if y_std is not None and len(y_std) != len(y_pred): raise ValueError('If y_std is provided, length must equal y_pred') if locations is not None and len(locations) != len(tile_to_slides): raise ValueError( 'If locations is provided, length must equal tile_to_slides ' f'(got: {len(locations)} and {len(tile_to_slides)})') n_outcomes = len(y_pred) series = { 'slide': pd.Series(tile_to_slides) } if locations is not None: if not isinstance(locations, np.ndarray): locations = np.array(locations) series.update({ 'loc_x': locations[:, 0], 'loc_y': locations[:, 1] }) # Iterate through each outcome in y_pred for oi in range(n_outcomes): # Add y_pred columns series.update({ f'out{oi}-y_pred{n}': y_pred[oi][:, n] for n in range(y_pred[oi].shape[1]) }) # Add y_true columns if y_true is not None: if len(y_true[oi].shape) == 1: series.update({ f'out{oi}-y_true': y_true[oi] }) else: series.update({ f'out{oi}-y_true{n}': y_true[oi][:, n] for n in range(y_true[oi].shape[1]) }) # Add uncertainty columns if y_std is not None: series.update({ f'out{oi}-uncertainty{n}': y_std[oi][:, n] for n in range(y_std[oi].shape[1]) }) return pd.DataFrame(series)
def eval_from_dataset(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warning( "`sf.stats.metrics.eval_from_dataset() is deprecated. Please use " "`sf.stats.metrics.eval_dataset()` instead.", DeprecationWarning) return eval_dataset(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def eval_dataset( model: Union["tf.keras.Model", "torch.nn.Module"], dataset: Union["", ""], model_type: str, num_tiles: int = 0, uq: bool = False, uq_n: int = 30, reduce_method: Union[str, Callable] = 'average', patients: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, outcome_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, loss: Optional[Callable] = None, torch_args: Optional[SimpleNamespace] = None, ) -> Tuple[DataFrame, float, float]: """Generates predictions and accuracy/loss from a given model and dataset. Args: model (str): Path to PyTorch model. dataset ( PyTorch dataloader. model_type (str, optional): 'classification', 'regression', or 'survival'. If multiple continuous outcomes are present, y_true is stacked into a single vector for each image. Defaults to 'classification'. num_tiles (int, optional): Used for progress bar with Tensorflow. Defaults to 0. uq_n (int, optional): Number of forward passes to perform when calculating MC Dropout uncertainty. Defaults to 30. reduce_method (str, optional): Reduction method for calculating slide-level and patient-level predictions for categorical outcomes. Options include 'average', 'mean', 'proportion', 'median', 'sum', 'min', 'max', or a callable function. 'average' and 'mean' are synonymous, with both options kept for backwards compatibility. If 'average' or 'mean', will reduce with average of each logit across tiles. If 'proportion', will convert tile predictions into onehot encoding then reduce by averaging these onehot values. For all other values, will reduce with the specified function, applied via the pandas ``DataFrame.agg()`` function. Defaults to 'average'. patients (dict, optional): Dictionary mapping slide names to patient names. Required for generating patient-level metrics. outcome_names (list, optional): List of str, names for outcomes. Defaults to None (outcomes will not be named). torch_args (namespace): Used for PyTorch models. Namespace containing num_slide_features, slide_input, update_corrects, and update_loss functions. Returns: pd.DataFrame, accuracy, loss """ if model_type != 'classification' and reduce_method == 'proportion': raise ValueError( f'Reduction method {reduce_method} incompatible with ' f'model_type {model_type}' ) if sf.model.is_tensorflow_model(model): from slideflow.model import tensorflow_utils df, acc, total_loss = tensorflow_utils.eval_from_model( model, dataset, model_type, loss=loss, num_tiles=num_tiles, uq=uq, uq_n=uq_n, ) else: from slideflow.model import torch_utils df, acc, total_loss = torch_utils.eval_from_model( model, dataset, model_type, torch_args=torch_args, uq=uq, uq_n=uq_n, ) if outcome_names or model_type == 'survival': df = name_columns(df, model_type, outcome_names) dfs = group_reduce(df, method=reduce_method, patients=patients) return dfs, acc, total_loss
[docs]def group_reduce( df: DataFrame, method: Union[str, Callable] = 'average', patients: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None ) -> Dict[str, DataFrame]: """Reduces tile-level predictions to group-level predictions. Args: df (DataFrame): Tile-level predictions. method (str, optional): Reduction method for calculating slide-level and patient-level predictions for categorical outcomes. Options include 'average', 'mean', 'proportion', 'median', 'sum', 'min', 'max', or a callable function. 'average' and 'mean' are synonymous, with both options kept for backwards compatibility. If 'average' or 'mean', will reduce with average of each logit across tiles. If 'proportion', will convert tile predictions into onehot encoding then reduce by averaging these onehot values. For all other values, will reduce with the specified function, applied via the pandas ``DataFrame.agg()`` function. Defaults to 'average'. patients (dict, optional): Dictionary mapping slide names to patient names. Required for generating patient-level metrics. """ # Validation. if (method not in [ 'average', 'proportion', 'mean', 'median', 'sum', 'min', 'max' ] and not callable(method)): raise ValueError( f"Unknown method {method}. Expected 'average', 'proportion', " "'mean', 'median', 'sum', 'min', 'max', or a callable function." ) log.debug(f"Using reduce_method={method}") if patients is not None: df['patient'] = df['slide'].map(patients) groups = ['slide', 'patient'] else: groups = ['slide'] group_dfs = { 'tile': df } _df = df[[c for c in df.columns if c not in ('loc_x', 'loc_y')]].copy() if method == 'proportion': outcome_names = [c[:-8] for c in df.columns if c.endswith('-y_pred0')] if not len(outcome_names): raise errors.StatsError("No outcomes detected from dataframe.") for outcome in outcome_names: y_pred_cols = [c for c in df.columns if c.startswith(f"{outcome}-y_pred")] num_cat = len(y_pred_cols) if not num_cat: raise errors.StatsError( f"Could not find predictions column for outcome {outcome}" ) if num_cat != df[f'{outcome}-y_true'].max()+1: raise errors.StatsError( "Model predictions have a different number of outcome " f"categories ({df[f'{outcome}-y_true'].max()+1}) " f"than provided annotations ({num_cat})" ) y_pred_cols = [f'{outcome}-y_pred{i}' for i in range(num_cat)] if len(y_pred_cols) != num_cat: raise errors.StatsError( "Malformed dataframe, unable to find all prediction columns" ) if not all(col in df.columns for col in y_pred_cols): raise errors.StatsError( "Malformed dataframe, invalid column names" ) outcome_pred_cat = df[y_pred_cols].values.argmax(1) for i in range(num_cat): _df[f'{outcome}-y_pred{i}'] = (outcome_pred_cat == i).astype(int) # Both 'average' and 'proportion' methods perform the same reduction, # so we can use the same method for both if method in ('average', 'proportion'): method = 'mean' def _apply_reduce(_df, method, group): nonlocal groups if method in ['mean', 'median', 'sum', 'min', 'max']: return _df.groupby(group, as_index=False).agg(method, numeric_only=True) elif callable(method): _numeric = _df.drop(columns=[g for g in groups if g != group]) return _numeric.groupby(group, as_index=False).agg(method) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown method {method}") for group in groups: group_dfs.update({ group: _apply_reduce(_df, method, group) }) return group_dfs
def regression_metrics( df: DataFrame, label: str = '', level: str = 'tile', data_dir: str = '', neptune_run: Optional["neptune.Run"] = None ) -> Dict[str, List[float]]: """Generates metrics (R^2, coefficient of determination) from predictions. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): Pandas DataFrame containing labels, predictions, and optionally uncertainty, as returned by sf.stats.df_from_pred() Keyword args: label (str, optional): Label prefix/suffix for ROCs. Defaults to an empty string. level (str, optional): Group-level for the predictions. Used for labeling plots. Defaults to 'tile'. data_dir (str, optional): Path to data directory for saving. Defaults to None. neptune_run (:class:`neptune.Run`, optional): Neptune run in which to log results. Defaults to None. Returns: Dict containing metrics, with the key 'r_squared'. """ label_end = "" if label == '' else f"_{label}" # Detect the outcome names outcome_names = [c[:-7] for c in df.columns if c.endswith('-y_pred')] _outcomes_by_true = [c[:-7] for c in df.columns if c.endswith('-y_true')] if ((sorted(outcome_names) != sorted(_outcomes_by_true)) or not len(outcome_names)): raise ValueError("Improperly formatted dataframe to regression_metrics(); " "could not detect outcome names. Ensure that " "prediction columns end in '-y_pred' and ground-truth " "columns end in '-y_true'. Try setting column names " "with slideflow.stats.name_columns(). " f"DataFrame columns: {list(df.columns)}") # Calculate metrics y_pred_cols = [f'{o}-y_pred' for o in outcome_names] y_true_cols = [f'{o}-y_true' for o in outcome_names] r_squared = sf.stats.plot.scatter( df[y_true_cols].values, df[y_pred_cols].values, data_dir, f"{label_end}_by_{level}", neptune_run=neptune_run ) # Show results for o, r in zip(outcome_names, r_squared): r_str = "NA" if not r else f'{r:.3f}'"[green]{o}[/]: R-squared ({level}-level): {r_str}") return { 'r_squared': r_squared, }
[docs]def metrics_from_dataset( model: Union["tf.keras.Model", "torch.nn.Module"], model_type: str, patients: Dict[str, str], dataset: Union["", ""], num_tiles: int = 0, outcome_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, reduce_method: Union[str, Callable] = 'average', label: str = '', save_predictions: Union[str, bool] = False, data_dir: str = '', uq: bool = False, loss: Optional[Callable] = None, torch_args: Optional[SimpleNamespace] = None, **kwargs ) -> Tuple[Dict, float, float]: """Evaluate performance of a given model on a given TFRecord dataset, generating a variety of statistical outcomes and graphs. Args: model (tf.keras.Model or torch.nn.Module): Keras/Torch model to eval. model_type (str): 'classification', 'regression', or 'survival'. patients (dict): Dictionary mapping slidenames to patients. dataset ( or Dataset. num_tiles (int, optional): Number of total tiles expected in dataset. Used for progress bar. Defaults to 0. Keyword args: outcome_names (list, optional): List of str, names for outcomes. Defaults to None. reduce_method (str, optional): Reduction method for calculating slide-level and patient-level predictions for categorical outcomes. Options include 'average', 'mean', 'proportion', 'median', 'sum', 'min', 'max', or a callable function. 'average' and 'mean' are synonymous, with both options kept for backwards compatibility. If 'average' or 'mean', will reduce with average of each logit across tiles. If 'proportion', will convert tile predictions into onehot encoding then reduce by averaging these onehot values. For all other values, will reduce with the specified function, applied via the pandas ``DataFrame.agg()`` function. Defaults to 'average'. label (str, optional): Label prefix/suffix for saving. Defaults to None. save_predictions (bool, optional): Save tile, slide, and patient-level predictions to CSV. Defaults to True. data_dir (str): Path to data directory for saving. Defaults to empty string (current directory). neptune_run (:class:`neptune.Run`, optional): Neptune run in which to log results. Defaults to None. Returns: metrics [dict], accuracy [float], loss [float] """ _assert_model_type(model_type) dfs, acc, total_loss = eval_dataset( model, dataset, model_type, uq=uq, loss=loss, num_tiles=num_tiles, patients=patients, outcome_names=outcome_names, reduce_method=reduce_method, torch_args=torch_args, ) # Save predictions if save_predictions: if isinstance(save_predictions, str): fmt_kw = dict(format=save_predictions) else: fmt_kw = {} # type: ignore save_dfs(dfs, outdir=data_dir, label=label, **fmt_kw) # Calculate metrics def metrics_by_level(metrics_function): return _merge_metrics({ level: metrics_function( _df, level=level, data_dir=data_dir, label=label, **kwargs ) for level, _df in dfs.items() }) if model_type == 'classification': metrics = metrics_by_level(classification_metrics) elif model_type == 'regression': metrics = metrics_by_level(regression_metrics) else: metrics = metrics_by_level(survival_metrics) log.debug(f'Metrics generation complete.') return metrics, acc, total_loss
[docs]def name_columns( df: DataFrame, model_type: str, outcome_names: Optional[List[str]] = None ): """Renames columns in a DataFrame to correspond to the given outcome names. Assumes the DataFrame supplied was generated by sf.stats.df_from_pred(). Args: df (DataFrame): DataFrame from sf.stats.df_from_pred(), containing predictions and labels. model_type (str): Type of model ('classification', 'regression', or 'survival'). outcome_names (list(str)), optional): Outcome names to apply to the DataFrame. If this is from a survival model, the standard names "time" and "event" will be used. Raises: ValueError: If outcome_names are not supplied and it is not a survival model. errors.StatsError: If the length of outcome_names is incompatible with the DataFrame. Returns: DataFrame: DataFrame with renamed columns. """ _assert_model_type(model_type) if outcome_names is None and model_type != 'survival': raise ValueError("Must supply outcome names for classification " "or regression models.") if (not isinstance(outcome_names, (list, tuple)) and outcome_names is not None): outcome_names = [outcome_names] if model_type == 'classification' and outcome_names is not None: # Update dataframe column names with outcome names outcome_cols_to_replace = {} for oi, outcome in enumerate(outcome_names): outcome_cols_to_replace.update({ c: c.replace(f'out{oi}', outcome) for c in df.columns if c.startswith(f'out{oi}-') }) df = df.rename(columns=outcome_cols_to_replace) elif model_type == 'regression': n_outcomes = len([c for c in df.columns if c.startswith('out0-y_pred')]) if not outcome_names: outcome_names = [f"Outcome {i}" for i in range(n_outcomes)] elif len(outcome_names) != n_outcomes: raise errors.StatsError( f"Number of outcome names {len(outcome_names)} does not " f"match y_true {n_outcomes}" ) # Rename columns outcome_cols_to_replace = {} def replace_dict(target, oi, ending_not_needed=False): return { c: f'{outcome}-{target}' for c in df.columns if c.startswith(f'out0-{target}') and (c.endswith(str(oi)) or ending_not_needed) } for oi, outcome in enumerate(outcome_names): outcome_cols_to_replace.update(replace_dict( 'y_true', oi, ending_not_needed=(len(outcome_names) == 1) )) outcome_cols_to_replace.update(replace_dict('y_pred', oi)) outcome_cols_to_replace.update(replace_dict('uncertainty', oi)) df = df.rename(columns=outcome_cols_to_replace) else: df = df.rename(columns={ 'out0-y_pred0': 'time-y_pred', 'out0-y_pred1': 'event-y_true', 'out0-y_true0': 'time-y_true', }) return df
def predict_from_dataset(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warning( "`sf.stats.metrics.predict_from_dataset() is deprecated. Please use " "`sf.stats.metrics.predict_dataset()` instead.", DeprecationWarning) return predict_dataset(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def predict_dataset( model: Union["tf.keras.Model", "torch.nn.Module"], dataset: Union["", ""], model_type: str, num_tiles: int = 0, uq: bool = False, uq_n: int = 30, reduce_method: Union[str, Callable] = 'average', patients: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, outcome_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, torch_args: Optional[SimpleNamespace] = None, ) -> Dict[str, DataFrame]: """Generates predictions from model and dataset. Args: model (str): Path to PyTorch model. dataset ( PyTorch dataloader. model_type (str, optional): 'classification', 'regression', or 'survival'. If multiple continuous outcomes are present, y_true is stacked into a single vector for each image. Defaults to 'classification'. num_tiles (int, optional): Used for progress bar with Tensorflow. Defaults to 0. uq_n (int, optional): Number of forward passes to perform when calculating MC Dropout uncertainty. Defaults to 30. reduce_method (str, optional): Reduction method for calculating slide-level and patient-level predictions for categorical outcomes. Options include 'average', 'mean', 'proportion', 'median', 'sum', 'min', 'max', or a callable function. 'average' and 'mean' are synonymous, with both options kept for backwards compatibility. If 'average' or 'mean', will reduce with average of each logit across tiles. If 'proportion', will convert tile predictions into onehot encoding then reduce by averaging these onehot values. For all other values, will reduce with the specified function, applied via the pandas ``DataFrame.agg()`` function. Defaults to 'average'. patients (dict, optional): Dictionary mapping slide names to patient names. Required for generating patient-level metrics. outcome_names (list, optional): List of str, names for outcomes. Defaults to None (outcomes will not be named). torch_args (namespace): Used for PyTorch backend. Namespace containing num_slide_features and slide_input. Returns: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]: Dictionary with keys 'tile', 'slide', and 'patient', and values containing DataFrames with tile-, slide-, and patient-level predictions. """ if model_type != 'classification' and reduce_method == 'proportion': raise ValueError( f'Reduction method {reduce_method} incompatible with ' f'model_type {model_type}' ) if sf.model.is_tensorflow_model(model): from slideflow.model import tensorflow_utils df = tensorflow_utils.predict_from_model( model, dataset, num_tiles=num_tiles, uq=uq, uq_n=uq_n, ) else: from slideflow.model import torch_utils df = torch_utils.predict_from_model( model, dataset, model_type, torch_args=torch_args, uq=uq, uq_n=uq_n, ) if outcome_names is not None or model_type == 'survival': df = name_columns(df, model_type, outcome_names) return group_reduce(df, method=reduce_method, patients=patients)
def save_dfs( dfs: Dict[str, DataFrame], format: str = 'parquet', outdir: str = '', label: str = '' ) -> None: """Save DataFrames of predictions to files.""" label_end = f'_{label}' if label else '' for level, _df in dfs.items(): path = join(outdir, f"{level}_predictions{label_end}") # Convert half-floats to float32 half_floats = _df.select_dtypes(include='float16') _df[half_floats.columns] = half_floats.astype('float32') if format == 'csv': _df.to_csv(path+'.csv') elif format == 'feather': try: import pyarrow.feather as feather except ImportError: raise ImportError("Saving to a feather file requires the package `pyarrow`. " "Please install with `pip install pyarrow`") feather.write_feather(_df, path+'.feather') else: _df.to_parquet(path+'.parquet.gzip', compression='gzip')