
Source code for slideflow_noncommercial.biscuit.experiment

import shutil
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as plticker
import numpy as np
from skmisc.loess import loess
from scipy import stats
from tqdm import tqdm
from statistics import mean
from os.path import join, exists

import slideflow as sf
from slideflow.util import log
from . import utils, threshold
from . import hp as biscuit_hp
from .errors import MatchError, ModelNotFoundError, ThresholdError

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    'AA': 'full',
    'U': 800,
    'T': 700,
    'S': 600,
    'R': 500,
    'A': 400,
    'L': 350,
    'M': 300,
    'N': 250,
    'D': 200,
    'O': 176,
    'P': 150,
    'Q': 126,
    'G': 100,
    'V': 90,
    'W': 80,
    'X': 70,
    'Y': 60,
    'Z': 50,
    'ZA': 40,
    'ZB': 30,
    'ZC': 20,
    'ZD': 10

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class Experiment: def __init__( self, train_project, eval_projects=None, outcome='cohort', outcome1='LUAD', outcome2='LUSC', outdir='results' ): """Supervises uncertainty thresholding experiments.""" if eval_projects is None: eval_projects = [] if isinstance(train_project, str): self.train_project = sf.Project(train_project) elif isinstance(train_project, sf.Project): self.train_project = train_project else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized value for train_project: {train_project}") self.eval_projects = [] for ep in eval_projects: if isinstance(ep, str): self.eval_projects += [sf.Project(ep)] elif isinstance(ep, sf.Project): self.eval_projects += [ep] else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized value for eval_project: {eval_projects}") self.outcome = outcome self.outcome1 = outcome1 self.outcome2 = outcome2 self.outdir = outdir def add(self, path, label, out1, out2, order='f', order_col='order', gan=0): """Adds a sample size experiment to the given project annotations file. Args: path (str): Path to project annotations file. label (str): Experimental label. out1 (int): Number of lung adenocarcinomas (LUAD) to include in the experiment. out2 (int): Number of lung squamous cell carcinomas (LUSC) to include in the experiment. outcome (str, optional): Annotation header which indicates the outcome of interest. Defaults to 'cohort'. order (str, optional): 'f' (forward) or 'r' (reverse). Indicates which direction to follow when sequentially adding slides. Defaults to 'f'. order_col (str, optional): Annotation header column to use when sequentially adding slides. Defaults to 'order'. gan (int, optional): Number of GAN slides to include in experiment. Defaults to 0. Returns: None """ assert isinstance(out1, int) assert isinstance(out2, int) assert isinstance(gan, (int, float)) and 0 <= gan < 1 assert order in ('f', 'r') ann = pd.read_csv(path, dtype=str) print(f"Setting up exp. {label} with order {order} (sort by {order_col})") ann[order_col] = pd.to_numeric(ann[order_col]) ann.sort_values( ['gan', self.outcome, order_col], ascending=[True, True, (order != 'r')], inplace=True ) gan_out1 = round(gan * out1) gan_out2 = round(gan * out2) out1_indices = np.where((ann['site'].to_numpy() != 'GAN') & (ann[self.outcome] == self.outcome1))[0] out2_indices = np.where((ann['site'].to_numpy() != 'GAN') & (ann[self.outcome] == self.outcome2))[0] gan_out1_indices = np.where((ann['site'].to_numpy() == 'GAN') & (ann[self.outcome] == self.outcome1))[0] gan_out2_indices = np.where((ann['site'].to_numpy() == 'GAN') & (ann[self.outcome] == self.outcome2))[0] assert out1 <= out1_indices.shape[0] assert out2 <= out2_indices.shape[0] assert gan_out1 <= gan_out1_indices.shape[0] assert gan_out2 <= gan_out2_indices.shape[0] include = np.array(['exclude' for _ in range(len(ann))]) include[out1_indices[:out1]] = 'include' include[out2_indices[:out2]] = 'include' include[gan_out1_indices[:gan_out1]] = 'include' include[gan_out2_indices[:gan_out2]] = 'include' ann[f'include_{label}'] = include ann.to_csv(path, index=False) @staticmethod def config(name_pattern, subset, ratio, **kwargs): """Configures a set of experiments. Args: name_pattern (str): String pattern for experiment naming. subset (list(str)): List of experiment ID/labels. ratio (float): Float 0-1. n_out1 / n_out2 (or n_out2 / n_out1) """ if not isinstance(ratio, (int, float)) and ratio >= 1: raise ValueError("Invalid ratio; must be float >= 1") config = {} for exp in ALL_EXP: if exp not in subset: continue if exp == 'AA' and ratio != 1: raise ValueError("Cannot create full dataset exp. with ratio != 1") exp_name = name_pattern.format(exp) if ratio != 1: n1 = round(ALL_EXP[exp] / (1 + (1/ratio))) n2 = ALL_EXP[exp] - n1 config.update({ exp_name: {'out1': n1, 'out2': n2, **kwargs}, exp_name+'i': {'out1': n2, 'out2': n1, **kwargs} }) else: if ALL_EXP[exp] == 'full': n_out1 = 467 n_out2 = 474 else: n_out1 = n_out2 = int(ALL_EXP[exp] / 2) config.update({ exp_name: {'out1': n_out1, 'out2': n_out2, **kwargs}, }) return config def display(self, df, eval_dfs, hue='uq', palette='tab10', relplot_uq_compare=True, boxplot_uq_compare=True, ttest_uq_groups=['all', 'include'], prefix=''): """Creates plots from assmebled results, exports results to CSV. Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): Cross-validation results metrics, as generated by results() eval_dfs (dict(pandas.DataFrame)): Dict of external eval dataset names (keys) mapped to pandas DataFrame of result metrics (values). hue (str, optional): Comparison to show with different hue on plots. Defaults to 'uq'. palette (str, optional): Seaborn color palette. Defaults to 'tab10'. relplot_uq_compare (bool, optional): For the Relplot display, ensure non-UQ and UQ results are generated from the same models/preds. boxplot_uq_compare (bool, optional): For the boxplot display, ensure non-UQ and UQ results are generated from the same models/preds. ttest_uq_groups (list(str)): UQ groups to compare via t-test. Defaults to ['all', 'include']. prefix (str, optional): Prefix to use when saving figures. Defaults to empty string. Returns: None """ if not len(df): log.error("No results to display") return # Filter out UQ results if n_slides < 100 df = df.loc[~ ((df['n_slides'] < 100) & (df['uq'].isin(['include', 'exclude'])))] # --- Paired t-tests --------------------------------------------------- if ttest_uq_groups and len(ttest_uq_groups) != 2: raise ValueError("Length of ttest_uq_groups must be exactly 2") ttest_df = df.loc[df['uq'].isin(ttest_uq_groups)].copy() ttest_df = ttest_df.sort_values(['id', 'fold']) def perform_paired_testing(level): print(f"Paired t-tests ({level}-level):") for n in sorted(ttest_df['n_slides'].unique()): exp_df = ttest_df[ttest_df['n_slides'] == n] try: ttest_result = stats.ttest_rel( exp_df.loc[exp_df['uq'] == ttest_uq_groups[0]][f'{level}_auc'], exp_df.loc[exp_df['uq'] == ttest_uq_groups[1]][f'{level}_auc'], alternative='less') print(n, '\t', 'p =', ttest_result.pvalue) except ValueError: print(n, '\t', 'p = (error)') perform_paired_testing('patient') perform_paired_testing('slide') # --- Cross-validation plots ------------------------------------------- if len(df): # AUC (relplot) if relplot_uq_compare: rel_df = df.loc[df['uq'] != 'none'] else: rel_df = df sns.relplot( x='n_slides', y='slide_auc', data=rel_df, hue=hue, marker='o', kind='line', palette=palette ) plt.title('Cross-val AUC') ax = plt.gca() ax.set_ylim([0.5, 1]) ax.grid(visible=True, which='both', axis='both', color='white') ax.set_facecolor('#EAEAF2') ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plticker.MultipleLocator(100)) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) plt.savefig(join(self.outdir, f'{prefix}relplot.svg')) f, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3) f.set_size_inches(18, 6) # AUC boxplot if boxplot_uq_compare: box_df = df.loc[df['uq'] != 'none'] else: box_df = df sns.boxplot( x='n_slides', y='slide_auc', hue=hue, data=box_df, ax=axes[0], palette=palette ) axes[0].title.set_text('Cross-val AUC') axes[0].set_ylabel('') axes[0].tick_params(labelrotation=90) # AUC scatter - LOESS & standard error df = df.sort_values(by=['n_slides']) x = df['n_slides'].to_numpy().astype(np.float32) y = df['slide_auc'].to_numpy() lo = loess(x, y) try: pred = lo.predict(x, stderror=True) conf = pred.confidence() z = pred.values ll = conf.lower ul = conf.upper axes[1].plot(x, y, '+', ms=6) axes[1].plot(x, z) axes[1].fill_between(x, ll, ul, alpha=.33) except ValueError: pass axes[1].xaxis.set_minor_locator(plticker.MultipleLocator(20)) axes[1].spines['bottom'].set_linewidth(0.5) axes[1].spines['bottom'].set_color('black') axes[1].tick_params(axis='x', colors='black') axes[1].grid(visible=True, which='both', axis='both', color='white') axes[1].set_facecolor('#EAEAF2') axes[1].set_xscale('log') axes[1].title.set_text('Cross-val AUC') # % slides included sns.lineplot( x='n_slides', y='patient_uq_perc', data=df, marker='o', ax=axes[2], zorder=3 ) axes[2].set_ylabel('') axes[2].title.set_text('% Patients Included with UQ (cross-val)') axes[2].xaxis.set_minor_locator(plticker.MultipleLocator(100)) axes[2].tick_params(labelrotation=90) axes[2].grid(visible=True, which='both', axis='both', color='white', zorder=0) axes[2].set_facecolor('#EAEAF2') axes[2].set_xlim(100) axes[2].scatter(x=df.groupby('n_slides', as_index=False).median().n_slides.values, y=df.groupby('n_slides').median().patient_uq_perc.values, marker='x', zorder=5) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) plt.savefig(join(self.outdir, f'{prefix}crossval.svg')) # --- Evaluation plots ---------------------------------------------------- if eval_dfs: for eval_name, eval_df in eval_dfs.items(): if not len(eval_df): continue has_uq = len(eval_df.loc[eval_df['uq'].isin(['include', 'exclude'])]) # Prepare figure sns.set(rc={"xtick.bottom": True, "ytick.left": True}) f, axes = plt.subplots(1, (4 if has_uq else 3)) f.suptitle(f'{eval_name} Evaluation Dataset') f.set_size_inches(16, 4) # AUC if not len(eval_df): continue eval_df = eval_df.loc[~ ((eval_df['n_slides'] < 100) & (eval_df['uq'].isin(['include', 'exclude'])))] sns.lineplot( x='n_slides', y='patient_auc', hue=hue, data=eval_df, marker="o", ax=axes[0] ) sns.scatterplot( x='n_slides', y='slide_auc', hue=hue, data=eval_df, marker="x", ax=axes[0] ) axes[0].get_legend().remove() axes[0].title.set_text('AUC') # Accuracy sns.lineplot( x='n_slides', y='patient_acc', hue=hue, data=eval_df, marker="o", ax=axes[1] ) sns.scatterplot( x='n_slides', y='slide_acc', hue=hue, data=eval_df, marker="x", ax=axes[1] ) axes[1].get_legend().remove() axes[1].title.set_text('Accuracy') # Youden's index sns.lineplot( x='n_slides', y='patient_youden', hue=hue, data=eval_df, marker="o", ax=axes[2] ) sns.scatterplot( x='n_slides', y='slide_youden', hue=hue, data=eval_df, marker="x", ax=axes[2] ) axes[2].title.set_text("Youden's J") axes[2].get_legend().remove() # % slides included if has_uq: sns.lineplot( x='n_slides', y='patient_incl', data=eval_df.loc[eval_df['uq'] == 'include'], marker='o' ) sns.scatterplot( x='n_slides', y='slide_incl', data=eval_df.loc[eval_df['uq'] == 'include'], marker='x' ) axes[3].title.set_text('% Included') for ax in axes: ax.set_ylabel('') ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plticker.MultipleLocator(base=100)) ax.tick_params(labelrotation=90) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.8) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) plt.savefig(join(self.outdir, f'{prefix}eval.svg')) def plot_uq_calibration(self, label, tile_uq, slide_uq, slide_pred, epoch=1): """Plots a graph of predictions vs. uncertainty. Args: label (str): Experiment label. kfold (int): Validation k-fold. tile_uq (float): Tile-level uncertainty threshold. slide_uq (float): Slide-level uncertainty threshold. slide_pred (float): Slide-level prediction threshold. Returns: None """ val_dfs = [ pd.read_csv( join( utils.find_model(self.train_project, label, kfold=k, outcome=self.outcome), f'tile_predictions_val_epoch{epoch}.csv'), dtype={'slide': str}) for k in range(1, 4) ] for v in range(len(val_dfs)): utils.rename_cols(val_dfs[v], outcome=self.outcome) _df = val_dfs[0] _df = pd.concat([_df, val_dfs[1]], axis=0, join='outer', ignore_index=True) _df = pd.concat([_df, val_dfs[2]], axis=0, join='outer', ignore_index=True) # Plot tile-level uncertainty patients = self.train_project.dataset().patients() _df, _ = threshold.process_tile_predictions(_df, patients=patients) threshold.plot_uncertainty( _df, kind='tile', threshold=tile_uq, title=f'CV UQ Calibration: {label}' ) # Plot slide-level uncertainty _df = _df[_df['uncertainty'] < tile_uq] _s_df, _ = threshold.process_group_predictions( _df, pred_thresh=slide_pred, level='slide' ) threshold.plot_uncertainty( _s_df, kind='slide', threshold=slide_uq, title=f'CV UQ Calibration: {label}' ) def results(self, exp_to_run, uq=True, eval=True, plot=False): """Assembles results from experiments, applies UQ thresholding, and returns pandas dataframes with metrics. Args: exp_to_run (list): List of experiment IDs to search for results. uq (bool, optional): Apply UQ thresholds. Defaults to True. eval (bool, optional): Calculate results of external evaluation models. Defaults to True. plot (bool, optional): Show plots. Defaults to False. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: Cross-val results, pandas.DataFrame: Dxternal eval results """ # === Initialize projects & prepare experiments =========================== P = self.train_project eval_Ps = self.eval_projects df = pd.DataFrame() eval_dfs = { pd.DataFrame() for val_P in eval_Ps} prediction_thresholds = {} slide_uq_thresholds = {} tile_uq_thresholds = {} pred_uq_thresholds = {} # === Show results from designated epoch ================================== for exp in exp_to_run: try: models = utils.find_cv(P, f'EXP_{exp}', outcome=self.outcome) except MatchError: log.debug(f"Unable to find cross-val results for {exp}; skipping") continue for i, m in enumerate(models): try: results = utils.get_model_results(m, outcome=self.outcome, epoch=1) except FileNotFoundError: print(f"Unable to open cross-val results for {exp}; skipping") continue m_slides = sf.util.get_slides_from_model_manifest(m, dataset=None) df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame([{ 'id': exp, 'n_slides': len(m_slides), 'fold': i+1, 'uq': 'none', 'patient_auc': results['pt_auc'], 'patient_ap': results['pt_ap'], 'slide_auc': results['slide_auc'], 'slide_ap': results['slide_ap'], 'tile_auc': results['tile_auc'], 'tile_ap': results['tile_ap'], }])], axis=0, join='outer', ignore_index=True) # === Add UQ Crossval results (non-thresholded) =========================== for exp in exp_to_run: try: skip = False models = utils.find_cv(P, f'EXP_{exp}_UQ', outcome=self.outcome) except MatchError: continue all_pred_thresh = [] for i, m in enumerate(models): try: results = utils.get_model_results(m, outcome=self.outcome, epoch=1) all_pred_thresh += [results['opt_thresh']] df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame([{ 'id': exp, 'n_slides': len(sf.util.get_slides_from_model_manifest(m, dataset=None)), 'fold': i+1, 'uq': 'all', 'patient_auc': results['pt_auc'], 'patient_ap': results['pt_ap'], 'slide_auc': results['slide_auc'], 'slide_ap': results['slide_ap'], 'tile_auc': results['tile_auc'], 'tile_ap': results['tile_ap'], }])], axis=0, join='outer', ignore_index=True) except FileNotFoundError: log.debug(f"Skipping UQ crossval (non-thresholded) results for {exp}; not found") skip = True break if not skip: prediction_thresholds[exp] = mean(all_pred_thresh) # === Get & Apply Nested UQ Threshold ===================================== if uq: pb = tqdm(exp_to_run) for exp in pb: # Skip UQ for experiments with n_slides < 100 if exp in ('V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'ZA', 'ZB', 'ZC', 'ZD'): continue pb.set_description(f"Calculating thresholds (exp {exp})...") try: _df, thresh = self.thresholds_from_nested_cv( f'EXP_{exp}_UQ', id=exp ) df = pd.concat([df, _df], axis=0, join='outer', ignore_index=True) except (MatchError, FileNotFoundError, ModelNotFoundError) as e: log.debug(str(e)) log.debug(f"Skipping UQ crossval results for {exp}; not found") continue except ThresholdError as e: log.debug(str(e)) log.debug(f'Skipping UQ crossval results for {exp}; could not find thresholds in cross-validation') continue tile_uq_thresholds[exp] = thresh['tile_uq'] slide_uq_thresholds[exp] = thresh['slide_uq'] pred_uq_thresholds[exp] = thresh['slide_pred'] # Show CV uncertainty calibration if plot and exp == 'AA': print("Plotting UQ calibration for cross-validation (exp. AA)") self.plot_uq_calibration( label=f'EXP_{exp}_UQ', **thresh ) # === Show external validation results ==================================== if eval: # --- Step 7A: Show non-UQ external validation results ---------------- for val_P in eval_Ps: name = pb = tqdm(exp_to_run, ncols=80) for exp in pb: pb.set_description(f'Working on {name} eval (EXP {exp})...') # Read and prepare model results try: eval_dir = utils.find_eval(val_P, f'EXP_{exp}_FULL', outcome=self.outcome) results = utils.get_eval_results(eval_dir, outcome=self.outcome) except (FileNotFoundError, MatchError): log.debug(f"Skipping eval for exp {exp}; eval not found") continue if not utils.model_exists(P, f'EXP_{exp}_FULL', outcome=self.outcome, epoch=1): log.debug(f'Skipping eval for exp {exp}; trained model not found') continue if exp not in prediction_thresholds: log.warn(f"No predictions threshold for experiment {exp}; using slide-level pred threshold of 0.5") pred_thresh = 0.5 else: pred_thresh = prediction_thresholds[exp] # Patient-level and slide-level predictions & metrics patient_yt, patient_yp = utils.read_group_predictions( join( eval_dir, f'patient_predictions_{self.outcome}_eval.csv' ) ) patient_metrics = utils.prediction_metrics( patient_yt, patient_yp, threshold=pred_thresh ) patient_metrics = { f'patient_{m}': patient_metrics[m] for m in patient_metrics } slide_yt, slide_yp = utils.read_group_predictions( join( eval_dir, f'patient_predictions_{self.outcome}_eval.csv' ) ) slide_metrics = utils.prediction_metrics( slide_yt, slide_yp, threshold=pred_thresh ) slide_metrics = { f'slide_{m}': slide_metrics[m] for m in slide_metrics } model = utils.find_model(P, f'EXP_{exp}_FULL', outcome=self.outcome, epoch=1) n_slides = len(sf.util.get_slides_from_model_manifest(model, dataset=None)) eval_dfs[name] = pd.concat([eval_dfs[name], pd.DataFrame([{ 'id': exp, 'n_slides': n_slides, 'uq': 'none', 'incl': 1, 'patient_auc': results['pt_auc'], 'patient_ap': results['pt_ap'], 'slide_auc': results['slide_auc'], 'slide_ap': results['slide_ap'], **patient_metrics, **slide_metrics, }])], axis=0, join='outer', ignore_index=True) # --- [end patient-level predictions] ------------------------- if exp not in prediction_thresholds: log.debug(f"Unable to calculate eval UQ performance; no prediction thresholds found for exp {exp}") continue # --- Step 7B: Show UQ external validation results ------------ if uq: if exp in tile_uq_thresholds: for keep in ('high_confidence', 'low_confidence'): tile_pred_df = pd.read_csv( join( eval_dir, 'tile_predictions_eval.csv' ), dtype={'slide': str} ) new_cols = { f'{self.outcome}_y_pred1': 'y_pred', f'{self.outcome}_y_true0': 'y_true', f'{self.outcome}_uncertainty1': 'uncertainty' } tile_pred_df.rename(columns=new_cols, inplace=True) thresh_tile = tile_uq_thresholds[exp] thresh_slide = slide_uq_thresholds[exp] val_patients = val_P.dataset(verification=None).patients() def get_metrics_by_level(level): return threshold.apply( tile_pred_df, tile_uq=thresh_tile, slide_uq=thresh_slide, tile_pred=0.5, slide_pred=pred_uq_thresholds[exp], plot=(plot and level == 'slide' and keep == 'high_confidence' and exp == 'AA'), title=f'{name}: Exp. {exp} Uncertainty', keep=keep, # Keeps only LOW or HIGH-confidence slide predictions patients=val_patients, level=level ) s_results, _ = get_metrics_by_level('slide') p_results, _ = get_metrics_by_level('patient') if (plot and keep == 'high_confidence' and exp == 'AA'): plt.savefig(join(self.outdir, f'{name}_uncertainty_v_preds.svg')) full_model = utils.find_model(P, f'EXP_{exp}_FULL', outcome=self.outcome, epoch=1) n_slides = len(sf.util.get_slides_from_model_manifest(full_model, dataset=None)) eval_dfs[name] = pd.concat([eval_dfs[name], pd.DataFrame([{ 'id': exp, 'n_slides': n_slides, 'uq': ('include' if keep == 'high_confidence' else 'exclude'), 'slide_incl': s_results['percent_incl'], 'slide_auc': s_results['auc'], 'slide_acc': s_results['acc'], 'slide_sens': s_results['sensitivity'], 'slide_spec': s_results['specificity'], 'slide_youden': s_results['sensitivity'] + s_results['specificity'] - 1, 'patient_incl': p_results['percent_incl'], 'patient_auc': p_results['auc'], 'patient_acc': p_results['acc'], 'patient_sens': p_results['sensitivity'], 'patient_spec': p_results['specificity'], 'patient_youden': p_results['sensitivity'] + p_results['specificity'] - 1, }])], axis=0, join='outer', ignore_index=True) for eval_name in eval_dfs: eval_dfs[eval_name].to_csv( join(self.outdir, f'{eval_name}_results.csv'), index=False ) else: eval_dfs = None df.to_csv(join(self.outdir, 'crossval_results.csv'), index=False) return df, eval_dfs def run(self, exp_to_run, steps=None, hp='nature2022'): """Trains the designated experiments. Args: exp_to_run (dict): Dict containing experiment configuration, as provided by config(). steps (list(int)): Steps to run. Defaults to all steps, 1-6. hp (slideflow.ModelParams, optional): Hyperparameters object. Defaults to hyperparameters used for publication. Returns: None """ # === Initialize projects & prepare experiments =========================== print(sf.util.bold("Initializing experiments...")) P = self.train_project eval_Ps = self.eval_projects exp_annotations = join(P.root, 'experiments.csv') if P.annotations != exp_annotations: if not exists(exp_annotations): shutil.copy(P.annotations, exp_annotations) P.annotations = exp_annotations exp_to_add = [ e for e in exp_to_run if f'include_{e}' not in pd.read_csv(exp_annotations).columns.tolist() ] for exp in exp_to_add: self.add(exp_annotations, label=exp, **exp_to_run[exp]) full_epoch_exp = [e for e in exp_to_run if e in ('AA', 'A', 'D', 'G')] if hp == 'nature2022': exp_hp = biscuit_hp.nature2022() else: exp_hp = hp # Configure steps to run if steps is None: steps = range(7) # === Step 1: Initialize full-epochs experiments ========================== if 1 in steps: print(sf.util.bold("[Step 1] Running full-epoch experiments...")) exp_hp.epochs = [1, 3, 5, 10] for exp in full_epoch_exp: val_k = [ k for k in range(1, 4) if not utils.model_exists(P, f'EXP_{exp}', outcome=self.outcome, kfold=k) ] if not len(val_k): print(f'Skipping Step 1 for experiment {exp}; already done.') continue elif val_k != list(range(1, 4)): print(f'[Step 1] Some k-folds done; running {val_k} for {exp}') self.train( hp=exp_hp, label=f'EXP_{exp}', filters={f'include_{exp}': ['include']}, splits=f'splits_{exp}.json', val_k=val_k, val_strategy='k-fold', save_model=False ) # === Step 2: Run the rest of the experiments at the designated epoch ===== if 2 in steps: print(sf.util.bold("[Step 2] Running experiments at target epoch...")) exp_hp.epochs = [1] for exp in exp_to_run: if exp in full_epoch_exp: continue # Already done in Step 2 val_k = [ k for k in range(1, 4) if not utils.model_exists(P, f'EXP_{exp}', outcome=self.outcome, kfold=k) ] if not len(val_k): print(f'Skipping Step 2 for experiment {exp}; already done.') continue elif val_k != list(range(1, 4)): print(f'[Step 2] Some k-folds done; running {val_k} for {exp}') self.train( hp=exp_hp, label=f'EXP_{exp}', filters={f'include_{exp}': ['include']}, save_predictions=True, splits=f'splits_{exp}.json', val_k=val_k, val_strategy='k-fold', save_model=False ) # === Step 3: Run experiments with UQ & save predictions ================== if 3 in steps: print(sf.util.bold("[Step 3] Running experiments with UQ...")) exp_hp.epochs = [1] exp_hp.uq = True for exp in exp_to_run: val_k = [ k for k in range(1, 4) if not utils.model_exists(P, f'EXP_{exp}_UQ', outcome=self.outcome, kfold=k) ] if not len(val_k): print(f'Skipping Step 3 for experiment {exp}; already done.') continue elif val_k != list(range(1, 4)): print(f'[Step 3] Some k-folds done; running {val_k} for {exp}') self.train( hp=exp_hp, label=f'EXP_{exp}_UQ', filters={f'include_{exp}': ['include']}, save_predictions=True, splits=f'splits_{exp}.json', val_k=val_k, val_strategy='k-fold', save_model=False ) # === Step 4: Run nested UQ cross-validation ============================== if 4 in steps: print(sf.util.bold("[Step 4] Running nested UQ experiments...")) exp_hp.epochs = [1] exp_hp.uq = True for exp in exp_to_run: total_slides = exp_to_run[exp]['out2'] + exp_to_run[exp]['out1'] if total_slides >= 50: self.train_nested_cv( hp=exp_hp, label=f'EXP_{exp}_UQ', val_strategy='k-fold' ) else: print(f"[Step 4] Skipping UQ for {exp}, need >=50 slides") # === Step 5: Train models across full datasets =========================== if 5 in steps: print(sf.util.bold("[Step 5] Training across full datasets...")) exp_hp.epochs = [1] exp_hp.uq = True for exp in exp_to_run: if utils.model_exists(P, f'EXP_{exp}_FULL', outcome=self.outcome): print(f'Skipping Step 5 for experiment {exp}; already done.') else: stop_batch = utils.find_cv_early_stop(P, f'EXP_{exp}', outcome=self.outcome, k=3) print(f"Using detected early stop batch {stop_batch}") self.train( hp=exp_hp, label=f'EXP_{exp}_FULL', filters={f'include_{exp}': ['include']}, save_model=True, val_strategy='none', steps_per_epoch_override=stop_batch ) # === Step 6: External validation ======================================== if 6 in steps: for val_P in eval_Ps: print(sf.util.bold(f"[Step 6] Running eval ({})...")) for exp in exp_to_run: full_model = utils.find_model(P, f'EXP_{exp}_FULL', outcome=self.outcome, epoch=1) if utils.eval_exists(val_P, f'EXP_{exp}_FULL', outcome=self.outcome, epoch=1): print(f'Skipping eval for experiment {exp}; already done.') else: filters = {self.outcome: [self.outcome1, self.outcome2]} val_P.evaluate( full_model, self.outcome, filters=filters, save_predictions=True, ) def thresholds_from_nested_cv(self, label, outer_k=3, inner_k=5, id=None, threshold_params=None, epoch=1, tile_filename='tile_predictions_val_epoch1.csv', y_true=None, y_pred=None, uncertainty=None): """Detects tile- and slide-level UQ thresholds and slide-level prediction thresholds from nested cross-validation.""" if id is None: id = label patients = self.train_project.dataset(verification=None).patients() if threshold_params is None: threshold_params = { 'tile_pred': 'detect', 'slide_pred': 'detect', 'plot': False, 'patients': patients } all_tile_uq_thresh = [] all_slide_uq_thresh = [] all_slide_pred_thresh = [] df = pd.DataFrame() for k in range(1, outer_k+1): try: dfs = utils.df_from_cv( self.train_project, f'{label}-k{k}', outcome=self.outcome, k=inner_k, y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, uncertainty=uncertainty) except ModelNotFoundError: log.warn(f"Could not find {label} k-fold {k}; skipping") continue val_path = join( utils.find_model(self.train_project, f'{label}', kfold=k, outcome=self.outcome), tile_filename ) if not exists(val_path): log.warn(f"Could not find {label} k-fold {k}; skipping") continue tile_uq = threshold.from_cv( dfs, tile_uq='detect', slide_uq=None, **threshold_params )['tile_uq'] thresholds = threshold.from_cv( dfs, tile_uq=tile_uq, slide_uq='detect', **threshold_params ) all_tile_uq_thresh += [tile_uq] all_slide_uq_thresh += [thresholds['slide_uq']] all_slide_pred_thresh += [thresholds['slide_pred']] if sf.util.path_to_ext(val_path).lower() == 'csv': tile_pred_df = pd.read_csv(val_path, dtype={'slide': str}) elif sf.util.path_to_ext(val_path).lower() in ('parquet', 'gzip'): tile_pred_df = pd.read_parquet(val_path) else: raise OSError(f"Unrecognized prediction filetype {val_path}") utils.rename_cols(tile_pred_df, self.outcome, y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, uncertainty=uncertainty) def uq_auc_by_level(level): results, _ = threshold.apply( tile_pred_df, plot=False, patients=patients, level=level, **thresholds ) return results['auc'], results['percent_incl'] pt_auc, pt_perc = uq_auc_by_level('patient') slide_auc, slide_perc = uq_auc_by_level('slide') model = utils.find_model( self.train_project, f'{label}', kfold=k, epoch=1, outcome=self.outcome ) m_slides = sf.util.get_slides_from_model_manifest(model, dataset=None) df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame([{ 'id': id, 'n_slides': len(m_slides), 'fold': k, 'uq': 'include', 'patient_auc': pt_auc, 'patient_uq_perc': pt_perc, 'slide_auc': slide_auc, 'slide_uq_perc': slide_perc }])], axis=0, join='outer', ignore_index=True) thresholds = { 'tile_uq': None if not all_tile_uq_thresh else mean(all_tile_uq_thresh), 'slide_uq': None if not all_slide_uq_thresh else mean(all_slide_uq_thresh), 'slide_pred': None if not all_slide_pred_thresh else mean(all_slide_pred_thresh), } return df, thresholds def train(self, hp, label, filters=None, save_predictions='csv', validate_on_batch=32, validation_steps=32, **kwargs): r"""Train outer cross-validation models. Args: hp (:class:`slideflow.ModelParams`): Hyperparameters object. label (str): Experimental label. filters (dict, optional): Dataset filters to use for selecting slides. See :meth:`slideflow.Dataset.filter` for more information. Defaults to None. save_predictions (bool, optional): Save validation predictions to model folder. Defaults to 'csv'. Keyword args: validate_on_batch (int): Frequency of validation checks during training, in steps. Defaults to 32. validation_steps (int): Number of validation steps to perform during each mid-training evaluation check. Defaults to 32. **kwargs: All remaining keyword arguments are passed to :meth:`slideflow.Project.train`. Returns: None """ self.train_project.train( self.outcome, exp_label=label, filters=filters, params=hp, save_predictions=save_predictions, validate_on_batch=validate_on_batch, validation_steps=validation_steps, **kwargs ) def train_nested_cv(self, hp, label, outer_k=3, inner_k=5, **kwargs): r"""Train models using nested cross-validation (outer_k=3, inner_k=5), skipping already-generated models. Args: hp (slideflow.ModelParams): Hyperparameters object. label (str): Experimental label. Keyword args: outer_k (int): Number of outer cross-folds. Defaults to 3. inner_k (int): Number of inner cross-folds. Defaults to 5. **kwargs: All remaining keyword arguments are passed to :meth:`slideflow.Project.train`. Returns: None """ k_models = utils.find_cv(self.train_project, label, k=outer_k, outcome=self.outcome) for ki, k_model in enumerate(k_models): inner_k_to_run = [ k for k in range(1, inner_k+1) if not utils.model_exists(self.train_project, f'{label}-k{ki+1}', outcome=self.outcome, kfold=k) ] if not len(inner_k_to_run): print(f'Skipping nested cross-val (inner k{ki+1} for experiment ' f'{label}; already done.') else: if inner_k_to_run != list(range(1, inner_k+1)): print(f'Only running k-folds {inner_k_to_run} for nested ' f'cross-val k{ki+1} in experiment {label}; ' 'some k-folds already done.') train_slides = sf.util.get_slides_from_model_manifest( k_model, dataset='training' ) self.train( hp=hp, label=f"{label}-k{ki+1}", filters={'slide': train_slides}, val_k_fold=inner_k, val_k=inner_k_to_run, save_predictions=True, save_model=False, **kwargs )