
Source code for slideflow.util

import atexit
import csv
import importlib.util
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
import requests
import tarfile
import hashlib
import pandas as pd
import tempfile
import threading
import multiprocessing as mp
import time
from rich import progress
from rich.logging import RichHandler
from rich.highlighter import NullHighlighter
from rich.panel import Panel
from rich.console import Console
from rich.progress import Progress, TextColumn, BarColumn
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import partial
from glob import glob
from os.path import dirname, exists, isdir, join
from packaging import version
from tqdm import tqdm
from typing import (
    Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, Iterator

import numpy as np
import slideflow as sf
from slideflow import errors
from . import example_pb2, log_utils
from .colors import *  # noqa F403,F401 - Here for compatibility
from .smac_utils import (broad_search_space, shallow_search_space,

tf_available = importlib.util.find_spec('tensorflow')
torch_available = importlib.util.find_spec('torch')

# Enable color sequences on Windows
    import ctypes.windll
    kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32
    kernel32.SetConsoleMode(kernel32.GetStdHandle(-11), 7)
except Exception:

# --- Global vars -------------------------------------------------------------

SUPPORTED_FORMATS = ['svs', 'tif', 'ndpi', 'vms', 'vmu', 'scn', 'mrxs',
                     'tiff', 'svslide', 'bif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png',
                     'ome.tif', 'ome.tiff']
EMPTY = ['', ' ', None, np.nan]
CPLEX_AVAILABLE = (importlib.util.find_spec('cplex') is not None)
    import pyomo.environ as pyo
    from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory
    opt = SolverFactory('bonmin', validate=False)
    if not opt.available():
        raise errors.SolverNotFoundError
except Exception:

# --- Commonly used types -----------------------------------------------------

# Outcome labels
Labels = Union[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, int], Dict[str, List[float]]]

# Normalizer fit keyword arguments
NormFit = Union[Dict[str, np.ndarray], Dict[str, List]]

# --- Detect CPU cores --------------------------------------------------------

def num_cpu(default: Optional[int] = None) -> Optional[int]:
        return len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))
    except Exception as e:
        count = os.cpu_count()
        if count is None and default is not None:
            return default
            return count

# --- Configure logging--------------------------------------------------------

log = logging.getLogger('slideflow')

[docs]def setLoggingLevel(level): """Set the logging level. Uses standard python logging levels: - 50: CRITICAL - 40: ERROR - 30: WARNING - 20: INFO - 10: DEBUG - 0: NOTSET Args: level (int): Logging level numeric value. """ log.handlers[0].setLevel(level)
[docs]def getLoggingLevel(): """Return the current logging level.""" return log.handlers[0].level
@contextmanager def logging_level(level: int): _initial = getLoggingLevel() setLoggingLevel(level) try: yield finally: setLoggingLevel(_initial) def addLoggingFileHandler(path): fh = logging.FileHandler(path) fh.setFormatter(log_utils.FileFormatter()) handler = log_utils.MultiProcessingHandler( "mp-file-handler-{0}".format(len(log.handlers)), sub_handler=fh ) log.addHandler(handler) atexit.register(handler.close) # Add tqdm-friendly stream handler #ch = log_utils.TqdmLoggingHandler() ch = RichHandler( markup=True, log_time_format="[%X]", show_path=False, highlighter=NullHighlighter(), rich_tracebacks=True ) ch.setFormatter(log_utils.LogFormatter()) if 'SF_LOGGING_LEVEL' in os.environ: try: intLevel = int(os.environ['SF_LOGGING_LEVEL']) ch.setLevel(intLevel) except ValueError: pass else: ch.setLevel(logging.INFO) log.addHandler(ch) # Add multiprocessing-friendly file handler addLoggingFileHandler("slideflow.log") # Workaround for duplicate logging with TF 2.9 log.propagate = False
[docs]class TileExtractionSpeedColumn(progress.ProgressColumn): """Renders human readable transfer speed."""
[docs] def render(self, task: "progress.Task") -> progress.Text: """Show data transfer speed.""" speed = task.finished_speed or task.speed if speed is None: return progress.Text("?", style="") data_speed = f'{int(speed)} img' return progress.Text(f"{data_speed}/s", style="")
[docs]class LabeledMofNCompleteColumn(progress.MofNCompleteColumn): """Renders a completion column with labels."""
[docs] def __init__(self, unit: str, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.unit = unit
[docs] def render(self, task: "progress.Task") -> progress.Text: """Show completion status with labels.""" if is None: return progress.Text("?", style="progress.spinner") return progress.Text( f"{task.completed}/{} {self.unit}", style="progress.spinner" )
[docs]class ImgBatchSpeedColumn(progress.ProgressColumn): """Renders human readable transfer speed."""
[docs] def __init__(self, batch_size=1, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.batch_size = batch_size
[docs] def render(self, task: "progress.Task") -> progress.Text: """Show data transfer speed.""" speed = task.finished_speed or task.speed if speed is None: return progress.Text("?", style="") data_speed = f'{int(speed * self.batch_size)} img' return progress.Text(f"{data_speed}/s", style="")
[docs]class TileExtractionProgress(Progress):
[docs] def get_renderables(self): for task in self.tasks: if task.fields.get("progress_type") == 'speed': self.columns = ( TextColumn("[progress.description]{task.description}"), TileExtractionSpeedColumn() ) if task.fields.get("progress_type") == 'slide_progress': self.columns = ( TextColumn("[progress.description]{task.description}"), BarColumn(), progress.TaskProgressColumn(), progress.MofNCompleteColumn(), "●", progress.TimeRemainingColumn(), ) yield self.make_tasks_table([task])
[docs]class FeatureExtractionProgress(Progress):
[docs] def get_renderables(self): for task in self.tasks: if task.fields.get("progress_type") == 'speed': self.columns = ( TextColumn("[progress.description]{task.description}"), TileExtractionSpeedColumn(), LabeledMofNCompleteColumn('tiles'), "●", progress.TimeRemainingColumn(), ) if task.fields.get("progress_type") == 'slide_progress': self.columns = ( TextColumn("[progress.description]{task.description}"), BarColumn(), progress.TaskProgressColumn(), LabeledMofNCompleteColumn('slides') ) yield self.make_tasks_table([task])
[docs]def set_ignore_sigint(): """Ignore keyboard interrupts.""" import signal signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
[docs]class MultiprocessProgressTracker: """Wrapper for a rich.progress tracker that can be shared across processes."""
[docs] def __init__(self, tasks): ctx = mp.get_context('spawn') self.mp_values = { ctx.Value('i', task.completed) for task in tasks }
def advance(self, id, amount): with self.mp_values[id].get_lock(): self.mp_values[id].value += amount def __getitem__(self, id): return self.mp_values[id].value
[docs]class MultiprocessProgress: """Wrapper for a rich.progress bar that can be shared across processes."""
[docs] def __init__(self, pb): self.pb = pb self.tracker = MultiprocessProgressTracker(self.pb.tasks) self.should_stop = False
def _update_progress(self): while not self.should_stop: for task in self.pb.tasks: self.pb.update(, completed=self.tracker[]) time.sleep(0.1) def __enter__(self): self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._update_progress) self._thread.start() return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.should_stop = True self._thread.join()
# --- Slideflow header --------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def about(console=None) -> None: """Print a summary of the slideflow version and active backends. Example >>> sf.about() ╭=======================╮ │ Slideflow │ │ Version: 3.0.0 │ │ Backend: torch │ │ Slide Backend: cucim │ │ │ ╰=======================╯ Args: console (rich.console.Console, optional): Active console, if one exists. Defaults to None. """ if console is None: console = Console() col1 = 'yellow' if sf.backend() == 'tensorflow' else 'purple' if sf.slide_backend() == 'libvips': try: import pyvips _version = '{}.{}.{}'.format( pyvips.major, pyvips.minor, pyvips.micro ) except Exception: _version = 'unknown' col2 = 'cyan' slide_backend = 'libvips ({})'.format(_version) else: slide_backend = sf.slide_backend() col2 = 'green' console.print( Panel(f"[white bold]Slideflow[/]" f"\nVersion: {sf.__version__}" f"\nBackend: [{col1}]{sf.backend()}[/]" f"\nSlide Backend: [{col2}]{slide_backend}[/]" "\n[blue][/]", border_style='purple'), justify='left')
# --- Data download functions -------------------------------------------------
[docs]def download_from_tcga( uuid: str, dest: str, message: str = 'Downloading...' ) -> None: """Download a file from TCGA (GDC) by UUID.""" data_endpt = f"" response = data_endpt, data=json.dumps({'ids': [uuid]}), headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, stream=True ) response_head_cd = response.headers["Content-Disposition"] block_size = 4096 block_per_mb = block_size / 1000000 file_size = int(response.headers.get('Content-Length', '')) file_size_mb = file_size / 1000000 running_total_mb = 0 file_name = join(dest, re.findall("filename=(.+)", response_head_cd)[0]) pbar = tqdm(desc=message, total=file_size_mb, unit='MB', bar_format="{desc}: {percentage:3.0f}%|{bar}| " "{n:.2f}/{total:.2f} [{elapsed}<{remaining}] " "{rate_fmt}{postfix}") with open(file_name, "wb") as output_file: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=block_size): output_file.write(chunk) if block_per_mb + running_total_mb < file_size_mb: running_total_mb += block_per_mb # type: ignore pbar.update(block_per_mb) else: running_total_mb += file_size_mb - running_total_mb # type: ignore pbar.update(file_size_mb - running_total_mb)
def make_cache_dir_path(path: str) -> str: if 'HOME' in os.environ: dest = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.cache', 'slideflow', path) elif 'USERPROFILE' in os.environ: dest = os.path.join(os.environ['USERPROFILE'], '.cache', 'slideflow', path) else: dest = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), '.cache', 'slideflow', path) os.makedirs(dest, exist_ok=True) return dest def get_gdc_manifest() -> pd.DataFrame: sf_cache = make_cache_dir_path('gdc') manifest = join(sf_cache, 'gdc_manifest.tsv') if not exists(manifest): tar = 'gdc_manifest.tar.xz' r = requests.get(f'{tar}') open(join(sf_cache, tar), 'wb').write(r.content), tar)).extractall(sf_cache) os.remove(join(sf_cache, tar)) if not exists(manifest): log.error("Failed to download GDC manifest.") return pd.read_csv(manifest, delimiter='\t') # --- Utility functions and classes ------------------------------------------- class no_scope(): def __enter__(self): return None def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): return False
[docs]class EasyDict(dict): """Convenience class that behaves like a dict but allows access with the attribute syntax.""" def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: try: return self[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name) def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None: self[name] = value def __delattr__(self, name: str) -> None: del self[name]
def zip_allowed() -> bool: return not ('SF_ALLOW_ZIP' in os.environ and os.environ['SF_ALLOW_ZIP'] == '0') @contextmanager def enable_zip(enable: bool) -> Iterator[None]: _zip_allowed = zip_allowed() os.environ['SF_ALLOW_ZIP'] = '1' if enable else '0' yield os.environ['SF_ALLOW_ZIP'] = '0' if not _zip_allowed else '1'
[docs]def md5(path: str) -> str: """Calculate and return MD5 checksum for a file.""" m = hashlib.md5() with open(path, 'rb') as f: chunk = # No walrus for Python 3.7 :( while chunk: m.update(chunk) chunk = return m.hexdigest()
def allow_gpu_memory_growth() -> None: import tensorflow as tf gpus = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU') for gpu in gpus: try: tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpu, True) except RuntimeError: pass def model_backend(model): if sf.util.torch_available and 'torch' in sys.modules: import torch if isinstance(model, torch.nn.Module): return 'torch' if sf.util.tf_available and 'tensorflow' in sys.modules: import tensorflow as tf if isinstance(model, tf.keras.Model): return 'tensorflow' from tensorflow.lite.python.interpreter import SignatureRunner if isinstance(model, SignatureRunner): return 'tflite' raise ValueError(f"Unable to interpret model {model}") def detuple(arg1: Any, args: tuple) -> Any: if len(args): return tuple([arg1] + list(args)) else: return arg1 def _as_list(arg1: Any) -> List[Any]: if isinstance(arg1, np.ndarray): return arg1.tolist() else: return arg1
[docs]def batch(iterable: List, n: int = 1) -> Iterable: """Separates an interable into batches of maximum size `n`.""" l = len(iterable) for ndx in range(0, l, n): yield iterable[ndx:min(ndx + n, l)]
[docs]def batch_generator(iterable: Iterable, n: int = 1) -> Iterable: """Separates an interable into batches of maximum size `n`.""" batch = [] for item in iterable: batch.append(item) if len(batch) == n: yield batch batch = [] if len(batch): yield batch return
def as_list(arg1: Any) -> List[Any]: if not isinstance(arg1, list): return [arg1] else: return arg1
[docs]def isnumeric(val: Any) -> bool: """Check if the given value is numeric (numpy or python). Tensors will return False. Specifically checks if the value is a python int or float, or if the value is a numpy array with a numeric dtype (int or float). """ float_np_types = (np.int32, np.int64, np.uint8, np.float16, np.float32, np.float64) if isinstance(val, (int, float)): return True if isinstance(val, np.ndarray): return val.dtype in float_np_types return type(val) in float_np_types
def is_mag(arg1: str) -> bool: arg1_split = arg1.lower().split('x') if (len(arg1_split) != 2) or (arg1_split[1] != ''): return False try: mag = float(arg1_split[0]) except ValueError: return False return True
[docs]def is_model(path: str) -> bool: """Checks if the given path is a valid Slideflow model.""" return is_tensorflow_model_path(path) or is_torch_model_path(path)
[docs]def is_project(path: str) -> bool: """Checks if the given path is a valid Slideflow project.""" return isdir(path) and exists(join(path, 'settings.json'))
[docs]def is_slide(path: str) -> bool: """Checks if the given path is a supported slide.""" return (os.path.isfile(path) and sf.util.path_to_ext(path).lower() in SUPPORTED_FORMATS)
[docs]def is_tensorflow_model_path(path: str) -> bool: """Checks if the given path is a valid Slideflow/Tensorflow model.""" return (isdir(path) and (exists(join(path, 'params.json')) or exists(join(dirname(path), 'params.json'))))
[docs]def is_torch_model_path(path: str) -> bool: """Checks if the given path is a valid Slideflow/PyTorch model.""" return (os.path.isfile(path) and sf.util.path_to_ext(path).lower() == 'zip' and exists(join(dirname(path), 'params.json')))
[docs]def is_simclr_model_path(path: Any) -> bool: """Checks if the given path is a valid SimCLR model or checkpoint.""" is_model = (isinstance(path, str) and isdir(path) and exists(join(path, 'args.json'))) is_checkpoint = (isinstance(path, str) and path.endswith('.ckpt') and exists(join(dirname(path), 'args.json'))) return is_model or is_checkpoint
[docs]def is_uq_model(model_path: str) -> bool: """Checks if the given model path points to a UQ-enabled model.""" is_model_path = (is_tensorflow_model_path(model_path) or is_torch_model_path(model_path)) if not is_model_path: return False config = get_model_config(model_path) return config['hp']['uq']
def assert_is_mag(arg1: str): if not isinstance(arg1, str) or not is_mag(arg1): raise ValueError( f'Invalid magnification {arg1}. Must be of format' f' [int/float]x, such as "10x", "20X", or "2.5x"' ) def to_mag(arg1: str) -> Union[int, float]: assert_is_mag(arg1) try: return int(arg1.lower().split('x')[0]) except ValueError: return float(arg1.lower().split('x')[0])
[docs]def is_tile_size_compatible( tile_px1: int, tile_um1: Union[str, int], tile_px2: int, tile_um2: Union[str, int] ) -> bool: """Check whether tile sizes are compatible. Compatibility is defined as: - Equal size in pixels - If tile width (tile_um) is defined in microns (int) for both, these must be equal - If tile width (tile_um) is defined as a magnification (str) for both, these must be equal - If one is defined in microns and the other as a magnification, the calculated magnification must be +/- 2. Example 1: - tile_px1=299, tile_um1=302 - tile_px2=299, tile_um2=304 - Incompatible (unequal micron width) Example 2: - tile_px1=299, tile_um1=10x - tile_px2=299, tile_um2=9x - Incompatible (unequal magnification) Example 3: - tile_px1=299, tile_um1=302 - tile_px2=299, tile_um2=10x - Compatible (first has an equivalent magnification of 9.9x, which is +/- 2 compared to 10x) Args: tile_px1 (int): Tile size (in pixels) of first slide. tile_um1 (int or str): Tile size (in microns) of first slide. Can also be expressed as a magnification level, e.g. ``'10x'`` tile_px2 (int): Tile size (in pixels) of second slide. tile_um2 (int or str): Tile size (in microns) of second slide. Can also be expressed as a magnification level, e.g. ``'10x'`` Returns: bool: Whether the tile sizes are compatible. """ # Type checks if not isinstance(tile_px1, int): raise ValueError("Expected tile_px1 to be an int, got: {}".format(type(tile_px1))) if not isinstance(tile_um1, (str, int)): raise ValueError("Expected tile_um1 to be a str or int, got: {}".format(type(tile_um1))) if not isinstance(tile_px2, int): raise ValueError("Expected tile_px2 to be an int, got: {}".format(type(tile_px2))) if not isinstance(tile_um2, (str, int)): raise ValueError("Expected tile_um2 to be a str or int, got: {}".format(type(tile_um2))) # Enforce equivalent pixel size if tile_px1 != tile_px2: return False # If both are defined as a magnification, check if these are equal if isinstance(tile_um1, str) and isinstance(tile_um2, str): return tile_um1 == tile_um2 # If both are defined in microns, check if these are equal if isinstance(tile_um1, int) and isinstance(tile_um2, int): return tile_um1 == tile_um2 # If one is defined in microns and the other as magnification, # check if they are compatible. if isinstance(tile_um1, str) and isinstance(tile_um2, int): mag2 = 10 / (tile_um2 / tile_px2) return abs(mag2 - to_mag(tile_um1)) <= 2 if isinstance(tile_um1, int) and isinstance(tile_um2, str): mag1 = 10 / (tile_um1 / tile_px1) return abs(mag1 - to_mag(tile_um2)) <= 2 else: raise ValueError("Error assessing tile size compatibility between px={}, um={} and px={}, um={}".format( tile_px1, tile_um1, tile_px2, tile_um2 ))
[docs]def multi_warn(arr: List, compare: Callable, msg: Union[Callable, str]) -> int: """Logs multiple warning Args: arr (List): Array to compare. compare (Callable): Comparison to perform on array. If True, will warn. msg (str): Warning message. Returns: int: Number of warnings. """ num_warned = 0 warn_threshold = 3 for item in arr: if compare(item): fn = log.warn if num_warned < warn_threshold else log.debug if isinstance(msg, str): fn(msg.format(item)) elif callable(msg): fn(msg(item)) num_warned += 1 if num_warned >= warn_threshold: log.warn(f'...{num_warned} total warnings, see log for details') return num_warned
[docs]def to_onehot(val: int, max: int) -> np.ndarray: """Converts value to one-hot encoding Args: val (int): Value to encode max (int): Maximum value (length of onehot encoding) """ onehot = np.zeros(max, dtype=np.int64) onehot[val] = 1 return onehot
def clear_console() -> None: sys.stdout.write("\r\033[K") sys.stdout.flush()
[docs]def make_dir(_dir: str) -> None: """Makes a directory if one does not already exist, in a manner compatible with multithreading. """ if not exists(_dir): try: os.makedirs(_dir, exist_ok=True) except FileExistsError: pass
[docs]def relative_path(path: str, root: str): """Returns a relative path, from a given root directory.""" if path[0] == '.': return join(root, path[2:]) elif path.startswith('$ROOT'): raise ValueError("Invalid path prefix $ROOT; update project settings") else: return path
[docs]def global_path(root: str, path_string: str): '''Returns global path from a local path.''' if not root: root = "" if path_string and (len(path_string) > 2) and path_string[:2] == "./": return os.path.join(root, path_string[2:]) elif path_string and (path_string[0] != "/"): return os.path.join(root, path_string) else: return path_string
def _shortname(string: str): if len(string) == 60: # May be TCGA slide with long name; convert to # patient name by returning first 12 characters return string[:12] else: return string
[docs]def yes_no_input(prompt: str, default: str = 'no') -> bool: '''Prompts user for yes/no input.''' while True: response = input(prompt) if not response and default: return (default in ('yes', 'y')) elif response.lower() in ('yes', 'no', 'y', 'n'): return (response.lower() in ('yes', 'y')) else: print("Invalid response.")
[docs]def path_input( prompt: str, root: str, default: Optional[str] = None, create_on_invalid: bool = False, filetype: Optional[str] = None, verify: bool = True ) -> str: '''Prompts user for directory input.''' while True: relative_response = input(f"{prompt}") reponse = global_path(root, relative_response) if not relative_response and default: relative_response = default reponse = global_path(root, relative_response) if verify and not os.path.exists(reponse): if not filetype and create_on_invalid: prompt = f'Path "{reponse}" does not exist. Create? [Y/n] ' if yes_no_input(prompt, default='yes'): os.makedirs(reponse) return relative_response else: continue elif filetype: print(f'Unable to locate file "{reponse}"') continue elif not filetype and not os.path.exists(reponse): print(f'Unable to locate directory "{reponse}"') continue resp_type = path_to_ext(reponse) if filetype and (resp_type != filetype): print(f'Incorrect filetype "{resp_type}", expected "{filetype}"') continue return relative_response
[docs]def choice_input(prompt, valid_choices, default=None, multi_choice=False, input_type=str): '''Prompts user for multi-choice input.''' while True: response = input(f"{prompt}") if not response and default: return default if not multi_choice and response not in valid_choices: print("Invalid option.") continue elif multi_choice: try: replaced = response.replace(" ", "") response = [input_type(r) for r in replaced.split(',')] except ValueError: print(f"Invalid selection (response: {response})") continue invalid = [r not in valid_choices for r in response] if any(invalid): print(f'Invalid selection (response: {response})') continue return response
[docs]def load_json(filename: str) -> Any: '''Reads JSON data from file.''' with open(filename, 'r') as data_file: return json.load(data_file)
[docs]class ValidJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
[docs] def default(self, obj): try: return super().default(obj) except TypeError: return "<unknown>"
[docs]def write_json(data: Any, filename: str) -> None: """Write data to JSON file. Args: data (Any): Data to write. filename (str): Path to JSON file. """ # First, remove any invalid entries that are not serializable with open(filename, "w") as data_file: json.dump(data, data_file, indent=1, cls=ValidJSONEncoder)
[docs]def log_manifest( train_tfrecords: Optional[List[str]] = None, val_tfrecords: Optional[List[str]] = None, *, labels: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, filename: Optional[str] = None, remove_extension: bool = True ) -> str: """Saves the training manifest in CSV format and returns as a string. Args: train_tfrecords (list(str)], optional): List of training TFRecords. Defaults to None. val_tfrecords (list(str)], optional): List of validation TFRecords. Defaults to None. Keyword args: labels (dict, optional): TFRecord outcome labels. Defaults to None. filename (str, optional): Path to CSV file to save. Defaults to None. remove_extension (bool, optional): Remove file extension from slide names. Defaults to True. Returns: str: Saved manifest in str format. """ out = '' has_labels = (isinstance(labels, dict) and len(labels)) if filename: save_file = open(os.path.join(filename), 'w') writer = csv.writer(save_file) writer.writerow(['slide', 'dataset', 'outcome_label']) if train_tfrecords or val_tfrecords: if train_tfrecords: for tfrecord in train_tfrecords: if remove_extension: slide = sf.util.path_to_name(tfrecord) else: slide = tfrecord outcome_label = labels[slide] if has_labels else 'NA' out += ' '.join([slide, 'training', str(outcome_label)]) if filename: writer.writerow([slide, 'training', outcome_label]) if val_tfrecords: for tfrecord in val_tfrecords: if remove_extension: slide = sf.util.path_to_name(tfrecord) else: slide = tfrecord outcome_label = labels[slide] if has_labels else 'NA' out += ' '.join([slide, 'validation', str(outcome_label)]) if filename: writer.writerow([slide, 'validation', outcome_label]) if filename: save_file.close() return out
[docs]def get_slides_from_model_manifest( model_path: str, dataset: Optional[str] = None ) -> List[str]: """Get list of slides from a model manifest. Args: model_path (str): Path to model from which to load the model manifest. dataset (str): 'training' or 'validation'. Will return only slides from this dataset. Defaults to None (all). Returns: list(str): List of slide names. """ slides = [] if exists(join(model_path, 'slide_manifest.csv')): manifest = join(model_path, 'slide_manifest.csv') elif exists(join(dirname(model_path), 'slide_manifest.csv')): log.debug("Slide manifest not found in model directory") log.debug("Loading manifest from parent directory.") manifest = join(dirname(model_path), 'slide_manifest.csv') else: log.error('Slide manifest not found in model folder') return [] with open(manifest, 'r') as manifest_file: reader = csv.reader(manifest_file) header = next(reader) dataset_index = header.index('dataset') slide_index = header.index('slide') for row in reader: dataset_name = row[dataset_index] slide_name = row[slide_index] if dataset_name == dataset or not dataset: slides += [slide_name] return slides
[docs]def get_gan_config(model_path: str) -> Dict: """Loads a GAN training_options.json for an associated network PKL.""" if exists(join(dirname(model_path), 'training_options.json')): return load_json(join(dirname(model_path), 'training_options.json')) else: raise errors.ModelParamsNotFoundError
[docs]def get_model_config(model_path: str) -> Dict: """Loads model configuration JSON file.""" if model_path.endswith('params.json'): config = load_json(model_path) elif exists(join(model_path, 'params.json')): config = load_json(join(model_path, 'params.json')) elif exists(model_path) and exists(join(dirname(model_path), 'params.json')): if not (sf.util.torch_available and sf.util.path_to_ext(model_path) == 'zip'): log.warning( "Hyperparameters not in model directory; loading from parent" " directory. Please move params.json into model folder." ) config = load_json(join(dirname(model_path), 'params.json')) else: raise errors.ModelParamsNotFoundError # Compatibility for pre-1.1 if 'norm_mean' in config: config['norm_fit'] = { 'target_means': config['norm_mean'], 'target_stds': config['norm_std'], } if 'outcome_label_headers' in config: log.debug("Replacing outcome_label_headers in params.json -> outcomes") config['outcomes'] = config.pop('outcome_label_headers') # Compatibility for pre-3.0 if 'model_type' in config and config['model_type'] == 'categorical': config['model_type'] = 'classification' if 'model_type' in config and config['model_type'] == 'linear': config['model_type'] = 'regression' return config
[docs]def get_ensemble_model_config(model_path: str) -> Dict: """Loads ensemble model configuration JSON file.""" if exists(join(model_path, 'ensemble_params.json')): config = load_json(join(model_path, 'ensemble_params.json')) elif exists(join(dirname(model_path), 'ensemble_params.json')): if not (sf.util.torch_available and sf.util.path_to_ext(model_path) == 'zip'): log.warning( "Hyperparameters not in model directory; loading from parent" " directory. Please move ensemble_params.json into model folder." ) config = load_json(join(dirname(model_path), 'params.json')) else: raise errors.ModelParamsNotFoundError # Compatibility for pre-1.1 if 'norm_mean' in config: config['norm_fit'] = { 'target_means': config['norm_mean'], 'target_stds': config['norm_std'], } if 'outcome_label_headers' in config: log.debug("Replacing outcome_label_headers in params.json -> outcomes") config['outcomes'] = config.pop('outcome_label_headers') return config
[docs]def get_model_normalizer( model_path: str ) -> Optional["sf.norm.StainNormalizer"]: """Loads and fits normalizer using configuration at a model path.""" config = sf.util.get_model_config(model_path) if is_torch_model_path(model_path): backend = 'torch' elif is_tensorflow_model_path(model_path): backend = 'tensorflow' else: log.warn(f"Unable to determine backend for model at {model_path}") backend = None if not config['hp']['normalizer']: return None if ('slideflow_version' in config and version.parse(config['slideflow_version']) <= version.parse("1.2.2") and config['hp']['normalizer'] in ('vahadane', 'macenko')): log.warn("Detected model trained with Macenko or Vahadane " "normalization with Slideflow version <= 1.2.2. Macenko " "and Vahadane algorithms were optimized in 1.2.3 and may " "now yield slightly different results. ") normalizer = sf.norm.autoselect( config['hp']['normalizer'], config['hp']['normalizer_source'], backend=backend ) if 'norm_fit' in config and config['norm_fit'] is not None: normalizer.set_fit(**config['norm_fit']) return normalizer
[docs]def get_preprocess_fn(model_path: str): """Returns a function which preprocesses a uint8 image for a model. Args: model_path (str): Path to a saved Slideflow model. Returns: A function which accepts a single image or batch of uint8 images, and returns preprocessed (and stain normalized) float32 images. """ normalizer = get_model_normalizer(model_path) if is_torch_model_path(model_path): from import preprocess_uint8 return partial(preprocess_uint8, normalizer=normalizer) elif is_tensorflow_model_path(model_path): from import preprocess_uint8 return partial(preprocess_uint8, normalizer=normalizer, as_dict=False) else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized model: {model_path}")
[docs]def get_slide_paths(slides_dir: str) -> List[str]: '''Get all slide paths from a given directory containing slides.''' slide_list = [i for i in glob(join(slides_dir, '**/*.*')) if is_slide(i)] slide_list.extend([i for i in glob(join(slides_dir, '*.*')) if is_slide(i)]) return slide_list
[docs]def read_annotations(path: str) -> Tuple[List[str], List[Dict]]: '''Read an annotations file.''' results = [] with open(path, 'r') as csv_file: csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',') # First, try to open file try: header = next(csv_reader, None) except OSError: raise OSError( f"Failed to open annotations file {path}" ) assert isinstance(header, list) for row in csv_reader: row_dict = {} for i, key in enumerate(header): row_dict[key] = row[i] results += [row_dict] return header, results
[docs]def get_relative_tfrecord_paths(root: str, directory: str = "") -> List[str]: '''Returns relative tfrecord paths with respect to the given directory.''' tfrecords = [ join(directory, f) for f in os.listdir(join(root, directory)) if (not isdir(join(root, directory, f)) and len(f) > 10 and f[-10:] == ".tfrecords") ] subdirs = [ f for f in os.listdir(join(root, directory)) if isdir(join(root, directory, f)) ] for sub in subdirs: tfrecords += get_relative_tfrecord_paths(root, join(directory, sub)) return tfrecords
def contains_nested_subdirs(directory: str) -> bool: subdirs = [ _dir for _dir in os.listdir(directory) if isdir(join(directory, _dir)) ] for subdir in subdirs: contents = os.listdir(join(directory, subdir)) for c in contents: if isdir(join(directory, subdir, c)): return True return False
[docs]def path_to_name(path: str) -> str: '''Returns name of a file, without extension, from a given full path string.''' _file = os.path.basename(path) dot_split = _file.split('.') if len(dot_split) == 1: return _file elif len(dot_split) > 2 and '.'.join(dot_split[-2:]) in SUPPORTED_FORMATS: return '.'.join(dot_split[:-2]) else: return '.'.join(dot_split[:-1])
[docs]def path_to_ext(path: str) -> str: '''Returns extension of a file path string.''' _file = os.path.basename(path) dot_split = _file.split('.') if len(dot_split) == 1: return '' elif len(dot_split) > 2 and '.'.join(dot_split[-2:]) in SUPPORTED_FORMATS: return '.'.join(dot_split[-2:]) else: return dot_split[-1]
[docs]def update_results_log( results_log_path: str, model_name: str, results_dict: Dict ) -> None: '''Dynamically update results_log when recording training metrics.''' # First, read current results log into a dictionary results_log = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] if exists(results_log_path): with open(results_log_path, "r") as results_file: reader = csv.reader(results_file) try: headers = next(reader) except StopIteration: pass else: try: model_name_i = headers.index('model_name') result_keys = [k for k in headers if k != 'model_name'] except ValueError: model_name_i = headers.index('epoch') result_keys = [k for k in headers if k != 'epoch'] for row in reader: name = row[model_name_i] results_log[name] = {} for result_key in result_keys: result = row[headers.index(result_key)] results_log[name][result_key] = result # Move the current log file into a temporary file shutil.move(results_log_path, f"{results_log_path}.temp") # Next, update the results log with the new results data for epoch in results_dict: results_log.update({f'{model_name}-{epoch}': results_dict[epoch]}) # Finally, create a new log file incorporating the new data with open(results_log_path, "w") as results_file: writer = csv.writer(results_file) result_keys = [] # Search through results to find all results keys for model in results_log: result_keys += list(results_log[model].keys()) # Remove duplicate result keys result_keys = list(set(result_keys)) result_keys.sort() # Write header labels writer.writerow(['model_name'] + result_keys) # Iterate through model results and record for model in results_log: row = [model] # Include all saved metrics for result_key in result_keys: if result_key in results_log[model]: row += [results_log[model][result_key]] else: row += [""] writer.writerow(row) # Delete the old results log file if exists(f"{results_log_path}.temp"): os.remove(f"{results_log_path}.temp")
[docs]def map_values_to_slide_grid( locations: np.ndarray, values: np.ndarray, wsi: "sf.WSI", background: str = 'min', *, interpolation: Optional[str] = 'bicubic', ) -> np.ndarray: """Map heatmap values to a slide grid, using tile location information. Args: locations (np.ndarray): Array of shape ``(n_tiles, 2)`` containing x, y coordinates for all image tiles. Coordinates represent the center for an associated tile, and must be in a grid. values (np.ndarray): Array of shape ``(n_tiles,)`` containing heatmap values for each tile. wsi (slideflow.wsi.WSI): WSI object. Keyword args: background (str, optional): Background strategy for heatmap. Can be 'min', 'mean', 'median', 'max', or 'mask'. Defaults to 'min'. interpolation (str, optional): Interpolation strategy for smoothing heatmap. Defaults to 'bicubic'. """ no_interpolation = (interpolation is None or interpolation == 'nearest') # Slide coordinate information loc_grid_dict = {(c[0], c[1]): (c[2], c[3]) for c in wsi.coord} # Determine the heatmap background grid = np.empty((wsi.grid.shape[1], wsi.grid.shape[0])) if background == 'mask' and not no_interpolation: raise ValueError( "'mask' background is not compatible with interpolation method " "'{}'. Expected: None or 'nearest'".format(interpolation) ) elif background == 'mask': grid[:] = np.nan elif background == 'min': grid[:] = np.min(values) elif background == 'mean': grid[:] = np.mean(values) elif background == 'median': grid[:] = np.median(values) elif background == 'max': grid[:] = np.max(values) else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized value for background: {background}") if not isinstance(locations, np.ndarray): locations = np.array(locations) # Transform from coordinates as center locations to top-left locations. locations = locations - int(wsi.full_extract_px/2) for i, wsi_dim in enumerate(locations): try: idx = loc_grid_dict[tuple(wsi_dim)] except (IndexError, KeyError): raise errors.CoordinateAlignmentError( "Error plotting value at location {} for slide {}. The heatmap " "grid is not aligned to the slide coordinate grid. Ensure " "that tile_px (got: {}) and tile_um (got: {}) match the given " "location values. If you are using data stored in TFRecords, " "verify that the TFRecord was generated using the same " "tile_px and tile_um.".format( tuple(wsi_dim), wsi.path, wsi.tile_px, wsi.tile_um ) ) grid[idx[1]][idx[0]] = values[i] # Mask out background, if interpolation is not used and background == 'mask' if no_interpolation and background == 'mask': masked_grid = else: masked_grid = grid return masked_grid
[docs]def bin_values_to_slide_grid( locations: np.ndarray, values: np.ndarray, wsi: "sf.WSI", background: str = 'min', ) -> np.ndarray: """Bin heatmap values to a slide grid, using tile location information. Args: locations (np.ndarray): Array of shape ``(n_tiles, 2)`` containing x, y coordinates for all image tiles. Coordinates represent the center for an associated tile, and must be in a grid. values (np.ndarray): Array of shape ``(n_tiles,)`` containing heatmap values for each tile. wsi (slideflow.wsi.WSI): WSI object. Keyword args: background (str, optional): Background strategy for heatmap. Can be 'min', 'mean', 'median', 'max', or 'mask'. Defaults to 'min'. """ from scipy.stats import binned_statistic_2d masked_grid, *_ = binned_statistic_2d( locations[:, 0], locations[:, 1], values, bins=wsi.grid.shape, range=[[0, wsi.dimensions[0]], [0, wsi.dimensions[1]]] ) masked_grid = masked_grid.T nan_idx = np.where(np.isnan(masked_grid)) if background == 'mask': # No action needed pass elif background == 'min': masked_grid[nan_idx] = np.min(values) elif background == 'mean': masked_grid[nan_idx] = np.mean(values) elif background == 'median': masked_grid[nan_idx] = np.median(values) elif background == 'max': masked_grid[nan_idx] = np.max(values) else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized value for background: {background}") return masked_grid
[docs]def infer_stride(locations, wsi): """Infer the stride of a grid of locations from a set of locations. Args: locations (np.ndarray): Nx2 array of locations wsi (slideflow.wsi.WSI): WSI object Returns: float: inferred stride divisor in pixels """ sort_unique_x = np.sort(np.unique(locations[:, 0])) sort_unique_y = np.sort(np.unique(locations[:, 1])) min_stride_x = (sort_unique_x[1:] - sort_unique_x[:-1]).min() min_stride_y = (sort_unique_y[1:] - sort_unique_y[:-1]).min() inferred_stride_px = min(min_stride_x, min_stride_y) return wsi.full_extract_px / inferred_stride_px
[docs]def location_heatmap( locations: np.ndarray, values: np.ndarray, slide: str, tile_px: int, tile_um: Union[int, str], filename: str, *, interpolation: Optional[str] = 'bicubic', cmap: str = 'inferno', norm: Optional[str] = None, background: str = 'min' ) -> None: """Generate a heatmap for a slide. Args: locations (np.ndarray): Array of shape ``(n_tiles, 2)`` containing x, y coordinates for all image tiles. Coordinates represent the center for an associated tile, and must be in a grid. values (np.ndarray): Array of shape ``(n_tiles,)`` containing heatmap values for each tile. slide (str): Path to corresponding slide. tile_px (int): Tile pixel size. tile_um (int, str): Tile micron or magnification size. filename (str): Destination filename for heatmap. Keyword args: interpolation (str, optional): Interpolation strategy for smoothing heatmap. Defaults to 'bicubic'. cmap (str, optional): Matplotlib colormap for heatmap. Can be any valid matplotlib colormap. Defaults to 'inferno'. norm (str, optional): Normalization strategy for assigning heatmap values to colors. Either 'two_slope', or any other valid value for the ``norm`` argument of ``matplotlib.pyplot.imshow``. If 'two_slope', normalizes values less than 0 and greater than 0 separately. Defaults to None. """ if not isinstance(values, np.ndarray): raise ValueError( "Error generating heatmap. 'values' should be a numpy array " "with shape (n_tiles, )" ) if (len(values.shape) > 1) and (values.shape[1] != 1): raise ValueError( "Error generating heatmap. Expected 'values' to have (n_tiles,) " "but got shape {}".format(values.shape) )'Generating heatmap for [green]{slide}[/]...') log.debug(f"Plotting {len(values)} values") wsi = sf.WSI(slide, tile_px, tile_um, verbose=False) stride = infer_stride(locations, wsi) if stride > 32: # Large inferred strides are likely due to unaligned grid. # Rather than attempting to build a coordinate grid for verifying # grid alignment, we will assume that the grid is unaligned and # use the default stride (1). This will cause map_values_to_slide_grid # to recognize that the grid is unaligned, and the heatmap will be built # using histogram2d. log.debug(f"Failed sanity check for inferred stride ({stride})") elif stride != 1: log.debug(f"Inferred stride: {stride}") wsi = sf.WSI(slide, tile_px, tile_um, stride_div=stride, verbose=False) try: masked_grid = map_values_to_slide_grid( locations, values, wsi, background=background, interpolation=interpolation ) except errors.CoordinateAlignmentError as e: log.debug("Coordinate alignment error: {}".format(e))"Unable to align grid for plotting heatmap. Heatmap will be " "binned with a stride of 1.") masked_grid = bin_values_to_slide_grid( locations, values, wsi, background=background ) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors as mcol with matplotlib_backend('Agg'): thumb = wsi.thumb(mpp=5) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 16)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.25, top=0.95) gca = plt.gca() gca.tick_params( axis='x', top=True, labeltop=True, bottom=False, labelbottom=False ) ax.imshow(thumb, zorder=0) # Calculate overlay offset extent = sf.heatmap.calculate_heatmap_extent(wsi, thumb, masked_grid) # Plot if norm == 'two_slope': norm = mcol.TwoSlopeNorm( vmin=min(-0.01, min(values)), vcenter=0, vmax=max(0.01, max(values)) ) ax.imshow( masked_grid, zorder=10, alpha=0.6, extent=extent, interpolation=interpolation, cmap=cmap, norm=norm ) ax.set_xlim(0, thumb.size[0]) ax.set_ylim(thumb.size[1], 0) log.debug('Saving figure...') plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
[docs]def tfrecord_heatmap( tfrecord: str, slide: str, tile_px: int, tile_um: Union[int, str], tile_dict: Dict[int, float], filename: str, **kwargs ) -> None: """Creates a tfrecord-based WSI heatmap using a dictionary of tile values for heatmap display. Args: tfrecord (str): Path to tfrecord. slide (str): Path to whole-slide image. tile_dict (dict): Dictionary mapping tfrecord indices to a tile-level value for display in heatmap format. tile_px (int): Tile width in pixels. tile_um (int or str): Tile width in microns (int) or magnification (str, e.g. "20x"). filename (str): Destination filename for heatmap. """ locations = if len(tile_dict) != len(locations): raise errors.TFRecordsError( f'tile_dict length ({len(tile_dict)}) != TFRecord length ' f'({len(locations)}).' ) return location_heatmap( locations=np.array(locations), values=np.array([tile_dict[loc] for loc in range(len(locations))]), slide=slide, tile_px=tile_px, tile_um=tile_um, filename=filename, **kwargs )
[docs]def tile_size_label(tile_px: int, tile_um: Union[str, int]) -> str: """Return the string label of the given tile size.""" if isinstance(tile_um, str): return f"{tile_px}px_{tile_um.lower()}" else: return f"{tile_px}px_{tile_um}um"
[docs]def get_valid_model_dir(root: str) -> List: ''' This function returns the path of the first indented directory from root. This only works when the indented folder name starts with a 5 digit number, like "00000%". Examples If the root has 3 files: root/00000-foldername/ root/00001-foldername/ root/00002-foldername/ The function returns "root/00000-foldername/" ''' prev_run_dirs = [ x for x in os.listdir(root) if isdir(join(root, x)) ] prev_run_ids = [re.match(r'^\d+', x) for x in prev_run_dirs] prev_run_ids = [int( for x in prev_run_ids if x is not None] return prev_run_ids, prev_run_dirs
def get_new_model_dir(root: str, model_name: str) -> str: prev_run_ids, prev_run_dirs = get_valid_model_dir(root) cur_id = max(prev_run_ids, default=-1) + 1 model_dir = os.path.join(root, f'{cur_id:05d}-{model_name}') assert not os.path.exists(model_dir) os.makedirs(model_dir) return model_dir def create_new_model_dir(root: str, model_name: str) -> str: path = get_new_model_dir(root, model_name) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) return path
[docs]def split_list(a: List, n: int) -> List[List]: '''Function to split a list into n components''' k, m = divmod(len(a), n) return [a[i * k + min(i, m): (i + 1) * k + min(i + 1, m)] for i in range(n)]
# --- TFRecord utility functions ---------------------------------------------- def process_feature( feature: example_pb2.Feature, # type: ignore typename: str, typename_mapping: Dict, key: str ) -> np.ndarray: # NOTE: We assume that each key in the example has only one field # (either "bytes_list", "float_list", or "int64_list")! field = feature.ListFields()[0] # type: ignore inferred_typename, value = field[0].name, field[1].value if typename is not None: tf_typename = typename_mapping[typename] if tf_typename != inferred_typename: reversed_mapping = {v: k for k, v in typename_mapping.items()} raise TypeError( f"Incompatible type '{typename}' for `{key}` " f"(should be '{reversed_mapping[inferred_typename]}')." ) if inferred_typename == "bytes_list": value = np.frombuffer(value[0], dtype=np.uint8) elif inferred_typename == "float_list": value = np.array(value, dtype=np.float32) elif inferred_typename == "int64_list": value = np.array(value, dtype=np.int64) return value def extract_feature_dict( features: Union[example_pb2.FeatureLists, # type: ignore example_pb2.Features], # type: ignore description: Optional[Union[List, Dict]], typename_mapping: Dict ) -> Dict[str, Any]: if isinstance(features, example_pb2.FeatureLists): features = features.feature_list # type: ignore def get_value(typename, typename_mapping, key): feature = features[key].feature fn = partial( process_feature, typename=typename, typename_mapping=typename_mapping, key=key ) return list(map(fn, feature)) elif isinstance(features, example_pb2.Features): features = features.feature # type: ignore def get_value(typename, typename_mapping, key): return process_feature(features[key], typename, typename_mapping, key) else: raise TypeError(f"Incompatible type: features should be either of type " f"example_pb2.Features or example_pb2.FeatureLists and " f"not {type(features)}") all_keys = list(features.keys()) # type: ignore if description is None or len(description) == 0: description = dict.fromkeys(all_keys, None) elif isinstance(description, list): description = dict.fromkeys(description, None) processed_features = {} for key, typename in description.items(): if key not in all_keys: raise KeyError(f"Key {key} doesn't exist (select from {all_keys})!") processed_features[key] = get_value(typename, typename_mapping, key) return processed_features
[docs]def load_predictions(path: str, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """Loads a 'csv', 'parquet' or 'feather' file to a pandas dataframe. Args: path (str): Path to the file to be read. Returns: df (pd.DataFrame): The dataframe read from the path. """ if path.endswith("csv"): return pd.read_csv(f"{path}", **kwargs) elif path.endswith("parquet") or path.endswith("gzip"): return pd.read_parquet(f"{path}", **kwargs) elif path.endswith("feather"): return pd.read_feather(f"{path}", **kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized extension "{path_to_ext(path)}"')
@contextmanager def cleanup_progress(pb: Optional["Progress"]): try: yield finally: if pb is not None: pb.refresh() pb.stop() @contextmanager def matplotlib_backend(backend): import matplotlib original_backend = matplotlib.get_backend() try: matplotlib.use(backend) yield finally: matplotlib.use(original_backend)
[docs]def create_triangles(vertices, hole_vertices=None, hole_points=None): """ Tessellate a complex polygon, possibly with holes. :param vertices: A list of vertices [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ...] defining the polygon boundary. :param holes: An optional list of points [(hx1, hy1), (hx2, hy2), ...] inside each hole in the polygon. :return: A numpy array of vertices for the tessellated triangles. """ import triangle as tr # Prepare the segment information for the exterior boundary segments = np.array([[i, (i + 1) % len(vertices)] for i in range(len(vertices))]) # Prepare the polygon for Triangle polygon = {'vertices': np.array(vertices), 'segments': segments} # If there are holes and hole boundaries, add them to the polygon definition if hole_points is not None and hole_vertices is not None and len(hole_vertices): polygon['holes'] = np.array(hole_points).astype(np.float32) # Start adding hole segments after the exterior segments start_idx = len(vertices) for hole in hole_vertices: hole_segments = [[start_idx + i, start_idx + (i + 1) % len(hole)] for i in range(len(hole))] segments = np.vstack([segments, hole_segments]) start_idx += len(hole) # Update the vertices and segments in the polygon all_vertices = np.vstack([vertices] + hole_vertices) polygon['vertices'] = all_vertices polygon['segments'] = segments # Tessellate the polygon tess = tr.triangulate(polygon, 'pF') # Extract tessellated triangle vertices if 'triangles' not in tess: return None tessellated_vertices = np.array([tess['vertices'][t] for t in tess['triangles']]).reshape(-1, 2) # Convert to float32 tessellated_vertices = tessellated_vertices.astype('float32') return tessellated_vertices